Chapter Eleven: Playing her at her own game

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Camila's P.O.V

We were sitting down having drinks at our own favorite bar in town. Lauren struggling to keep her eyes off of me...of course I wore this dress on purpose. I know how it gets to her. Let's call it my revenge. I wanted her, but I couldn't have her. She wanted me, but she can't have me. Well not right now the way she wants. It's all part of the fun. She needs to stop looking at me like she wants to RIP my dress off. Well she does, but everyone doesn't need to see it or there could trouble

"Mila, I've been thinking, talking to him and I think you should let us set you up with one of Niall's friend named Shawn? You've been single for far too long and plus I think you need to get laid." Taylor said

I almost choked on my own drink when she said that, oh Taylor only if you knew

"No thank you Tay. I'm happy being single and as for getting laid, I'll get laid when I want to." I said shaking my head.
"Why not?" She asked pouting at me
"Cause I don't want you to Tay and if you do we're breaking up." I giggled "I'm not looking for anything and if that changes, you'll be the first one to know." I added with a smile

Taylor sighed, rolling her eyes at me nodding. I knew she wouldn't listen to me. She will still try to set me up with Shawn. I have enough to handle Lauren, don't need to add to it thank you very much. She did drop it, but I could still see her planning it all in her head

I felt a pair of eyes burning into mine, making me look up to see Lauren staring at me. A smirk on her lips...a smirk her and I only know what it's for. She gave me a quick wink, quickly pulling her attention from me before she gets caught. I took a sip of my drink, using the glass to hide my own smirk. I felt her warm hand on my thigh, keeping it there and not moving it. I took my lower lip between my teeth to suppress a moan. Her hand starts sliding up my thigh...slowly and gently, heading to close between my legs. No matter how much I want her between my legs in anyway, I think now is not the best time for that. I was quick to stop her hand from moving any further, swatting it away from me. She leant it, her lips at my ear

"What's the matter Camz? Am I getting to you?" She hissed loudly only enough for me to hear her

I decided not to answer her. I excused myself to get another drink. The one I had disappeared very quickly due to trying to cool down and distract myself from her. I asked the others if they need another drink, they don't...oh well less for me to carry. I made my way up to the bar squeezing myself somewhere in the line of people standing around it and waited for the bar staff to get to me which could take a couple of minutes considering they are busy...maybe they should hire more people. I stood patiently, suddenly feeling a presence right behind me

"I changed my mind about that drink." She whispered in my ear, making me shiver

I looked over at my shoulder at her

"What do you want to drink Lauren?" I asked
"Scotch on the rocks please." She winked at me

I turned my attention back to the bar, Lauren stepping in closer behind me. Her front against my butt, her hand on my waist

"I can't wait to get this dress off of you." She growled "And fuck you hard and rough all night. What you wanna try tonight? I know how much you like to find new ways for us to fuck." She added

She was right...I did, she did too. I am not one for sticking to the same, old boring sex positions. I prefer trying something different whenever I can, keep things exciting. Did I ever think I would be confident to share this information with Lauren let alone getting us to do but it seems after I got what I wanted her, she never made me as nervous, my confident self came through, well to a certain extent it does anyway

I decided to play her at her own game. I leant against the bar, pushing my ass out, pushing it against her already beginning to harden cock. Looking over my shoulder at her and winking rubbing my ass up against her. I felt her completely harden against me, growling loudly...her grip tightening on me

"I'm thinking something like this." I purred at her
"Fuck Camz baby. I swear if there wasn't as many people around I would fuck you right here, right now. I would push this sexy little thing up by your hips, rip your panties off and fuck you senseless." She growled at me

I started breathing heavily, between my legs became warm and entire body wanting her, but I wanted to keep the control

"Who said I was wearing panties." I smirked at her

I see her eyes go wide and dark. The thought of me having no panties on is getting to her. I did have panties on, but she doesn't need to know that though. I never gave her a chance to say or do anything. I pulled away, stepping next to him and finally grabbing the attention of one of the bar staff

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting." She said while smiling at me
"No it's okay. I can see you guys are busy." I laughed
"Can I get a Scotch on the rocks and a glass of rose wine please?" I added smiling
"Coming right up." She smiled, heading to the back to prepare our drinks

I could feel Lauren watching me from the corner of my eye, looking frustrated. I giggled, turning to her and gave her my most innocent smile and she wasn't buying it. The barmaid came back with our drinks and I paid for them. I handed Lauren her drink while winking before walking away without saying a word and headed back to the table we were sat at. I smirked to myself as I watched her coming towards me. She seemed a little mad. Now she knows how I feel doesn't she? She sat back down next to me, downing her drink.

"You alright Laur?" Taylor asked "You seemed annoyed?" She added

I had to stop myself from giggling when she asked her that, curious on how she would respond to it.

"I'm fine." She smiled

She seemed to believe it, I knew that was not the case. She turned to me, shaking her head and chuckling. I smiled brightly at her, Lauren smiling back at me. I think I should give her a little break from teasing her...only a little though

"You wanna hit the club after we all finished our drinks?" Taylor asked
"Whatever you want, it is your birthday celebration after all." I said smiling widely at her
"The club it is then?" She asked excited
"Maybe we can get you a new guy or girl to hook you up with." She added with a wink
"Maybe." I giggled winking back at her, earning myself a glare from Lauren

Someone seems a little jealous, I can use that for my advantage. Oh Lauren, you don't know what you are in for


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