14 - lettuce

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Third persons POV

Yoongi hated himself.

He was a coward and an idiot. He had messed up.

Not about kissing Jungkook. No, Yoongi decided that was one of the best half-drunken decisions he had made in a long time. But Yoongi had messed up on the days following the kiss, and this, made him want to slap himself in the face. If that was even possible...

After the New years party, Seokjin had driven Namjoon, Jungkook and Yoongi home, the two latter sitting awkwardly in the back seats of the car, with a loud and drunk Namjoon in the passenger side, yelling "Happy New Year!" out the window and turning the radio up way too loud.

Any other time, Jin would have asked to turn the music down. But it was Namjoon, he was an exception. He was always an expiation for Jin.

When Jungkook and Yoongi arrived back at the apartment, it was awkward and embarrassing to say the least. None of them mentioned the kiss (or two) that they had shared at midnight, both somehow silently agreeing to discuss it in the morning. So they muttered their goodnights and made there way to bed.

Jungkook had loved his Christmas present, greeting Yoongi the next morning with a tight hug and a loud "Thanks so much Hyung" as Yoongi made his way to the kitchen, still half asleep. This made Yoongi smile. But that didn't last long, as the topic of the party came up over breakfast, and yoongi found himself losing his appetite all of a sudden.

Yoongi didn't know why he did it. Why he said what he did when Jungkook shyly smiled up at him and blushed, and stuttered whilst bringing up the kiss they had shared.

Yoongi was a coward, and he brushed it off, saying he was drunk, and lonely and was probably not thinking straight. Which was a complete lie, because he knew exactly what he was doing, and why he kissed the younger, raven haired boy. But he just couldn't admit his feelings to Jungkook.

He instantly regretted his answer when he saw Jungkooks small smile drop, letting out a quiet "Oh... I see" before getting up and doing the dishes silently.

And from then on, Jungkook had been, well, distant. He would still smile and blush all the time, and bite his lip nervously. And he would praise Yoongi when he would take his medication before meals and give him his signature bunny toothed smile. But he was still distant.

He was less willing to hang around Yoongi, often making excuses to go out and run errands or see Taehyung. He even got a part time job at the super market down the road, apparently to make money for rent, even though Yoongi was sure it was just another reason for him to spend less time with the older boy.

This continued for weeks. And weeks soon turned into a month. Before both boys knew it, it was already February.

Yoongi would barely see Jungkook, and when he did, Jungkook became awkward and quiet, not like himself. It made Yoongi feel like an idiot. Because, well, he was one. And dammit, it had been almost 35 days since the kiss (not that Yoongi was counting) and he still hadn't mustered up the courage to tell Jungkook how he felt.

The thing that hadn't changed over the last month, was both Yoongi's and Jungkooks feelings. Both boys defiantly felt strongly about each other, but neither was brave enough to admit it.

Until one day.

It was a cloudy February day, and Yoongi was making his way to lunch like usual. School was back, which meant classes, lectures and assignments. This semesters assignment was a paired task, and his partner, an overly sassy girl called Krystal, was making his life very hard. She had kept Yoongi back after class to make sure he had everything they needed for the article they had to write. She was bossy, and too organised. But Yoongi guessed he was like that himself, so their similar personalities clashed.

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