Forty One: This Shits need to stop

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Lauren's P.O.V

I looked around the club for Camila for an hour, but she was no where in sight. She was the only reason I came to find her because I got told what she was doing and wanted to make sure she was okay. I hated myself for leaving her like that but I had to. Taylor was so upset and I never wanted to make things even worse between her and Camila cause if I continued going to her it would make Taylor worse and the longer she and Camila would be apart and I couldn't have that. They need each other more than Camila and I do. I thought if I put some space between Camila and I it would make it easier for Taylor to connect with her again, but it never worked. I can't blame Taylor for it all I think a part of me used it as an excuse stay away from Camila because the way I was feeling about her was scaring the shit out of me. And the longer I stayed away, the harder it was for me to call her until I heard she was going down the wrong path and I was to blame. I am such a selfish bastard, I should have never left her like that. It never stopped me from missing her crazy

I decided enough was enough. I love my little sister, but it's time she got over it and accepted it. She still hasn't given me the chance to explain that it is more than sex, anytime I went to bring up the topic, she wouldn't listen, but not anymore....I wanna be with Camila and she needs to find a way to come to terms with that, well if Camila even gives me another chance.

I grabbed my phone calling Taylor and soon she answered

"Are you still awake?" I said
"Yes." She said confused
"I'm coming over there because we need to talk." I said hanging up

I jumped back since my car heading straight to Taylor's apartment. I didn't even bother knocking so I just walked straight in and soon I was in front of her

"This shit needs to stop Taylor. I am done walking on egg shells around you. Camila needs us...she needs both of us and you need to get over it. Yes we should've never have lied like we did and went behind your back like that, but we are both human and and we all fuck up." I said getting straight to the point
"The two of you lied to me and broke the one rule I had. I have the right to be angry Lauren." She said
"This isn't about you Taylor. You don't get it do you cause you never gave any of us a chance to explain. This isn't just sex." I said trying to stay calm
"I can't fucking think straight without her, I can't sleep right because I was used to her being there. It hurts Taylor, I miss her. Don't you see it is more than what you believe?" I continued

Taylor when to talk, but I stopped her, not finished talking and she needs to realize what I feel for Camila

"You are always saying that you want me to meet a nice girl, settle down. You are always trying to set Camila up even though she doesn't want. Camila is amazing Taylor would you rather see me be with someone like her see me or screwing around? Wouldn't you rather see Camila be with someone you know and trust?" I said softly "Taylor, I need Camila in my life. I have been miserable without her." I added going over to sit next to her

Taylor was looking at me with a strange look, not saying a single word at first

"Oh My God." She said suddenly "Are you in love with Camila?" She added, her jaw about to hit the floor

In love? Was I? I never have loved anyone, never mind being in love with someone. I sat there for the next few minutes playing everything through my head. Thinking about the way I was around her, thinking about the way I have missed her these last few weeks, thinking about how I feel when she's close to me, when we kissed, had sex, and that's when it clicked

"I'm in love with Camila?" I said aloud asking myself
"Lauren, I'm sorry I have never realized." Taylor said regret written on her face
"I know I am sorry. I think I was scared in case maybe the two of you would forget about me. You and Mila are the only family I have left. I was scared you would break her heart and I would lose her, but I'm thinking that way I was the one that hurt her...her you." She said

It was then I realized why she was really upset, she thought she would lose us both, the same way we both lost our parents. I knew that feeling too well, the feeling of being scared...scared to lose the only people I trust in my life

"I know that feeling. Taylor I am sorry we lied to you. Camila and I would never leave you Taylor. I am not gonna lie when it started, it was only sex, then the more time I spent with her things began to change. I fucked up more than once cause I was scared how I was feeling about her." I said
"I never even knew you were interested in her at all." She said surprised
"I wasn't until last year. I just never expected to fall in love with her." I said "Taylor I need to go to her, tell her how I feel and it would make me feel better if I had your blessing. She makes me happy...I make her happy...I think, well if she will ever talk to me again since I have ignored her for three weeks." I added sadly

Taylor never answered, but instead she grabbed her phone and I soon hear Camila's voice on the other side of the phone, it sounded broken and I felt my heart break knowing I was part of the reason she was feeling this way

"Taylor?" I hear her say
"Mila, I am so sorry. I should've never acted this way, left you like that. I miss you." Taylor said crying

Camila replies, but I couldn't make out what she was saying, she was crying too

"I will be over soon. I love you." Taylor said hanging up

Taylor quickly jumped to her feet, grabbing her jacket and her shoes. I sat there not sure what was happening. I know Taylor was going to see Camila, but I wasn't sure if I should go too or if I should leave them alone to talk

"She sounds so sad." Taylor said hurting for best friend
"I know, I saw it in her eyes when I saw her tonight." I said

"Now come on, we need to make sure she is okay. You need to tell her how you really feel about her. I can't believe the one woman who has made you fall in love is my best friend. The one girl you never seemed to be interested in. The one girl you have known practically your entire life." She said smiling at me
"Who knew? Maybe it is true what the say, sometimes what you want and need has always been in front of you and it takes time to realize it." I said smiling
"Maybe. Now I understand why you were happier than usual, why you've so miserable these last few weeks. Is that who you went away with for you birthday?" Taylor asked
"Yes, back then it was only sex. I think maybe it was the time away together that made things begin to change between us." I said smiling as I remembered how much fun we had the weekend

"Lauren, if you break her heart I will kill you." Taylor said
"I know, but I don't plan on doing that to her...I promise." I said
"Okay come on, she needs us both and she needs to know how you feel." Taylor said

The two of us headed out of her apartment and jumped straight in my car to go Camila's house. I don't even know if she will speak to me. I am really hoping I haven't fucked us this full thing with Camila



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