Forty One: The Truth

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Camila's P.O.V

Lauren and I were messing around on my sofa making out, Lauren tickling me and I was giggling and squealing. It has been a couple of days since our talk and things had been going great. And this weekend, we were gonna talk with Taylor, get everything out in the open before things get more serious with us. I was dreading how she would react, but Lauren and I agreed if she can't accept it then we need to slow down, give Taylor to adjust cause we don't wanna lose her

"Lauren stop." I squealed as she started tickling me again

Lauren laughed loudly, eventually stopping. She reached down kissing me, soon things becoming heated and as we were both getting into it

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" We heard someone shout from behind us

We quickly pulled apart turning around and when we did, we both froze. Standing there was Taylor, I have never seen her look as hurt and disappointed. I went to open my mouth, but no words came out. I went to move to go to her, but it felt like I had no control of my body.

"Taylor, this isn't what it looks like." Lauren said the panic clear in her voice
"You weren't just on top of my best friend?" She hissed "I had one fucking rule and you both go do this to me? How could you...both of you?" She said now crying

Shit! I managed to take control back of my body, getting to my feet and going over to her

"Taylor, please I am sorry, this was never meant to happen. We were gonna tell you." I said not realizing I was crying too

I went to reach for her, but she pulled away from me

"How could you do this? I trusted you Camila and you go do this? Is fucking my sister really worth losing our friendship over her? Her I could expect this Not so much." She said coldly

Lauren soon appeared next to me now

"Taylor, it isn't like that." She said "We were gonna tell you." She added
"BUT YOU NEVER! HOW FUCKING LONG?!" She said, her raised voice taking us both by surprised cause we were not expecting it

Lauren and I looked at each other, both knowing when we tell her how long things were gonna get ten times worse but there was no point lying about it, what good would that do?

"Since I came back home after being away." Lauren said

All I could do was nod my head, my mouth dying up again, stopping me from speaking. All I could see in her eyes as she looked at us is pain, disappointment, and her trust in us has disappeared

"I am done...with both of you. The both of you are clearly selfish and don't give a fuck about my feelings...all that for sex? Of course it is only sex. Lauren doesn't do anything more than that." She said disgusted
"That is fucking unfair Taylor, you have no damn clue what you are talking about." Lauren snapped at her
"WELL OBVIOUSLY FUCKING NOT CAUSE NONE OF YOU TOLD ME ANYTHING. CAMILA YOU AND I ARE DONE, HOPE SHE WAS WORTH IT." She hissed looking at me "Who knew you were this kind of girl? Don't ever speak to me again." She snapped before storming off

FUCK!!!! I have just lost my best friend and I have no one to blame but myself. I went to go after her, but Lauren stopped me

"I'll talk to her. I don't want her anger being taken out on you. I can handle her." She said taking a hold of my hand
"She deserves to be mad after what we did Lauren. I just lost my fucking best friend. You and her are family by are the only family she has, she will forgive you in no time." I said sobbing
"Camz, you're not going to lose her, give her time and I'll talk to her okay? Explain this is more than sex and hopefully that will help." She said pulling me into her chest, hugging me

I clung to her, breaking to her until I had to stop before I pass out. I let her go after a few moments, knowing she had to go after taylor. She placed her finger on my chin, making me look up at her. She reached in and wiped my tears away

"It will be okay, I promise. I will call you once I have spoken to her. Camz baby, Taylor isn't gonna cut you out of her life. You mean too much to are family to her." She said softly
"I don't know Lauren. She hates me now, I could see it in her eyes. I am a terrible best friend." I said beginning to cry again
"No she doesn't. Taylor is just upset and we can't blame her. We should've told her sooner, but once she knows the truth...the truth about us...about our feelings then hopefully she will understand." She said stroking my face "Please try and calm down. I don't want anything to happen to you like passing out." She said

I nodded, not enough air left to actually talk. She reached in kissing me softly, promising me she would call or come back once she had spoken to her. I know she was trying to make me feel better, make things easier for me, but I have a bad feeling in my guy that was not gonna be the case. I grabbed my phone, trying to call times, each time she rejected my calls. I decided to send her a text, one she would probably not even read

Camila: Taylor, please I am sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. You know I would never hurt you on purpose. You are my best friend and I should've never done this behind your back, but it was never meant to was never meant to become more. I promise we were gonna tell you this weekend. I don't wanna lose you Taylor, you mean too much to me. I love you please forgive me? I will do anything, just please don't leave me

I read it over many times before deciding to actually send it. I stared at my phone for an hour straight, and she never replied. I was feeling numb, lost, and like the worst person in the world. Before I knew it, I was breaking down again, crying all over again. I curled up on the sofa, hugging the cushion waiting and and praying to hear from Taylor...for Lauren even to know what is happening, but nothing. The hours passed by, I tried calling Lauren, she rejected my calls too. Have I lost the two of them?


Uh Oh..... ☹️ What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter??


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