Don't You Dare Be Late (Short Story)

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"You don't need me." Bucky says, shaking his head. "I know it's crazy to think, but we can have lives outside of each other. I mean, sure, you won't have me to drag you out of your stupid shenanigans anymore, but you'll be just fine without me."

"But I don't want to be just fine without you." Steve frowns, shaking his head. "I'm with you to the end of the line. That's our saying. How am I possibly keeping my end if I leave you?"

"You'll only be gone for ten seconds for me. Remember?" Bucky smiles. "So, technically, I'm the one not keeping my end."

Steve huffs, frowning. He stands up, running his fingers through his hair. He paces around the room. "I've been preaching to people to move on. I'm a hypocrite if I don't follow my own sayings." He exclaims, jabbing at his chest.

"Everyone got their loved ones back." Bucky says, leaning back against the bed. "You didn't."

"But I did." Steve argues. "I got you. I got Sam. I have Nat. . ." He trails, his gaze dropping to the floor. Natasha's missing presence still doesn't seem right to him. He keeps thinking he'll turn the corner and she'll be practicing her ballet or watching her favorite tv show. Instead, he finds old emails or texts with smiley faces on the end.

"Natasha wouldn't want you dwelling here unhappy, Steve." Bucky says, standing up. "She would want you to be happy again. To be your spunky self again." He adds, gently slapping Steve's chest.

He gives a soft smile, but looks to the floor again. He lets out a shaky sigh. "But Peggy has a life without me, Bucky. I can't just barge into her life and take that away from her."

"Then don't."

Steve whips his head up.

Bucky shrugs his shoulder. "It's clear to me that this Captain America stuff has run its course for you. Go back and be with her and leave the missions to her. It's okay for you to say you're done. You helped save half the population, goddamnit. You can retire before someone makes you, ya know." Bucky says with a smile.

"But what do I do then?" Steve asks.

"You'll be there for her. Support her in everything she does." Bucky says. "I mean, come on, Steve. We both know the 40's weren't exactly the greatest time for women like her. She'll need you to be there for her if she ever feels like giving up."

"Of course, I'll be there for her." Steve immediately says. "I always have supported her in everything she's done. But I won't have you or Sam. Hell, I don't even have a hobby."

"If I remember correctly, there was a time when I couldn't get you out of the house because you were too busy doodling on that dumb art pad." Bucky teases, making Steve laugh.

"You're the one who gave me that art pad as a Christmas gift." He grins.

"Only because I was sick of having to stare at it through the window on those freezing mornings before school." Bucky smiles, gently nudging Steve's shoulder.

Steve softly chuckles, shaking his head. He looks into Bucky's eyes. "So you think I should stay?"

"I think you deserve happiness." Bucky says, grabbing his shoulder. "And I finally have the technology right outside to give you your happiness."

Steve gently smiles. "If I go, I'm not saying I am, you'll keep an eye on Sam?"

"If by keeping an eye on him, you mean bugging the shit out of him, then yes. That guy is easier to pick on than you."

"Well, I like to think it has something to do with the fact that I'm finally taller than you."

"If that's what helps you sleep at night, punk."

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