39 - wedding bells

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(pics of Jin's wedding outfit inspiration attached!!)
Jungkook's POV

Today was the big day.

Well, the big day for Jin and Namjoon. The venue is at Jin's favourite botanical garden hidden away from the city; white roses, his favourite flower, were in full bloom at this time of year, so it was the obvious choice. Namjoon left all the details of the ceremony and reception up to Jin (as if he had a choice), with the exception that he could take off his tie for the party. Jin wasn't too pleased with this idea but eventually agreed. It seemed like a fair deal after all.

Because most of us had to travel to the venue, some of the guests (including myself) are staying in this huge, fancy ass hotel with this crazy lakeside view. When I RSVP'd I wasn't on good terms with Yoongi, so we both have separate rooms.

But lately, we've really been working at mending our relationship. Things have been going well, and for the most part, I slotted back into life with Yoongi with such ease that it felt like no time had passed. There was a little tension at first, and it was definitely a little hard for Yoongi to fully accept my fling I had while I was away, but almost three months have passed and we've worked through all of that.

Things are a little different. I've been staying at Namjoon's house and occasionally sleeping over at Tae's dorm since I've been back. A few of our friends assumed I'd just move back in with Yoongi again; which would make sense because all of my furniture and a lot of my belongings are still there. I even found myself visiting multiple times a week just to grab a jumper I'd forgotten about or my spare toothbrush. But we decided to take things slow this time. The first time, I moved in only a few weeks after knowing Yoongi. This time, I wanted to make sure everything was right before I took that step. Yoongi wanted that too.

Today wasn't about us though, and since I got to the hotel I'd barely seen Yoongi. He was all tied up in 'maid of honour' duties. Yoongi had tried to change the title to 'man' of honour but Jin said it sounded pretentious, and that "it's 2019 and my wedding goddammit! If I want a male maid, I'm going to have one".

Yoongi couldn't argue with that

Right now, he would probably be running around after a demanding Jin, pulling his hair out in stress. I wanted to feel bad, but the thought of a bridezilla Jin made me laugh.

The wedding was in just under an hour and even from my hotel room I could feel the anticipation in the air. Taehyung had texted me a few minutes ago asking to come up to my room to chat, and also tie his tie because he'd "tried four times but can't quite get it". He was one of Namjoon's groomsmen so he had to look the part.

Three knocks on my door told me he was here, and when I opened it, Tae stood in the hall, looking tired, with a tie hung loose around his neck.

"Save me Jungkook." He pouts out his bottom lip and I shake my head, smiling.

"Come on then." I gesture for him to come inside and he does. Taehyung wearing a tux was certainly a sight to behold. In all our years of friendship, I'd never seen him dress up in anything more than jeans and a button down. He was more of a jersey and shorts kind of guy.

"Lookin' good" I say with a smirk and Tae groans.

"The shirts itchy and this blazer is so stiff. I hate it." He tugs at his collar and lets out a sigh, plopping down onto my bed.

"Lucky today isn't about you then."

"Fuck off." He throws his tie at me, "Just help me get this damn thing on so we can leave."


Yoongi's POV

To put it simply, so far today has been one huge fucking mess.

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