She shurgged. The kinda shurg like whoops I dropped my phone. Or what's the answer to why's the sky blue. Not oh well my boyfriend has been lying to me for months.

"Happens right. Didn't really mean that much anyways. I'll be fine."

I shooke my hand standing quickly.

"Ela. Do not shoove this aside. Deal with this problem now. Don't compress it. Remmebr what Dr. Rhegt said about avoiding problems. They less to serious lapses of accid-"

"I'm fine Alexa!"

"This isn't something to be fine about! This is big. And its painful and it just plain out sucks..You can open up Ela. Its okay to cry. Its okay to be upset."

"I said I'm fine Alexa! I'm fucking fine okay! Drop it! Let. Me. Be."

And with a slam of the door, she was gone.

"Doesn't sound fine to me. " Maura huffed as she traced the door Ela stormed out of seconds prior.

"I'm worried about her."

Maura nodded seriously. "Me too."

My lip felt awfully raw from the amount of tugging I've been doing on it. "No. This is bad. When she does that- when she puts up that fake front and just pushes everything aside..that's when she relapses."

Her eyes narrowed. "You don't think I know that? I thought it would be better because Harry got her to open up and shit!"

"What do we even do now? Should we call..should we call her parents?"

I shook my head seriously fast. " I could guarantee that would be disaster and then she'd shut down for good.. We have to be careful with how we play this out. Maybe, hopefully, Harry did in fact change her a little bit and get her to open up. Maybe she'll open up to us too."

Maura huffed and pulled back her hair. "Fucking son of a bitch. The things I want to do to all of them. First I'll take their entire-"

"Spare me the details Maura please."

She huffed again and the only noise to be heard from her murmuring to herself.

"Your ass is lighting up."

Maura pointed her shiny red fingernail at me.

I craned my head around trying to understand what she meant. "Oh." My phone was ringing.

I pulled from out of my pocket the phone littered with missed call after missed call.

All from Niall.

I hit the ignore button and shoved the phone back into my pocket.

"I blocked Zane. After 15 calls in a row I couldnt stop myself from punching a wall. So I figured best for everyone if I block him and avoid a broken hand."

"Good call."

"The only good call I made when it came to him."


Ela's pov

"Ela for the love of God pick up your goddamn phone. Explain! I don't understand why the hell you just left. Im no longer worried I'm fucking pissed."


"El, please. Help me understand what happened. I'm racking my brain here- I'm literelly going insane. Please, baby, call me back."


"I cut the trip early. I'm coming back. To see you. So we can talk Ela. Im fixing whatever the hell happened. My mom said you got some strange phone call when you were out shopping? Whatever that was about we will face it together okay? I love you. I'll see you soon."


"It meant nothing."


"Ela Cunninghaming that contract meant nothing. I signed it before I even knew you. They told me you were going to sign it too! It means absoltely nothing! I would never, in a million years do anything to hurt you baby. Please, please , please let me explain. Please don't shut me out."


"I love you."

Deleted. Contact blocked.

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