Chapter Twenty: Can we cut the night short

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Camila's P.O.V

I was siting in my apartment, bored out of my mind. Taylor was on a date with Niall so I couldn't go over her house and see her. I decided to text Lauren to see if she wanted hang out, I mean actually hang out because we can't do anything else and it's that time of the month. I don't know if she was busy or not, I remember her saying she had a busy few days before she's off this weekend for her birthday. Plus I don't know if we have done that sort of thing called hanging out. Every time we are together, we're usually having sex or if we are with Taylor and Niall, we have small talk, but nothing much more than that. Its worth a try

Camila: Lauren, are you free? I'm bored out of my mind. Do you wanna grab a movie or something? And I meant a movie and nothing else lol. If not then it's fine. Xx

I never wanted to seem like she had to or I am that pathetic to hang out with her. I was trying to keep it casual and I don't even know if she's going to text me back

Lauren: Hey Camz. I am free and I can stop by there to pick you up. We can grab some food and a movie if you like? I know we can't do anything Camz. You already told me this lol xx

Oh that is right that I already mentioned this to her when she wanted to come over last night cause she was horny

Camila: Oh that's right I forgot I did lol. Okay I will see you soon x
Lauren: See you soon x

I jumped to my feet, deciding to get changed since I was in sweats. I stripped down, putting on jeans, Lauren's leather jacket, and a pair of boots. This would do cause we would probably go to dinner and there's no need for me to dress up so fancy. I ran a brush on my messy hair and put on some lip gloss. I looked at myself in the mirror once more then I heard my door opening and someone walking in.

"Camz, it's only me." I heard Lauren call out

I had a feeling it was her because she's always walking in without even knocking. At least she's always announcing herself when she does. I went outside my bedroom to greet her and she looked up at me smiling

"Hey Lolo." I said smiling
"Hey babe, you ready to head out?" She asked while returning a smile

Babe, baby, baby girl, these seems to be her favorite things to call me recently

She came over to me, pulling me tightly against her, as usual my body responded straight away, a soft whine falling from my lip. She leaned in, her lips finding mine in a heated, passionate kiss and I didn't hesitate for a moment before kissing her back. We pulled apart, Lauren winking at me

"Ready?" She smirked
"Hmm." Was all I managed to get out

She was looking like her unusual smug self, knowing what she does to me. Lauren and I headed out of my apartment, her arm securely around my waist as she led us out to her car

"Food or movie first?" She asked asee cloned inside her car
"Movie." I smiled

I know we would need to be careful since Taylor and Niall was out on a date too, but I think we're safe at the movies and they were seeing one too tonight. I couldn't even tell you what was out there to watch. I guess when we get there, we need to see and find out. It felt strange going out with her without anyone else with us. I honestly never thought she would agree to this, yet here she is. At least it gives me some company. We pulled up outside the movie theater, finding a parking place before we went inside.

Addicted to my best friend sister (Camren G!P)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat