30 - the best and the worst

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Third Persons POV

Jungkook didn't want to feel worried.

That was the last thing he should be feeling right now. At least, that's what he had tried to tell himself.

He should be feeling angry. Angry at all the hurt Yoongi had caused him. Angry that he opened up old wounds, talked about his parents, and then did exactly what they had done to him years ago.

He should be feeling upset. Upset that the one person he loved most had pushed him away. Upset that all the things he had done for his lover, with his lover, meant nothing now. Upset that even his own house was no longer a place he could call home.

He should be feeling those things, and of course, deep down he was. But after a few days of sobbing into the cushions of Jin's small couch, sleeping all day and being forced fed by Jin, the feeling of worry just wouldn't subside.

What Yoongi had done could not just be ignored. Jungkook wasn't sure he ever should, or could forgive him for the way he was treated.

Yoongi had broken his heart. And he was hurting (a lot).

However, Yoongi, too, was extremely hurt. Maybe not bruised and broken, but hurt none the less.

He was damaged. He had been through hell and back and suffered from the anxiety of watching his mother slowly die with each passing day. It was slowly tearing him apart, and maybe, just maybe, Jungkook was the reason he had hit breaking point.

Maybe he shouldn't have let the nurse give Yoongi that shot. Maybe he shouldn't have driven him home and tucked him in to bed.

Jungkook thought that doing those things for the one you love was normal. He never expected for things to....


Maybe he should have just let Yoongi be, even if he was pushing himself to fatigue and starvation.

As much as it was hard to sympathise for someone who physically and emotionally hurt him, Jungkook's heart was a twisted, messed up thing. Because it was still beating for Yoongi.

Not a minute- not a single second- went by without a flittering thought of Yoongi. The memories they shared or the overwhelming love they had had.

And it was because of this love, that Jungkook couldn't let go. He knew Yoongi better than anyone. From the nightmares that would wake him at night, to the anxiety attacks that could strike at any time; Jungkook knew...

Yoongi was vulnerable.

And although Jungkook couldn't stay with him, even if he had wanted to, he hated knowing that Yoongi was left all alone.

"He'll be ok, you know." Jin interrupted his thoughts, as if reading Jungkook's mind. He sat down beside Jungkook on the couch, and handed him a steaming bowl of miso ramen. It smelt good, but Jungkook didn't feel hungry.

"You've been so caught up in your own head that you haven't eaten a thing today. Now eat up. I don't want you passing out on me Jungkookie." Seokjin spoke softly, placing the bowl of noodles on the coffee table, and patting the floor, beckoning Jungkook to sit.

He felt almost guilty living on Jin's couch and eating Jin's food. Jin shouldn't even be taking his side right now. After all, he was Yoongi's best friend.

But there was something comforting about Jin's company; he had an almost motherlike-nurturing side to him, one that Jungkook really appreciated in times like this.

Namjoon had been a frequent visitor too, trying to tell (extremely bad) dad jokes to lighten the mood, although not necessarily succeeding. Jungkook appreciated it though, and he could see how much Namjoon had changed lately too. He was a lot more careful with his words, and calmer in nature.

And Jungkook was certain that a blossoming romance with Jin had a lot to do with it.

Lovers really do bring out the best in each other.

So why did Jungkook bring out Yoongi's absolute worst.

Maybe they weren't meant to be after all.

"You're over-thinking things again." Jin sighed, and brought a forkful of ramen up to Jungkook's mouth, beckoning for him to eat.

Jungkook did so, and it tasted hot and delicious. Jin was too good to him.

"I've known Yoongi for pretty much all my life, and I can tell you that he has done this before. Maybe not to this extent, but he does have quite the temper." Jin spoke as Jungkook chewed, looking down at his lap, reminiscing.

"He often makes mistakes. Pushes people away. Tries to take on all the pain himself. In fact, in sophomore year, we had a fight and didn't talk for 3 months. 3 months! Isn't that crazy." Jin continued, and Jungkook looked away.

He didn't want to be without Yoongi for even a month. Let alone three.

"Ok listen, what I'm trying to say is, Yoongi is an asshole. Like literally, the worst person ever."


"But Yoongi is also one of the kindest, sweetest and loving people you will ever meet."

Jungkook sighed. His eyes started to well up, but he forced the tears back down. No more crying.

"Most people only get to meet one side of him. They either think he's a rude, sassy introvert, or a funny, sweet friend." Jin says with a small chuckle. "It's only the people he really, truly holds dear to him that get to experience both."

The tears were truly here now.

"Dammit Jungkook, he must love you a whole lot, because you've seen him at his most vulnerable. At his absolute worst. But you've also seen him at his happiest."

"Jin please-"

"I've never seen him as happy with anyone else."

At this point, both Jungkook and Jin were both in tears.

With a sniffle, Jin began again, "W-what I'm trying to say is; Yoongi was a dick. But please, don't give up on him just yet. Take as long as you want, forever even, to forgive him. But don't give up. He needs you Jungkook. He loves you."

Jin put the forgotten bowl of noodles on the coffee table, and pulled Jungkook into his arms, squeezing him tight.

As they hugged, Jungkook came to a realisation. Deep down, as much as Jungkook hurt, and as much as he wished he could, he knew that he just couldn't do it.

He could never give up on the person who had stolen his heart.

He couldn't ever give up on Yoongi.


Authors Note:


Ok so this was meant to be uploaded last week but I got sidetracked.

BUT IT'S HERE!!! :')

I love motherly-advice giving Seokjin. Saving the damn day with that pep-talk.

I hope you guys enjoyed!! I'll try to update a lot more soon.

Love you all!

-B xx

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