01 - raven haired boy

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It was a cold, windy Autumn's day when I first met Jeon Jungkook.

I was heading out the gates of my college, to meet my best friend, Seokjin, for lunch. I had just gotten out of a lecture on language and writing skills, as I major in Journalism. I also study visual art and literature on the side.

College was ok. My course in Journalism was fairly easy, as I had a photographic memory, which made obtaining and remembering stories and new information a breeze. I also had a love of editing and designing articles and reports, thanks to my love of art and writing I suppose, so my assessment wasn't too hard, although the workload could be overwhelming at times (however my slight OCD helped my organisation skills). My dream was to become an editor for a well known News paper or magazine some day, just like my mother once was, before she was diagnosed with terminal cancer, of course. But that's another story.

After my hour long lecture, I was ravenous. I hadn't eaten since lunchtime yesterday, as I slept past dinner the night before, and woke up late this morning. Yeah, I like to sleep a lot.

I stood just outside of my college gates, wrapping my knitted scarf tighter around my neck to protect me from the cold October breeze.

It's only October, why is it so cold?

Seokjin wasn't here yet, and I couldn't bare the rumbling of my stomach much longer.

"Where is he," I whispered to myself. "He didn't forget did he?"

Just as I am thinking of ditching, grabbing
McDonalds and heading to my apartment for a nap, I hear a voice call my name from across the road.

"Yah! Min Yoongi!" I look up, and I see familiar head of light brown locks, big, bright eyes, and plump lips spread out in a pouty smile. Seokjin. I smile and wave, looking to see if there's traffic, and crossing when no cars are in sight.

When I get to Seokjin's car, he pulls me in for a short hug. I haven't seen him for about a month, so its good to see him, as he's pretty much my only best friend. I mean, I do have other friends, like the tall and loud (and extremely stubborn) Namjoon, who is in my class at college for visual art, and the smiley 'happy virus' Hoseok, but they are more Seokjin's friends than my own. And I haven't made many other friends at college, as I usually just focus on studying, and my quiet nature and anxiety problems don't make me all that approachable. I pull out of the hug and give Seokjin a small smile.

"Good to see you, hyung" I say and he hits my shoulder playfully, his bottom lip sticking out a little.

"Aish, Yoongi-ah, I told you not to be so formal with me~" Jin says, faking being annoyed at my words, when I know he's probably proud of the fact he's older than me and can boss me around at times.

I just roll my eyes and walk to the passenger's side of his car. "Lets just go eat, I'm so starving I could eat a house" I say and Seokjin laughs. I open the car door, but when I go to sit down, I am taken aback by the small figure already sitting there. I look closer at the figure, and see that he has dark black locks falling across his face, contrasting with his pale skin. He looks up and me with big brown eyes, and his cheeks turn slightly pink, as he quickly looks away and plays with the sleeves of his over sized sweater nervously.


I smile a little and look over at Seokjin.

"Yah Jin Hyung!" I say, calling him by his nickname, "who's the kid? And why is he in my seat?" I say, and open the door to the back seat, getting inside and sitting down. Jin also gets in the car and turns around in his seat to face me

"This is one of Taehyung's friends, Jeon Jungkook." Jin says, and I nod in understanding. Taehyung was Namjoon's younger step brother, I had seen him a few times, when we went to Namjoon's place to hang out. I remember thinking the boy was weird, with his bright orange hair and a mysterious look in his eyes.

"He's transferring to your college, so I said I would show him around." Jin continued "Namjoon practically begged me to, since Taehyung has a school trip and he's so busy with his art studies assessment." He said, smiling slightly as he mentioned Namjoon's name. I mentally groaned.

"You'll do anything for Namjoon, I swear" I say and Jin reaches back to hit my arm.

"Oh get off it." He says, blushing slightly at my words. I chuckle, but stop as the raven haired boy, Jungkook, turns to face me.

"I-it's nice to meet you... Uh..." He starts. The boy looks at me for help. Oh, right, I didn't introduce myself.

"Min Yoongi." Jin replies for me.

"Ah. Min Yoongi" He says, in a small, high voice that makes him sound younger than he probably is. "Sorry for taking your seat..." He says shyly, and his cheeks heat up again. I smile.

He really is cute.

"Don't worry about it, I was just joking around. Nice to meet you, Jeon Jungkook." He gives me a small, shy nod, and turns back around. "Now let's get out of here, I'm starving!" I say and Jin shakes his head, chuckling as he pulls out onto the road.



Ahh!! First Chapter!

I was originally going to write a prologue, but it seemed better to start with this chapter, as it sets Yoongi up as a character.

This was really just an introduction chapter, so it wasn't too interesting, but I hope you enjoyed it none the less.

I'll update tomorrow if all goes well!

Lots of love,

- B xx

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