X Chapter Fifteen X

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Syn- Age 20

Illumi- Age 24

Killua- 12



Milluki( nobody cares, at least one person wants him to die violently, and two people are laying claim to the anime collection...I'm still hoping for an epic rock paper scissors to the death battle but who knows, we'll let them work that out)*edit* more people are laying claim to the anime collection, at least one person has declared they're bringing real scissors, rocks and papers to this showdown, I advise all participants to wear safety gear *hands out helmets, protective eye-wear, knee-pads, elbow-pads, pillows, plushies and all the tape* good luck everyone) **additional edit** (there are now swords involved in the rock paper scissors battle for the anime collection, I'm just gonna hand out giant inflatable sumo suits and I'll just see how things unfold....good luck everyone......) **additional, additional edit** there are now guns involved.... yall are getting expensive, everyone needs to sign a liability form and wear kevlar lined sumo suits, helmets, face masks and have a kevlar buddy holding a riot shield, let's just call them your personal kevlar butlers that protect you.....yep well this is sure to be entertaining and costly....be safe everyone and good luck)- 19

The ages are staying here for a while since we're at the start of the anime 

Illumi reluctantly left me in our loft, only after Zeno swore he would only allow butlers who were loyal to him tend to me and assured him nobody else would be permitted near our living quarters, to take the Hunter Exam. I was to be confined to the west wing until Illumi had returned so my wounds could heal and to avoid any further family conflict. Unfortunately, this meant, I couldn't visit Alluka.

Zeno stopped by every day to play chess with me, I spent most of my time in bed as anytime Zeno caught me anywhere else, I was scolded and ushered back into bed. A little over a week after Illumi left for the Hunter Exam, the tail I'd sent with Killua alerted me to Killua's distress. Something had happened, he wasn't physically harmed but something was tearing him up inside, his emotions were a mess.

"Kil-chan!" I gasped as I bolted out of bed. Something was wrong. His emotions came pouring into me, he felt so lost, helpless, broken. Tears burned behind my eyelids.

"Syn?" Zeno appeared at my side as I made a dash for the stairs. "You need to res-."

"No! Something is wrong with Kil-chan." I skidded to a halt as Zeno appeared before me, halting me with a single look.

"Is he injured?" He asked me seriously.

"Not physically, but something is wrong." I attempted to side step him, but he was far too quick for an old geezer. "Jiji!"

"You're in no condition to be chasing after anyone. Get back to bed." He ushered me back to bed before taking his leave, though I knew he was probably monitoring the exit.

I scrambled for my mobile device atop my nightstand and hurriedly called Illumi.

"Syn?" His toneless voice sent my heart aflutter, "What's wrong?"

"Something is wrong with Kil-chan! You have to get to him! He was terrified a few moments ago and now something is wrong, he's upset."

"I'm with him now." Illumi noted emotionlessly.

"What happened?! Is he okay?"

"He's fine." Illumi responded simply.

I bit my lip, I could feel Killua's inner turmoil from the imp currently attached to him. "He's not fine."

X Syn X (Illumi) Hunter X HunterWhere stories live. Discover now