Tea Party!- Uk x Reader

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UwU, hello- this may be a subtle fluff stuff)

Your pov~
It was around 8 am, I was eating breakfast, watching cooking shows, doing normal humanly things. I soon got bored and decided to play games on my phone, looking at books and stuff about London and Big Ben, that clock is very nice.
I checked my phone to see that France texted me.

F: Bonjour Y/N, Britain is wondering if you'll join for a tea party
Y: oh, yeah sure, let me get ready, 12 I'm guessing?
F: Oui, I'll come pick you up.

I got ready in an hour, it was 10 by now and I decided to watch more tv, mainly travel guides. I soon got bored and read a book, (your choice-) after an hour or so the doorbell rang, I got up, putting the book away, and gathering my bag and phone.

I open the door to be greeted by France themselves "heya France, lets get going..." " oui should" " Did....Did you just?" " oh I just did mon ami" ((if ya dont get it....thats oki))

I sighed and got into their car, starting to go to Britain's house.

Time skip-

It took about 30 minutes to get to his house, but when we got there it was very cool, "wow, nice deco Brit...." France chuckled a bit " Mon Cheri, (french?) he is the one with a famous clocktower, and the best tea, why not decor aswell" i looked away embarassed " Ah, Y/N, you came, come, let's get inside." I followed Britain, happy to hangout with him "so, Y/n you goung on any trips?" i looked at France " im not spilling the tea~" France looked slightly defeated, then the pun hit him " oh you sneaky cat-" i giggled and ran ahead to catch up with Brit, entering his house on the run.

Britain's pov~

I watched as Y/N ran from France, her pun was cute, " Y/n dear, please sit down, you too France," after they sat down i poured them tea
(oki- when reading/writing do you hear the voices of the characters? Cause i can and it stangely helps) we all drank tea, but France had things to do at home, it was just Y/N and I, "so, any thing else to do while im here? Like a game or something or exploring your house?" Hehe, she is so cute...Wait....no- Brit get a hold of your britches "you want to explore, dear? Oh you dont want to bother with this old shack-" "Who said this is a shack?! This is one of the best houses ive seen while traveling, if anything, this is a nice antique house that would cost very much, both in money but also in memories" she smiled, ba-bum whats this feeling.... Ba-bum ba-bum i must be tired... "Brit? You ok? Your face is red...do you have a fever? I can stay and take care of you..." she is so kind... I felt myself move on my own, my heart moving my body instead of my mind.

Your pov~ (:3)

I see Britain get up and go to me, his face red- well more red than usuall- he pulled my chair from the table and looked at me, he then hugged me, picking me up bridal style "b-brit?! Are you ok-" he kissed me- sparks going off in my mind like the meaning of life just happened, he realeased the kiss "my dear, you make me fall in love with you every time you come o'er to my house, and now.... Will you be mine?" his voice sounded so scared, i had a small crush on britain and wanted to learn more by going to london gather more info " ....hehe, Guess its time to spill the tea, huh?" he looked heart broken- Shit he got the wrong idea-! " l-let me explain brit- please, its not what you are thinking..... I decided to travel to London.... So i could learn more about...well... You, hehe....i have been kind crushing on ya for a while.... His tea is wonderful, and...well....i wanted to keep this under covers cause i thought you liked france and-" he put a hand on my cheek, wiping away my tears that i didn't know were there, " dear....France is one of my greatest friends, but he likes germany, hehe, he keeps that hardworker on his toes and tugs him onto fun trips, but you, you my dear are the sweetest tea i have ever tasted" he kissed me again and i kiss back, after about a minute we sit on his couch and cuddle, watching cooking shows

I soon fall asleep, laying on his lap, while he pets my hair, this is the best day of my life, maybe i should bring britain onthe trip with me...

And that is the first one shot °v° hope u like))

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