Thirty Four: An actual date?

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Camila's P.O.V

I was sitting on my sofa reading a book with a hot chocolate. I had a busy tiring week and it was only six pm. I would go to bed right now, instead I went with what I'm doing now. I was enjoying the de stressing. I was pulled out of my relaxation state by a knock on my door? I had no clue who it was, Taylor was out of town tonight meeting Niall's family and I wasn't expecting anyone else. I heard another knock, groaning and pulled myself off the sofa, heading over to the door, and looking out the peep hole. I was surprise to see Lauren standing there on the side of the door? I opened the door, looking at her confused.

"What are you doing here?" I asked
"Nice to meet you two Camz." She laughed
"No, it's not that Lauren. I wasn't expecting to see you until tomorrow, I thought you had plans?" I asked
"Plans changed." She shrugged "can I come in or you gonna leave me standing in your door step?" She added

I stepped aside, letting her come in, and closing the door behind her. When I turned around, she was standing right in front of me, soon pulling me close to her and kissing me. I moaned into her lips, wrapping my arms around her body. As I was getting right into it, she pulled away, stepping back from me.

"Hey!" I said pouting at her
"As much as I would love to continue this, we will do it later, but right now I'm here to take you out on a date." She said smiling widely at me

Did she just say she wanted to take me out on a date? Surely she can't mean an actual date right?

"A date?" I asked wiggling my nose

Lauren let out a loud laugh, what is funny? What am I missing here?

"Yes a date Camz. I mean an actual date. You know dinner, drinks, and then maybe a movie or something?" She suggested

I eyed her suspiciously, since when does Lauren go on dates?

"You mean a proper date? I asked even though she already established this to me

"Yes Camila as I said a date. You want to or not?" She chuckled

I nodded still not 100% why she wanted to go on a date. I was wondering if it was part of some sort of other kind of plan? I guess there is one way to find out uh?

"Good. Now get ready. I will wait for you here. We have a reservation at Olive Garden for seven pm." She smiled

How did she know I would say yes to her date? I think she knows me better than I realize. I never even said anything, instead I headed off to grab a quick shower and get myself ready for our date. At least with Taylor being out of town, there was no chance of her seeing us, hopefully we don't run into anyone else we know. I made it a quick shower, knowing I never had much time, never bothered washing my hair to save time. Once I was done, I raided through my clothes, finding a dress to wear, deciding on my little red number, one of my favorite dresses, perfect for a "date." I kept my make up light, running a brush through my hair, my natural waves coming into place. It only took thirty minutes for me to get showered, dressed and ready, must be some record for me. I gave myself the once over before heading back through her. She was sitting on my sofa, reading a book, that book being Mister by E.L. James, never seen her as the type for reading books like that.

"You wanna cancel so you can finish reading the book?" I laughed after standing watching her for a few minutes
"Um yeah.. you were not meant to catch me doing that." She said embarrassed
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." I winked "Now we should make a move." I added

She finally put the book down as I grabbed my things, the two of us heading out, Lauren not mentioning the book again. I would use it to annoy her when she least expect it. She takes the piss out of me a lot, only fair that I do the same to her sometimes too

"I was thinking we can drive there, then get a cab back if we drink too much?" She said placing her hand on the small of my back
"Sounds good." I said smiling at her

Lauren led us to her car, opening the door to let me go in first before climbing into the drivers seat. I was curious on what happened to her plans. She was meant to be going away with her friends or doing something with them, never really asked too many questions. Unless that was lie and she was meant to be meeting someone else and she canceled on her. I really don't know, don't wanna ask, save arguing with her and falling out again. I was still highly suspicious in why she was taking me on a date. Maybe there was nothing suspicious about it, just me over thinking as always

"How has your week been anyway?" She asked

We haven't seen each other in a couple of days, spoke briefly on the phone that has been about it.

"Tiring. You? Did your plans gets canceled?" I asked
"It has been not bad. I canceled them. My mates wanted to go to Vegas, party, drink, and have random sex... I wasn't in the mood to be honest, plus I had a promise to keep to you and I knew if I went, it would be too much temptation." She said

She canceled her pans with her friends because of me? Well because of the promise she made me. I never wanted her to cancel plans with friends because of me.

"Really? Lauren as much as I appreciate that I don't want you cancelling plans with your friends because of me." I said
"Don't sorry about it Camz. It's fine." She said reaching over and giving knee a quick squeeze

I sighed, but nodded anyway. I was worried though? I can't expect her to do that for me, would be different if we were together, but we ain't. I decided not to talk the subject further than that. I turned around, staring out the window

"Camz, you okay baby?" She asked running her hand up and down my bare thigh

I moaned softly, her finger tips leaving a hot trail on my thigh

"Yes I'm fine." I whimpered our her hand sliding further up my thigh
"You sure?" She growled at me

I managed to pant out a soft yes. She knew something was wrong, that is why she was doing this to make me forget what was bothering and it was working, but before anything else could happen we arrived outside the restaurant. Lauren pulling her hand away from my thigh, giving me time to catch my breath which never lasted long cause she reached over, crashing her lips against mine and kissing me roughly. My breath catching up in my throat once again and she pulled away

"Lets go beautiful." She said winking at me while climbing out of the car

I was a hot, panting mess. It was gonna be that kind of night I think


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