Chapter Twenty Two: Sort of seeing someone?

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Camila's P.O.V

There was a group of us at Taylor's place for a birthday dinner for Lauren since she's going away with "friends" for a couple of days for her actual birthday. Taylor wanted to do something for her birthday so here we are. I knew everyone that was here except from one person. I had no clue who she was, but apparently Taylor invited her. They worked together or something. Whoever she was, she was grabbing all the guys' attention here, well except Niall he only had eyes for Taylor. Whoever she was, she seemed to be enjoying all the attention. I watch Taylor smirk as she watches Lauren talk to the girl, I think her name was Lucy or something like that.

"What are you up to? I asked Taylor as I showed up next to her
"I don't know what you mean Mila." She laughed
"Liar. Is that why you invited her here? To try and set her up with Lauren?" I asked while letting out a little laugh

I was a little jealous watching the two of them. She seemed to be flirting more than Lauren which surprised me. Lucy was stunning, her type so why was she not paying her the same attention

"Maybe." She giggled "do you think it will work between them?" She added
"Taylor, I honestly don't know. You know what you sister is like." I laughed "I'm gonna grab a drink. You want one?" I asked

She nodded and I headed to the kitchen to grab us both a drink. I feel Lauren's eyes on me as I walked by her. I stopped before walking to the kitchen, looking over at my shoulder at her and smirking. She smirked back before I turned away going to the kitchen. I grabbed a couple of glasses and a new bottle of wine. Then suddenly I felt a pair of hands creep around my waist and a pair of lips on my neck. I moaned, leaning more into her and knowing it was Lauren

"Can I help you?" I giggled

She turned me around to face her, pressing me against the island and her body came against mine, her hands gripping my hips roughly. She never said anything else, but instead she kissed me. It was rough and quick, but it still made my entire body shiver. She pulled away, putting a space between us in case someone came in and caught us.

"Does your date knows you're in here kissing me?" I giggled
"My date? I don't even know her. She started talking to me and flirting with me. I don't even remember her name." She laughed

I thought it would've worked by now that her sister was trying to se them up

"You do realize that's why Lucy is here right? Taylor is trying to set you two up." I said smirking

"What? Why? She knows that it will never work. I don't do the dating type." She said shaking her head "plus I'm not that interested in her. I have my eye on someone else." She said while licking her lips
"You do? Anyone exciting?" I replied licking my lips too

She stepped back into me, leaning into my ear, and her hands roaming over my body.

"Yes, she is very sexy and she drives me very wild in the bedroom a way no other girls can." She moaned in my ear "and I can't wait to have her all to myself for the next couple of days." She added

I couldn't wait either. We wouldn't need to worry about having to hide in case we were caught. It was gonna be a good weekend. I grabbed a handful of her shirt, pulling her to me and kissing her passionately before pushing her away from me, grabbing the drinks and went back to find Taylor who was talking to Lucy. I headed over there and overheard them talking about Lauren.

I was curious on what she would have to say to that. I was wondering if she could sense that she wasn't really interested in Lucy, well that is what I think anyways.

"Okay, she doesn't seem interested to be honest. Are you sure she's not seeing anyone?" She asked
"I never thought she was, but you are her type, if she doesn't seem interested maybe she is seeing someone. Sorry Lucy, I thought you two would click right away." Taylor said
"It's fine." Lucy said

I was not the only one that it seems that was surprised she never seems to be interested in her. I get that her and I have some kind of thing going, but it was not serious enough for her to lose interest in other woman. I don't know maybe there was nothing there. I let them finish their conversation before giving Taylor her drink.

"Do you know if Lauren is seeing someone?" She asked me

Panic took over me, knowing I had to think carefully before answering in case my face never agreed with the words that were coming out of my mouth

"I don't know. I don't exactly spend time with her." I laughed
"That is true. I'll find out myself." Taylor giggled

The subject was quickly changed as Lauren made her over to us. She stood right next to me, closer than I expected and brushing my ass with her hands before quickly pulling away. I looked at her, or should I say glare? She smirked at me, knowing she should not have done that, but that never stopped her. I took a few steps to the side, putting a small distance between us without being obvious.

"Lauren, are you seeing someone?" Taylor said looking at her

I knew she said she would find out and I thought some other day, but she meant right now. I was nervous standing there waiting to see what she would say.

"Sort of...yes. It's early days and complicated." She said

Hold up. Did she just say she was seeing

"What, seriously?" Taylor said shocked

I'm pretty sure my face look the same. Maybe she was saying that to get Taylor of her back, yeah that sounds more like that.

"Yes, don't get too excited though okay? I don't even know what's going to happen." She said

Taylor was trying to stay calm, but she's not doing great at hiding her excitement. Lauren laughed, rolling her eyes and walking away. She does realize with her saying that, Taylor is gonna be constantly be on her back until she tells her? She better come up with a good excuse to make her stop or things could go really wrong. I looked over to where she was, Lauren giving me a quick wink before turning back to chatting with Niall and some other guys that Taylor invited.

I would need to probe her with this when we're alone, watching her squirm just for fun. She set herself for it, I was gonna use that against her. I knew she would freak out, but that would all be part the fun of it.

"I need to find out who is she talking about, since she ain't really one for seeing anyone." Taylor said devilish look on her face.
"Or maybe you should let her be and she will tell you when she's ready." I laughed
"That would be no fun Mila. She's not going away for her birthday with her friends like she said she will." Taylor said

Yes Taylor that would be right. She not going with her friends, she's going with me. Hearing her say that made the guilt appear again. I excused myself, needing to get away before I had to lie to her again. I hate myself for doing it, but I know this thing between Lauren and I isn't going to stop anytime soon


Addicted to my best friend sister (Camren G!P)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora