X Chapter Twenty Five X

Start from the beginning

I caught his hand in mine and offered him a smile, "I'll be okay." I tried to reassure him, "I'll probably just nap most of the day until the room stops spinning."

His frown deepened.

"We can celebrate when you get back." I squeezed his hand in mine, "and I won't complain about any weird foods you make me eat for the baby's health."

His frown disappeared and he leaned forward and kissed me sweetly. "I love you."

My heart skipped a beat, "I love you too." I smiled up at him.

"Rest." He tenderly caressed my cheek. Illumi waited until I settled back into bed and closed my eyes before taking his leave.

As I settled into the soft bed, I momentarily worried Illumi might try to kidnap another medical professional to bring home but pushed it to the back of my mind. Before I knew it, I drifted back to sleep. I wasn't entirely sure if I was exhausted because of pregnancy related things or the amount of time Illumi and I had spent in bed (well all over the West Wing is probably more accurate) the past few weeks. The nausea and dizziness were most likely pregnancy related, the headache was a toss up it was either pregnancy or exhaustion related.

It didn't feel like I'd been asleep long before I was being awoken with a start as I felt someone swaddling me in blankets before I was lifted into a pair of strong arms. I still felt fatigued and nauseous and slowly opened my eyes. My eyes widened as I spotted Hisoka smiling down at me as if this was a completely normal thing for him to be doing.

"Morning Syn-chan." He said in a sing song voice.

"Oh no." I groaned and tried to push away from him, "no. You're not kidnapping me."

"I told you I would." He winked.

"No. You picked the worst possible time!" I struggled to break from his hold but my body felt heavy, my head was spinning and I found I had no strength.

"Oh?" Hisoka snickered, "shall we reschedule?"

"Yes, can we reschedule to never?" I grumbled as I summoned some low-level hell hounds, it was about all I could do in my weird state of being.

"Now works better for me." Hisoka smiled coyly before noticing the hounds surrounding us. He feigned a sigh as if this was a huge inconvenience before fixing me with a mischievous look, "I thought you'd be more cooperative, Syn-chan."

"Like hell!" I attempted to disentangle myself from the blankets threatening to strangle me.

"They'll go away if I knock you unconscious, right?" He mused.

"Ah! Don't you dar-." I cut off as he hit a pressure point at the base of my neck and I slipped into unconsciousness. Illumi was going to be livid.


When I came to consciousness, I found my ankles and wrists tightly bound in some kind of sticky substance that I couldn't see unless I used gyo. I struggled against the hot pink sticky bonds but couldn't break free no matter how much I struggled. My head was throbbing and I felt like I was going to be sick. Deciding struggling was getting me nowhere, I surveyed my surroundings. I was outside, somewhere wooded.

"Hisoka!" I yelled.

"Oh, are you awake, Syn-chan?" Hisoka's voice sounded from somewhere above me. I managed to roll over onto my back and looked up. The homicidal clown was sitting casually on one of the thick tree branches smiling down at me.

For some reason lying on my back looking up at the tree branches around me, made my stomach lurch. I hurriedly rolled over and struggled to get to my hands and knees as I felt the contents of my stomach jump into my throat.

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