Chapter Seventeen

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Uraraka's POV

I'm hanging out with the girls right now, we're all in Asui's room. It's all of us besides Mina, she's with Kaminari and Sero. We were in the middle of doing Momo's hair when my phone chimed. I looked and was surprised to see that it's from Kirishima, I opened the text.
Kirishima: help
What does that mean? I'm a little worried.
"Um girls?"
"Yeah?" A couple of them responded.
"I'm a little worried, a just got a text from Kirishima and all it says is help."
"Really? Do you think he's in trouble?" Toru asked.
"I don't know, what should I do?"
"Maybe we should tell Bakugou." Asui said.
"Yeah, let's go." We all stood up and headed towards Bakugou's room. When we got there I knocked.
"What?" Came his rude, gruff voice.
"It's Uraraka."
"The heck do you want round face?" He asked annoyed.
"Will you just open the door!" I said, getting impatient. I heard him grunt angrily as he opened the door. His annoyed expression turned into a confused one when he noticed that every girl from 1A was standing there.
"I got a text from Kirishima and it's worrying me."
"What did he say?" Bakugou asked sounding nervous.
"He just said help." I answered. Instantly he pushed past us and rushed over to Kirishima's room.
"Kiri? Are you okay?" He called through the door. He waited for a moment and then opened the door. And what we saw was terrifying. Kirishima was sitting in the middle of his floor leaning against the dresser behind him, his eyes were barley open. He was shirtless and the bandages on his arms were ripped off. Deep cuts covered his forearms and blood was spilling everywhere. In his hand was a small razor covered in deep red blood. Bakugou moved like lightning, he rushed over to Kirishima and looked at his arms.
"Yaoyorozu, can we get some rags and bandages. Asui, in my bathroom there is some ointment to help stop the bleeding, please go get it. Hagakure, call an ambulance." Bakugou said, quickly but calmly. Instantly everyone did as he asked. I stood watching horrified. It was obvious Kirishima did this to himself. Asui came back with the ointment, Bakugou wiped as much blood as he could off of Kirishima's arms, applied the ointment, and then bandaged up his arms.
"Eijiro, Hey Eijiro. Please stay awake, come on. Look at me, Hey look at me." Bakugou said slapping Kirishima's face lightly. Kirishima's opened ever so slightly. We heard the distant sounds of an ambulance, Bakugou scooped Kirishima up and rushed past us. We quickly followed after him as he sped off towards the ambulance, he was going so fast we could barley keep up. When we got outside the ambulance was waiting, paramedics ran over and took Kirishima. In the blink of an eye the ambulance was driving off, leaving Bakugou standing there covered in blood. Yaoyorozu walked over to Bakugou and carefully put an arm around him, ready to dodge in case an explosion came her way. But surprisingly Bakugou let her, he buried his head into he shoulder and cried. At first Yaoyorozu was taken aback, but she quickly recovered herself and comforted him. We didn't know what to do so we just stood there and let Bakugou cry. It was really weird seeing him like this, he hasn't shown any emotion besides anger to the rest of the class.
"I feel really bad, I've always assumed Bakugou was just a heartless jerk." I whispered to Asui.
"I know, he must really care about Kirishima, kero."
After a minute or two Bakugou pulled away and walked back inside.

Kirishima's POV
Short time skip.

I was able to leave at the end of the day. I got the usual doctors telling me to get help, giving me numbers to therapists, and telling me to talk to my parents. But I never listen to them. When I got back to the dorms only a few people were in the lounge, but their backs were turned to me so I was able to sneak past them. When I got to my room my floor was clean, no blood. Bakugou must have cleaned up for me.

You couldn't even do that right.

Shut it.

And they did, which never happens. I walked over to my desk and pulled my journal out of one of the drawers and grabbed a pen. I started this journal a while ago and I've been writing in it everyday.

Sunday 10pm
The voices came back today, I got so close to forgetting Akuma. But they talked me into attempting suicide today. I'm not proud of what I did, but I'm also upset it didn't work. But! Walking back from the hospital I saw a sign saying that a nearby ranch was opening up, they're going to have horses you can ride. I'm actually super excited, it's been a while since I went to Kazuma's and ridden Kireina. When I saw the sign it triggered some of my memories. When I was little one of Kazuma's horses gave birth, he let me name the foal. Once the horse was old enough he had me train her, and once I did she became mine. Kireina means beautiful which is exactly what she is, she's the most gorgeous creatures I've ever seen. But anyway, I'm excited that there's going to be a ranch nearby, maybe I can get Katsuki to come riding with me.

Whenever I write in my journal I try to focus on a happy moment of my day, it lifts my spirits and keeps me from giving up entirely.
I closed my journal and put it back into my drawer, then I laid down on my bed. I saw a text from Katsuki.
Bakugou: Hey, I don't know if you're back yet. But if you are and you want to talk let me know. I want to be able to help you.
I thought for a moment, I'm so tired. I'll just give him a quick reply.
Kirishima: I'm really tired and just want to go to bed. But thanks Katsuki, I really mean it.
Bakugou: Alright, I hope you're telling the truth.
Kirishima: I am, I promise.
I put away my phone and went to sleep.
I woke up to the awful sound of my alarm clock. Grumbling, I stood up and got ready for school. As much as I would love to skip I really shouldn't, I'm so behind. I finished getting dressed and headed to class. When I opened the door everyone stared at me, but I could tell that they're looking at me differently now. They all know I cut myself. I walked over to my seat and sat down, trying to ignore the eyes that were burning trough my skin. It was awkwardly quiet for a couple minutes, but eventually Aizawa came in and started class.

When the lunch bell rang everyone headed off to the cafeteria, except for me. I feel sick to my stomach, I'm about to throw up. I started down a hall towards the bathrooms when Akuma decided to speak up.

You saw the way they all looked at you, you disgust them.

I know! You really think you need to tell me that.

They all know how weak you are.

Shut up!

It's true, but you could prove them wrong. It would be so easy, just show them your dragon form.


Why not? They would all fear you, you could have the world at your feet. We could have them begging for mercy!

"SHUT UP!" I screamed tugging at my hair and falling to my knees.
"Music helps." Someone said from behind me. I jumped and spun around to see Midoriya.
"Music, it really helps drown them out. Especially cheerful music." He came over and kneeled down next to me.
"Really? Wait, how do you know?" I asked.
"Well I struggled with voices too, so I would listen to music. It helped me to ignore them. Most of the time those voices were just Kacchan though." He said laughing.
"Thanks, I'll take your word for it." I answered. Midoriya smiled, stood up, and continued down the hall.
"Good luck!"
I didn't feel as sick anymore, but I still hid in the bathroom during lunch. When the bell rang I went to my next class

After school

I was packing up my books and getting ready to leave the classroom when someone hugged me, I looked and realized it was Ashido.
"I know you want to be left alone, I know you don't want to talk about, and I know you don't remember me. But I'm going to hug you anyway, and if you have a problem with that then you can suck it. I'm really glad you're okay Kiri, that's all I want to say. I love you so much and I don't want you to leave me. I'm sorry you feel so sad. But I don't blame you for not remembering me, okay? Okay?!"
"I don't hate you, I'm not mad at you. It's okay."
"Thanks Mina." I replied as she pulled out of the hug. Then she placed a small kiss on my lips, just a quick little peck. But it's not like it means anything, she lesbian. Wait! How did I remember that? Is my memory slowly coming back? I totally just remembered she's into girls! But before I could say anything to her she walked away, joining the rest of the class as they all left the room.


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