Chapter 16

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Numbers. Numbers. Codes. Letters. Codes. Numbers. Letters. Codes. Letters. Codes. Numbers. Codes. Numbers. Codes. Letters.

Brian's mind was all but made up of numbers, codes, and letters. In fact, he couldn't remember the last time he had thought, or spoken for that matter, in an actual sentence. He didn't think anymore, he just did.

However, he occasionally felt.

All the times in which he had felt comfort or anything of the sort had been through the masked fellow that took him everywhere. Faintly, he remembered the masked one changing his wet clothes in the morning. He didn't know why, but before he could even begin to think about it, a long string of numbers arose in his head. Another code.

"Who the hell are you?"

The masked man, that had been rubbing soothing circles into his back, charged at the older man. Brian stared at the female companion before also tackling her to the floor.

Once again, he could not think, he could just do. What he did, was raise his fist and slam it into the woman's face. She screamed as he slammed it repeatedly, blood from both her nose and mouth staining his glove.

From the corner of his eye, Brian saw the masked fellow raising a large rock and bringing it down onto the man's head. Below him, the woman squirmed and screamed. Brian pressed his two thumbs against her eyeballs, crushing them through her eyelids. She opened her eyes to reveal the crushed organs that were her eyes, blood spilling down her cheeks.

Brian felt no remorse, or even thought about it. He just... did.

The masked fellow was still fighting the older man when Brian felt himself standing up. Brain turned around and ran through the forest, away from the hospital. There was something about the hospital that he didn't like. It made more codes appear in his mind, and that he could do without.

He ran and ran until he suddenly hit the ground. Funny, he hadn't felt pain or tiredness from running. Yet, here he was, panting on the ground of a parking lot of the park.


The name sounded familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it. His mind had exposed incoherent sentences that included: WHO ARE YOU? YOU ARE YOU. DISTORTED. BROKEN. CANNOT BE FIXED.

"It's me... It's Jay."

The name made Brian jerk violently as a voice suddenly screamed in his head, "YOU! YOU SET THIS UP!"

"Here, come on, my car is right there. Let's get you inside or something."

Brian faintly felt someone help him shakily walk towards a vehicle.

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