Potions and Choices

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Professor Flitwick came up to the common room about thirty minutes later and told everyone to go to their next class. The first years made their way to the dungeons for the first potions class with Professor Slughorn.
Everyone took their seats before class started. About a minute later Professor waltzed in. It was dead silent.
"I do not expect all of you to do well in this class as it will be difficult. It takes a great deal of patience to become great at the exact art of potion-making. But, I believe that with the right guidance, you all will have a wide amount of knowledge in this subject." He started. Lily looked on eagerly. Min and John always spoke highly of Professor Slughorn's class.
"Open your books to page 17, Cure for Boils, and read the instructions. I will demonstrate afterward."
"Professor, I, uh, I already know this." Lily said sheepishly. It didn't help this was one of the classes she had with Slytherin.
"Of course Potter knows it. Spent too much time with your aunt, Potter?"
"Leave her alone, Malfoy." Willow would have stood straight up if not for Lily holding her sleeve.
"Lily, let me go." She said trying to act calm.
"No. Not until you calm down and open your book."
"Ok, Ms. Potter. Can you brew it for me?"
"Yes, Professor." Lily got to work preparing her station and measuring ingredients. Thirty minutes passed and Lily was halfway done when he started demonstrating. By the top of the hour, when the rest of the class started, she was done. Her potion was the perfect light yellow color.
"My goodness. Ms. Potter, you are one of the only first-years to get this potion right the first time. You definitely live up to your family name. Everyone in your family was excellent at potions. Ten points to Ravenclaw for perfection." Lily beamed until she got hit in the back of the head with three snake fangs. She turned and glared at Malfoy and his buddies. They snickered as she turned back around.
"What's the matter, Potter? Scared?" Malfoy laughed.
"I am going to the same thing my dad said to yours when he asked that question, "You wish."
"Then, turn back around and face me."
"Focus on your potion, Mr. Malfoy. One mistake could be severe." Professor Slughorn interrupted. Malfoy shut his mouth into a sneer. Lily turned to Conor who was currently struggling.
"Professor, can I help Conor?" She asked quietly as he walked by.
"Of course. Just don't do it for him."
"I know." She stood up and walked towards Conor's station. "Need help?" She asked.
"Yes, please. What does this mean?" He pointed to where it said to cut the snake fangs into pieces, then crush when adding to the potion.
"Do you want me to show you?" He nodded. She took an extra snake fang and demonstrated.
"Oh. Thanks, Lily."
"No problem."
"Ms. Potter?" Professor Slughorn called her up to the front. She slowly stood back up and speed-walked to his desk.
"Yes, Professor?"
"Would you like to move up to my second-year class? It's the same day just later. It doesn't affect the rest of your schedule that much."
"Can I have time to think about it?"
"Of course, just let me know soon." She nodded.
"Did he just ask you what I think he asked up?" Willow questioned. Lily was too shocked to speak so she just nodded.
"Wow, a first-year taking a second-year course. Are you going to take it? This is a big opportunity. Imagine what your parents are going to say."
"Can we not talk about it right now?"
"Have a good day, class." Slughorn dismissed them.

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