X Chapter Twenty Eight X

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 I woke in the early morning and cringed as some natural light spilled into the bedroom from a curtain Alluka was currently playing with. I did a double take, to make sure I'd really seen Alluka. Sure enough she was standing near the window making the curtains whoosh open then closing them only to repeat the process. She looked bored as if she'd been waiting here for some time.

"Alluka-chan!" I sat up with a smile.

She turned to me, her bright blue eyes lighting up and ran to me with her arms open wide. "Nee-sama!" She hopped atop the bed and threw her arms around me, "I've missed you!"

"I've missed you too and Nanika-chan too. How are you both?" I asked her as I hugged her tightly.

"Good." Alluka smiled as she settled on the bed beside me. "Nanika-chan misses you too."

"I have some news I wanted to share with you two." I smiled as she snuggled into my arms, getting comfortable.

"Really?" Alluka asked excitedly.

"I was hoping Illumi would be here to share it with me though." I frowned slightly as I realized he wasn't in the room.

"He's downstairs." Alluka scooted out of the bed and waited for me to follow her.

The demon peanut protested since the sun was up but I managed to get out of bed. Alluka slipped her hand in mine and we headed downstairs. Illumi looked up from the raw steaks he was chopping up into bite sized pieces and threw me an inquisitive look. It was rare for me to be functioning when the sun was awake.

"I told you not to wake her." Illumi turned his dark soulless gaze to Alluka.

"She didn't." I reassured him and winked at Alluka causing her to giggle.

"How come you're cutting up meat? Why don't you have a butler do it?" Alluka pondered as we joined him in the kitchen.

Illumi didn't respond and continued his task. The reason, though he hadn't quite expressed it, was that he didn't trust anyone to handle my food safely enough. Realizing her brother wasn't going to respond, Alluka turned to me with a smile.

"So what's the news, Nee-sama?" She asked excitedly.

I looked at Illumi expectantly.

He set the knife down and turned around but said nothing.

I couldn't help but smile at him before looking down at Alluka's face lit up with curiosity. "You're going to be an aunt soon."

Alluka thought for a moment, "you're having a baby?!" She squealed as she connected the dots.

I laughed and nodded.

She threw her arms around me and pressed her face into my abdomen in an attempt to talk to the demon peanut, "this is so exciting." Her body suddenly stilled and shuddered for a moment before her eyes turned black and Nanika was suddenly smiling up at me, "I can't wait to meet Mara."

Illumi threw me a sharp look as if to ask if I needed help. I shook my head at him before smiling down at Nanika. "You know her name?"

"She told me." Nanika giggled.

"She did?" I looked down at my still flat belly.

Nanika nodded.

"So you can communicate with Mara?" I asked in awe.

"A little." Nanika grinned.

"Is she doing okay?" I asked worriedly. It had taken a while to find things I could eat, did it take us too long?

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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