Chapter Twenty - One: It comes with the charm

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Lauren's P.O.V

I was on my way over to Camila's house to try and make amends with her. I knew she was pissed at me for ditching her last night, but at the same time she shouldn't because she doesn't have the right. Her and I are only having sex. It's not like we are dating. But I thought it was for the best since she and I have plans for my birthday. I came to her house carrying coffee, pancakes, and muffin. I did try calling her once I got home, but she rejected my calls. I tried texting her this morning, but no replies and that is why I'm now standing at her front door. Time to see if she will let me inside or slam the door on my face. I knocked on her door loudly making sure she heard me. There was no answer for the first time and I did it again, but even louder. She probably knows it's me. I will keep knocking, louder each time until she finally answers the door. She should know that I am very persistent. My plan worked, she was soon answering the door, not long by the look of her face. She was still in her nightgown and her hair was messy.

"Are you trying to knock my damn door down Lauren?" She hissed "and what the hell do you want?" She added

I think she is maybe be both mad cause I left her last night and crabbit since I woke her up.

"I came to say sorry about last night." I said
"Why say sorry? You're only meant to say sorry if you actually mean it and by those hickeys all over your neck I don't think one bit you are." She said annoyed

She was right, my neck was covered in them and the one I was with last night is a bit of a biter. I found myself smirk because as I thought about it. Camila shook her head, about to close the door, but I never gave her the chance to. Instead I blocked the door with my foot and made my way inside her apartment.

"Why are you this mad at me? It's not like we're dating, we're only having sex." I said
"It has nothing to do with what we are or not Lauren." She said frustrated
"Then why the heck are you mad at me?" I said
"Cause you said you would hang out with me then some fucking hoe calls you and you fuck off without even having a second thought. I get it though, we're not even friends so what do I expect?" She sighed

She did have a point. We're not friends...not really. Anytime we hang out, it begins or ended with sex. I bit my tongue carefully what I should say next in case she takes it the wrong way

"Camz, I'm sorry okay? I shouldn't have done that. That was such a jackass move of me, but you should know me by now and this is what I'm like when it comes to me and sex." I shrugged
"Whatever Lauren!" She grabbing the bag from my hands and walked away

I sighed, running my fingers through my hair before taking a deep breath and going after her. I think I need to find a way to lighten up the mood a little

"You don't want me, but you will happily take the food? I asked pouting and went to sit across from her
"Yes...because I like food... I don't like you." She said, a small smirk forming on her lips

I could see her starting to forgive me. I need to remember that for future reference because I am sure this will not be the last time she'll get mad at me. If I bring her food, she will stop being mad. She's easily pleased which makes things easier. I know many woman would expect flowers and chocolate as that is something I DO NOT do. I have never brought any woman flowers except Taylor. I find them cheesy and pointless. I slid her coffee over to her, and she slid me a muffin. I think we're getting somewhere now

"I hope it was worth it. Ditching me for Ms. Bitey?" She asked looking up at me

I think maybe this was a tricky question. I don't know woman are confusing.

"Not as good as you baby." I said winking at her

I watch a smirk appear on her lips, her cheeks turning a shade of red. She both enjoyed and was a little embarrassed with my comment. Camila rolls her eye at me playfully, before taking another bite of her breakfast. I stood from the seat across from her, going around to where she was. I swiveled the chair she was sitting on to face me, stepping in between her legs. I placed my finger on her chin, making her look at me

"Am I forgiven yet Camzi?" I asked

Camila shook her head, folding her arms over her chest. I leant in, pressing my lips softly against hers. I kept it gentle and placed my hands at each side of the chair.

"What about now?" I mumbled against her lips

Camila shook her head again, this time a little smile playing on her lips

"Now?" I muttered against her lips, kissing her a little harder this time.

Camila moved closer to the front of the chair, grabbing my shirt and pulling me in closer to her

"You are getting there." She said into the kiss

I gripped her hips tightly in my hands, running my tongue over her lip, Camila parting her lips and letting me slide my tongue into her mouth nudging hers. Her hands snaked around my neck, pressing her tongue back against my own. I pulled her to her feet, lifting her up and placing her on the island, taking stance between her legs once again, our lips not parting once. I ran my hands up on her bare thighs making her moan loudly. I knew we couldn't do anything, but that don't mean I'm not enjoying kissing her. Camila wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me even closer to her. She and I got into a very heated...very passionate make out session, until the both of us were struggling to breathe, forcing us to pull apart.

"What about now?" I smirked

It was best we pulled apart before things get to much to handle and neither of us can do anything about it.

"Yes." She said in a small pant
"Good. I will make it up to you probably when I can." I said
"I will hold you to that." She said winking at me

I helped her down from the table, pulling into me for another quick kiss. I knew it was best for me to stop since she was already turned on. She smoothed her nightgown, fixing her hair before she made her way to her seat again and I did the same. A silence fell between us because we were busy trying to finish our breakfast. I was smirking while I watched her. She could never stay mad at me, no woman can. I know how to make them forgive me, and it comes with my charm. I call it charm. I'm sure most woman have other names for it. It worked when I needed to use it.

"I am gonna grab a quick shower. Are you you staying or going?" She asked
"You go on ahead. I'll stick around for a while." I said

I never had anything else to do might as well stick around for a little while.

"Okay, make yourself comfortable. I won't be long." She said heading off

I watched after her, enjoying the view of her very sexy ass, licking my lips as I did. I really love Camila's ass. Once she was out of view, I cleaned up her apartment before making myself comfortable in her sofa until she back through. I don't know how I was gonna manage spending this time with her without being able to actually have her. I guess I can wait for another couple of days.


Addicted to my best friend sister (Camren G!P)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن