xiii - Soft Thoughts & Hard Shots

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She sighed, seeming to give up. She walked beside me silently, looking up to admire the sunset. The orange lighting reflected in her (E/C) eyes.

She was really pre

I groaned out loud, rolling my eyes to myself. I was starting to sound like that swirly-browed drummer.

"Okay then, i appreciate the honesty, but you could've just lied to spare my feelings..." She huffed & eyed the ground.

I felt small pain shoot through my chest at her deflated tone. All I could manage was an unsure 'huh?'

"Wait, were you even listening to me?!"

There's the (Y/N) I knew.

"You know, I'm starting to think you like pissing me off."

"Awh you figured it out." I teased, watching her roll her eyes.

"I asked what you thought about the show so far. Does it look good? Do you think everyone's going to like it?"

I raised an eyebrow at her as we got to my car. "Since when do you care about my opinion? You realize I have no idea about any of that stuff, right?"

"I know–just," she exhaled, giving me a faintly desperate look, "Humor me."

"I mean.. you're loud..?" I guessed.

"Come on, I know you can do better than that." She paused, stumbling over her words a bit, "What about our forms? Were our shapes looking like blobs? Did we all look uniform?"

"I don't know birdie.. it's just walking with instruments, right?" I turned my attention to driving.

I felt her glare at me. "Yeah, I guess."

She remained silent for the rest of the drive. I frowned to myself; that defeated tone of hers got to me.

I sighed as I pulled to a stop in my driveway.


Why do I care so much?

"It looked like your top half was completely still.. your walk—marching was so smooth you could hardly tell you were moving. And nothing looked out of place when you were making the shapes."

I looked away as I finished, unsure if that was even a compliment.

"That was almost sorta sweet." She giggled, "Thanks for making me feel better kiddo."

"Ugh, stop calling me that." I glared at her across the backseat as she got her instrument.

"But I like that look on your face when I say it."

"You like when I glare at you..?"

"No dummy." She rolled her eyes, "That look before you realize you should be mad at me."

She paused, seeming hesitant.

"You look like you almost enjoy it." She smiled again, "It's soft, you should do it more often."

"Soft? There's nothing soft about me." I laughed.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. See ya in the morning." With a wink, she disappeared behind the fence dividing our houses.

I sighed, grabbing my bag and dragging myself inside.


"I wish she wouldn't get in my head like this.." I grimaced at myself as I got in the shower.

But I couldn't stop. Everything she did made me think. I didn't get it; she was just some girl with a sharp tongue. Was I into that?


𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝐴𝑡 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑆𝑒𝑡 ♥️ {Eustass Kid x Reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang