Legend of the Digidestined

Start from the beginning

"Boom Bubble!" Patamon attacked, but his little bubble didn't pack a lot of boom.

The attacks bounced off Leomon as he reached up and grabbed Patamon in the air. He swueezed tightly as he stared down at Tk with white blank eyes.

"You shall be eliminated first, young one." Leomon said, raising his other fist and preparing for an attack.

I looked at Luna with determination shining in my eyes, she nodded, knowing exactly what to do.

I held my digivice high into the air and shouted, "Lunamon! Digivolve now!"

A bright light covered her and she grew triple in size.

"Lunamon! Digivolve to.... Lekismon!"

The light diminished and Lekismon sprang into action.

She rushed past the trees and hit Leomon's attacking hand, making him lose the prepared attack.

I pulled up my hood and ran out of the forest and grabbed a shocked Tk, holding him tightly as I ran away from the dark digimon.

"Wanna fight? How 'bout a prickly bangzoo!" A voice shouted from above.

I looked up and saw Togemon falling from the sky onto Leomon, knocking him to the ground and releasing Patamon.

Tk wiggled out of my arms and rushed to his partner.

"Patamon, take it easy buddy." He said to Patamon.

"I'm sorry." Patamon said confusing Tk.

"What for?"

"I was just trying to protect you."

"And you were doing great, don't feel bad little guy." Tk encouraged, holding Patamon tight and close.

Just then, I heard buzzing from above and sae Kabuterimon flying down from the sky.

"Tai, you're never going to believe this!" Izzy shouted with Mimi behind him.

"What's happening, Izzy?" Tai asked as they landed.

Izzy hopped off of Kabuterimon and said, "We have the consummate answer to all our problems."

"That's cool, but what are you talking about?"

Izzy and Mimi pulled out their digivices and held them out for Tai to see.

"Check these out." Mimi said.

"They call them digivices." Izzy said, "They have the capability to completely obliterate the black gear."

Tai gasoed remembering the night we were all separated, "Something like happened back when we were attacked the first time. We have to give them a try, I mean, we don't have any other options right now. We have to put an end to this and stop him."

Matt ran in front of his little brother, hiding him from Leomon's eyes.

"I've got you covered, Tk." He said, he kept his eyes on Leomon, but then, his gaze was diverted when Tai began walking up to him.

"You want a real fight? Come and stop us if you dare." He said without any fear. I smiled as he walked, "What are you waiting for, booger breath, come and get us."

Matt looked at him as if he was crazy, "What's up, dude, have you totally flipped out?" He asked.

I started walking as well, Lekismon landing by my side and walking beside me.

"He hasn't lost it." I said, startling Matt and Tk, "He knows what to do."

"I must do as I'm commanded." Leomon said, "Come here."

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