Loss of another

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kieran ^^^^^^

Not edited

Eva's POV
I swiped at the blood squirting from his neck where Eric had took a bite out of him. Somewhere along the line he had pushed me out of the way, causing Eric to bite him instead of me. But he missed. Severing his jugular to a point where it was unclear whether he would survive.
I applied pressure to the wound and kneeled down next to his slumping body pulling him up slightly.
"Hey, look at me! Keep your eyes open!" I demanded. Watching as his eyes started to open and close furiously. Trying to process what had happened to him.
"Eva?" His voice was coarse and rough sounding, blood ran from his mouth as he spoke and I silently shushed him. Pulling his head into my neck.
"Hush now, we're gonna get you help and everything's gonna be okay" he laughed and then winced in pain, shaking his head from side to side.
"I'm not getting out of this one kitten"
I ignored his words and looked around for any sign of the boys. Eric was gone and I briefly wondered where he had ran off to.
But there he was. Lying dead on the floor at the bottom of the hill. All the wolves were crowded around him and I screamed for help. They all looked up and soon enough 6 wolves came running up the hill.
They all shifted back to human form and looked at the fallen alpha I was currently cradling to my chest.
"Eva, give him to me" Blake said, holding his hand out towards me.
"No!" I screamed, hugging him tighter.
"I just wanna help." He reasoned, giving me a sad smile. I felt the tears streaming down my face along with the, still pouring, rain.
"No, I'm not leaving him. Not again."
I looked into his green eyes and everything bad that had happened between us vanished from my mind. He was my mate, and right now I forgave him for everything.
"Baby, if we don't take him now he may not survive. The venom is already shutting down his wolf, no wolf means no healing." Chase said, coming to stand beside me. His hand clamped down on my shoulder and he pulled me back. Hoisting me up into his arms.
"NO! no chase! Put me down! I need him! Please!" I cried harder and started to thrash in his arms. I saw Kieran in front of me and he and chase shared a brief word before I was taken from chase and given to Kieran.
"Close your eyes little one" he said, walking towards the forest that they had came from.
"Why?" I whispered, afraid of his answer.
"Because, you need your rest and Blake needs to get Tate back to the pack house to heal." Hearing his name made everything more real. It was Tate back there. He was the one who saved me. And now I may never see him again. I balled my hands up into fists and started to beat on Kieran's bare chest.
"PUT ME DOWN! I WANT TATE!"i screeched. Full knowing I sounded like a five year old but I needed my mate.
Kieran just shushed me and kept on walking. The boys closely behind with Tate being carried by Blake and Scott.
An overwhelming need to sleep then over took me.
"Put me down" I whispered only half conscious. Put me down

I awoke to a semi-familiar bed with chase and Kieran curled up on either side of me. Their arms keeping me pinned to the bed. That wretched dress that I had once worn was nowhere in sight and I was now wearing chases old football jersey from when we actually showed up for school. I hadn't been in so long, guess I wasn't gonna graduate but right now I couldn't care less. Chases soft snoring made me realise that this was all real. Eric was dead. Almost all of the vampires in the clearing were dead. Was I to blame for the death of hundreds?
With that thought I sat up from the bed. Waking Kieran and Chase with my movements.
"Woah, hold on there little Miss white. You need your strength. No wolf means no healing. So no rubbing around until you get your wolf back or your ankle heals." Chase said in a demanding tone. I looked to Kieran to see if he saw any sense in chases words and was met with a serious look before he gently picked me up from the bed and cradled me in his arms.
As we exited the room I took a look around and recognised the house as the place I had woken up all those months ago. When I was first taken from my normal little life from my father and brother. How everything had changed.

Kieran placed me down at the breakfast bar where Scott was already sitting looking like death with an untouched pop tart in front of him. Chase sat on the opposite chair from mine with his head in his hands while Kieran busied himself looking for our breakfast.
Seeming to sense my arrival Scott looked up from the floor and pulled me out of my chair so I was sitting on his lap sideways with my legs draped over his side so I was facing Chase. Scott buried his nose into the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply, his arms encircling my waist, holding me close.
"Please tell me you're really here and this isn't another dream" he murmured. I smiled weakly and kissed the top of his head. Leaning my side into his chest. Kieran placed a bowl of cereal in front of me and sat down in the seat I was previously occupying.
The silence spoke louder than any words. None of us dared utter a word while the boys just stared at me in wonder. Kieran began playing my hair and soon Chase was stood up holding my hands in his, kneeling down and putting his forehead on my thigh.
Finally I spoke the words no one wanted to say.
"How is he?" My voice cracked at the end as I tried to hold in my tears.
There was no reply and Scott just buried his head further into my neck.
It was Kieran who spoke first.
"We don't know. We just...don't know" with that I jumped out from Scott's arms. Successfully pushing Chase away from me and had me falling to the ground because of my broken ankle.
Chase helped me up and picked me up. I was starting to get tired from all the babying I was receiving but decided to keep my mouth shut for the time being.
He climbed up the stairs with me safely in his arms. Leaving the boys and my cereal alone to think.
We got to the medical level. Blake was sitting outside the main operating room, looking at his hands as though they held the answers to all his problems. I tried to reach out to chase through the mind link but realised I couldn't.
"Chase, let me talk to him" I whispered quietly in his ear. He nodded and put me down on the couch next to Blake. I shuffled towards him and began rubbing his back with my hand in a comforting way. Chase was already half way down the stairs and Blake had still not realise I was there. I pulled my hand back and hesitantly stood up from the couch, being careful not to apply any pressure to my broken ankle.
I approached the white door and twisted the door knob, pushing it open.
Tate lay with a tube up his nose and multiple others all over his body. He was hooked up to a drip and I looked on in pain. Pulling a chair up and sitting besides his bed, staring at his lifeless body. I heard noises from the other side of the room and saw Emma come out of the bathroom, placing her plastic gloves back on. She looked over at me and ran towards me, pulling me into a bear hug while crying.
"I-I am s-s-so sorry about my b-brother" she said between sobs. I hugged her back and told her it was okay. Bradley was a lost soul and no one could've helped him.
"Where is he?" I asked curiously, pulling back to look at Emma. She looked down and the ground and shook her head.
"Oh" I gulped and swallowed back a sob, looking back at Tate.
Emma took the chart from the bottom of the bed and began talking.
"I managed to stop the bleeding and repair his jugular. But, I couldn't stop all of the venom, some of it attacked his nervous system and latched themselves to his blood cells. Successfully allowing him to change although this could mean many thi""
"em, you know I don't get stuff like that. Just tell me if he's gonna be okay." I said, grabbing onto Tates, surprisingly warm, hand.
"Well that really depends on how you look at it." She said nervously, rubbing the back of her neck.
"Just lay it on me emma" she placed her clipboard down and looked at me, I readied myself for what I was about to hear.
"Tates a hybrid"

Hope you guys liked it!
Any ideas what Eva's gonna think?

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Love you!
Hope and love

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