Live Fast, Die Young

Start from the beginning

To C/SGT Centeno:
And who is this bitch? 'Di ko gusto yung pag-upo niya sa harap ni 21986.

C/SGT Centeno replied:
Oww, okay. Pwede pala i-combine yung jelly at mackiecheese.

You replied to C/SGT Centeno:

C/SGT Centeno replied:
'Di ko alam kung sino siya pero kyot, hindi ba?

You replied to C/SGT Centeno:
Can you please just gimme the 411? Bilisan. Bwisit na ako.

C/SGT Centeno replied:
Wait, lemme check.

You replied to C/SGT Centeno:

C/SGT Centeno replied:
Name, Sofia Lualhati. Relationship, mistress. Reese, you're fucked! Your wife's cheating on you.

You replied to C/SGT Centeno:
Oh, screw you!

C/SGT Centeno replied:
Kidding. She's her friend. 'Kay, time to get my hands all over a few struggling wives and longing girlfriends. Talk to you later and don't do anything stupid.

I should've just texted Juju. But I'm afraid she won't be able to respond. The bags were put on a table, one by one, and she carefully examines them. On the other hand, Griffith is in charge of the food that they brought in. Everything needs to be transparent. If shit gets in, we are all fucked. Especially, me.

To C/SGT Centeno:
Do you really think I do like her? We both know we can't trust my judgments.

C/SGT Centeno replied:
It's no secret that you like the girl, Reese. Even a blind man can attest to that once he hears you bickering or just talking.

You replied to C/SGT Centeno:

C/SGT Centeno replied:
Just a few more of these women and I'll be there.

Slipping the phone back into my pocket, I, immediately walked over to Mackenzie and this girl. I tried to eavesdrop but both of them gave me a look. "I'm watching you, Montefalco."

"I'm used to it, De Leon."

"That's intern De Leon for you, inmate."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot." She made this dramatic pose which is actually, really charming. "It's our term of endearment. Do you want to suggest another? Anything remotely romantic? Or bet mo na 'yon? Babe na lang? Ano'ng gusto mo?" I had chosen not to answer. "De Leon, I really want to go on lovey-dovey with you right now, but I also want you to give us some privacy. And besides, I am not the only PDL here."

"I'll do what I want, Montefalco."

"Suit yourself, then." Was she showing off? 'Cause the girl sitting across the table laughed at pakiramdam ko nainsulto ako. "That's it, walk it off. I just love it when you turn around and walk away."

K e n

Fucking pervert, I understood what she just mouthed to me. She signaled an eye to eye, and I, being the good wife, nodded slowly with my eyes closed. Love the ass, mamacita.

"So, whattaya wanna talk 'bout, Sofia? Any good news for me?"

"I got nothing for now."

"Then, why the hell are you here?"

Felix Culpa (Valmont's Consigliere/CamRen)Where stories live. Discover now