The battle

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eva ^^^^^^

Not edited

Okay so hi! I'm Mary and I'm basically Katy's sister! So originally Katy was meant to finish all of her stories before she went into the clinic and then this would become my channel but obviously that hasn't happened! So I read through all of her notes and she really hasn't finished this story...BUT I read all of your comments on this and wow! Y'all really like it! So I'm gonna basically come up with some stuff for this and don't worry! I won't mess it up! :P so without further ado! Here's the next chapter!

Eva's POV

The rain fell down from the sky onto my pale skin and blended with the crimson line of blood I had inflicted upon myself from all the writhing and kicking that I had been doing for what felt like forever. Eric hovered over my neck, his fangs ready to pierce where my mark from one of my mates laid. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest as though it was about to escape and finally end this travesty that I called life.
It was then, with my eyes closed tightly shut, that I finally felt the bite. Yet, this was not the bite of who I thought it might've been.

I opened my eyes and saw Eric's body being hauled off of me by a very naked, Tate.

That was when I saw them, thousand upon thousand of wolves emerging from the forests. A deep rumble of growls accompanied their strides. Then it happened.

Wolves jumped onto every vampire in sight and hisses were mixed with the wolves growling. My neck zinged in pain as i struggled more against the restraints. Eric and Tate were busy mauling each other to even notice how Erics fangs had sliced my neck. No, not a bite, I couldn't feel the venom, But this hurt more than anything in the world. This was the time to get Luna back.

Luna! I need you!

no reply, i know she was holding back my heat but she had to help me fight, i couldn't get out of these restraints without her. I needed to help the guys. Oh my gosh the guys! I didn't even think! where are the rest of them?

I looked around at the bloodshed that was happening around me. I spotted a blonde wolf fighting a tall lanky vampire who was aiming for his hind legs but was stopped by a red wolf with a white tip on his nose as he snapped the vampires neck, freeing the blonde. I instantly recognised them as Kieran and Scott. I smiled as they started to look furiously around until their eyes landed on me and then began howling at some wolves on the battlefield. Thousands of eyes snapped towards me and a black wolf jumped over the altar and tore at the bindings on my limbs until they finally broke. I sat up and stroked the wolf who i knew was Blake. He looked happy and nudged me to get on his back as a larger-than-average shewolf with blonde fur, a crown upon her head and crystal blue eyes came bounding up the hill with another large brown wolf behind her. She bowed her head at me before looking at the still struggling Tate and Eric.

"I'm not leaving him" I said in a small voice, the rain soaked my dress, causing it to cling to me as a second skin, the heels that were previously clean and spotless were now sinking into the wet grass, making me shorter by the second.

Blake couldn't talk to me through the mind link, no wolf, no mind link. Instead he hit my legs causing me to fall onto the brown wolfs back as we headed towards the forest.

"No! Put me down! I need to save him! Please!" Screaming I hit the wolfs back and jumped without a second thought out on to the floor, rolling around until I came to a stop under another vampire.

"So, you're Eric's bride? Well I'm sure he misses you" he grabbed me by the neck and threw me back up the hill. My back ached as I made impact with the grass. Once again Blake was next to me. Shaking his head in disapproval. A grey wolf was now next to him, slightly smaller but still radiating power as well as a half white, half black wolf. Chase and jake. The blonde crowned wolf was busy fighting some vampires at the bottom of the altar while Kieran and Scott were nowhere in sight.

Suddenly Tates body came tumbling at us, I ducked instinctively and it hit the boys, causing them to fall.

Raising my head I saw Eric. Covered in blood, fangs glinting a bright white, claws extended and his usual smirk on his lips.

"Come to fight me Evangeline? Gotta say, I'm a little bit hurt." He said fixing his now brown shirt.

I pulled of my heels and tore at the dress making it shorter so I could fight properly. Taking a hair tie and pulling my hair into a scruffy bun, I wiped the rain from my forehead and looked up at Eric.

"I'll always fight, you can count on that" with my final word he lunged at me.

I gave him a swift kick to the guy and clawed at his face, successfully cutting his ear to a point where it was dangling off.
While I was distracted by looking at his damage, he punched the side of my face, hitting my temple. I winced and flipped until I was behind him, jumping on his back and ironically, biting his neck.
He screamed like a little girl and bucked me off until I was laying on the floor.
I felt my ankle crack and cried. Eric started to walk forward, coming closer with every step.

"Y'know I really wish you would've been a good little beloved and stayed out of this! But no, you had to fight, had to have your little lap dogs come save you!" He was so close I could feel his breath mixing with mine.

"Well I got news for you"
He grabbed me by the arms and pulled me up into mid air. I held my head up high. Hey, if I was gonna die, I was gonna die bravely.

"If I can't have you...." He stopped and came in closer to my neck.
"No one can!" He screamed. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain but instead I heard a scream.

Not just any scream, a scream from my mate.

I gasped and ran towards him. Please no! Please god you can't do this to me! No!

Hey guys! Wow 2 updates in one day! So proud of myself!

What's happened!?

Who's hurt!?

Anyone know who that blonde wolf with the crown was?

Or her friend the other brown wolf?

Vote comment and follow guys!

Hope and love!


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