Blake's POV

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Blake's POV

Did he seriously just say what I think he just said?

"Betrothed!? Since when the fuck am I betrothed to that sorry excuse for a man!?" I heard my beautiful mate say, god she was stunning. Thick red hair flowing down down to her waist, just above her ass, she was perfect, I could get lost in her emerald green eyes, they were bug and round,p with flecks of gold sprinkled around them, her button nose led to her luscious red lips. She was small to me but to an average human male she was probably tall, she had long legs and was sun kissed from the sun, her breasts were big, probably a D cup.

Seriously, how the hell did I get so lucky? When I found out I had to share her my wolf was kinda pissed, he always was possessive, but after waiting hundreds of years for his true mate you could understand why, when I first saw her I couldn't believe my luck, a perfect girl, all for me, but when Scott, Tate and Kieran all said the same thing as me with the same look on their faces, I knew that she was their mate too. I guess I've gotten used to it, but that chase kid, god he pissed me off. How dare he touch my mate!? She was mine..I mean ours..oh fuck it! She was mine! She was still partly mine anyways.

It kinda confused me the way he shifted as soon as I mentioned sleeping with her though, who does that? I mean the only time a wolf shifts without control is when he feels angry or threatened, but I wasn't threatening him? I was simple trying to make him jealous, but why would he shift? Even if he was in love with Eva his wolf still wouldn't make him shift because he had a mate out there.

"Well my sweet little werewolf, it seems you haven't been informed properly of the prince's intentions with you" that snapped me out of my little daze, who the hell was this guy and who was he to say some guy was betrothed to my mate.

"Look dude, you either get the fuck out of my house or I throw you out the window and get my pack to kill you, your choice." I said, slightly growling at the end.

"Listen here 'dude' I am here for the girl, and I'm not leaving without her" he said mocking me, who the fuck did this guy think he was? Mocking me and trying to take my mate!

"Just get out of here Dorian, you have no business here, tell Eric I want nothing to do with him, he's nothing to me and I hope he's held at the stake" Eva said with her jaw clenched.

"We'll if that's how you feel about it then I shall go, but make no mistakes Evangeline, I will be back" I really didn't like this guy

Just kill him then! My wolf said

Skylar just shush okay? Now is not the time to think stuff like that

He growled in response, well can't argue with him, I could just kill him but that would cause war between werewolves and vampires, and that is something we really wanna avoid.

"Get the hell out Dorian!" Eva spat, wow she's hot when she's angry.

"As you wish, my dear" with that he left, hopefully to never come back.

"Now, wanna tell me how you held a high ranking vampire with flames?" I said genuinely confused by her strange talents. Surely she couldn't be an elemental? They were few in number and each one had a birthmark upon their cheek to resemble the suffering they had undergone during the hunt of Lilith in the old times. The times at which the ashen blood was taking over and the beats ran our world.

Wait, the beasts. They were known to have power and I had met a total number of one of the deadly monstrosities in my time on the council. The man was immediately put to death for his crimes against young wolves, killing them mercilessly during the blood moon. But he was an elemental and a aerternam. He was an atrocity. Surely my Eva couldn't be one of those things?

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