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Cassandra and Eric ^^^^^^^^

Eva's POV

I stared at myself in the reflective glass that i was sat in front of. I hardly recognized the girl staring back at me. Her vibrant red hair spilled over her shoulders elegantly in a curly state of freedom. Her bright green eyes were hooded with dark thick lashes coated in mascara. Blush and foundation adorned her cheeks and a generous amount of red lipstick stained her lips. To on lookers the girl was as beautiful as could be. But if you looked closely enough you would see the dried tears that were encrusted into her cheeks. The bloodshot eyes that had been overflowed with eye drops to disguise her unhappiness.  The red marks on her finger where she had desperately attempted to pull the item that was stuck around her finger off. She didn't want any of this. A war. Why a war? why must there be blood shed wherever this girl stepped? and then it occurred to me. This girl was me.

"now deary, no more crying. It is your wedding day after all." 

The small woman had said when she had first entered the room. That was my third time my heart dropped into my stomach in a matter of hours. A wedding? i thought. How is it my wedding day? It was then that i looked down at the dress that Eric had thrown at me moments before. 

Was this to be my wedding dress?

when i imagined my wedding there were always 5 men at my sides saying 'I do' and none of them were Eric. How was it that she was the last to know of this 'Wedding'?

snapping back to the present, i now asked the question that was on my mind.

"why is it that i am to be wed?" i said, not quite feeling like myself.

the woman smiled at me through the mirror. Gliding a brush through Unruly hair for the umpteenth time in minutes.

" you see dear, Prince Eric has been searching for you for over a year. He believes that in order for him to win this supposed war that he must cut off all bonds between you and your mates."

i thought for a moment, biting my lip in confusion on how Eric could be so malicious.

"but how is he going to cut off all bonds between me and my mates? No marriage can cut  off mates. Not even cheating can sever the bond."

She placed the brush down onto the dressing table and grabbed a diamond tiara that had been conveniently placed on the bed, her eyes filled with hope as she placed it on top of my head.

"I remember when i was your age. I found my mate on my seventeenth birthday. He was a mere rogue and I, and alphas daughter. Nevertheless i loved him. Every night he would bring me flowers and place them on my bedroom window. By the time I was 21 I decided to leave with him and become a rogue. My father, well, he was never a very accepting one. He would rather me interbreed with another species and have power than to live a life on the run with the man i loved. The night i had planned to leave me and my love mated for the first time. I fell pregnant with a beautiful baby boy and we found a new pack where, eventually, We found our place and worked our way up the ranks"

i stopped her and asked what exactly this had to do with anything but she quickly shushed me and carried on with her story.

"by the time i had fallen pregnant with my second child, me and my, now husband, were alpha and Luna. We raised our children to be strong and brave. And to never give up on anything. Then one horrible night rogues attacked our territory. I kissed my husband one last time and ran to fight them off along side my pack. I fought with all my might but, they took me. And that is how i ended up here."

i didn't know what to say. This woman looked so broken yet so beautiful at the same time. She looked vaguely familiar but i couldn't place it.

"But why didn't your mate come to save you? he was an alpha right? he should've fought for you!" 

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