Chapter Twenty Four

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Midoriya's POV

"Aw Deku look." Uraraka said, pointing. I followed her finger and saw that she was pointing at Kacchan, who had just entered the room. "He's wearing Kirishima's hoodie."

Kacchan didn't look good. His eyes were red and swollen, curtained with dark circles. The first couple of days after the attack he never stopped screaming, but now, you're lucky if he says anything at all.

Aizawa tried to send him home, but Kacchan refused. His parents have come by a couple of times to check up on him, and so has Kirishima's uncle Kazuma.

"Did you guys hear, Kirishima's parents were on a boating trip. So they don't know what happened. They're coming today, so Aizawa can tell them in person." Tsu told us.
"Oh they're going to be devastated." Uraraka said, sympathetically.
"I seriously doubt that." Kaminari said angrily, as he walked past us.

"What was that about?" Uraraka questioned. But Kaminari had already left the room.

Third Person POV

Mr. and Mrs. Kirishima arrived at UA right on time. They waited at the gates, and were let in by Hound Dog. They were led to the dorms, past the lounge room and students, and into Aizawas office.

"Eraser, care to explain why we were called to be here?" Mr. Kirishima asked.
"Yes, please sit down." Aizawa answered, closing the door.

"Two weeks ago, UA was attacked again. Your son, Eijirou, was taken." Aizawa said, carefully. Upon hearing this Mrs. Kirishima gasped softly, holding her hand to her mouth.
"Two weeks? What have you been doing? We should've known! What happened? Why is nothing being done!"

"Please, Mrs. Kirishima. I know this is a lot to take in, but I have things I need to ask." Aizawa waited a moment, Mr. Kirishima nodded.
"Okay than. Can you tell me about Eijirous second quirk please."
The color drained from Mr. Kirishima's face, he slowly turned to look at his wife, and saw that she was just as pale as he was.
"Second quirk?" He asked, his voice shaking.

Aizawa gave Mr. Kirishima a look, as to say 'cut the crap' and he gave in.

"We know practicality nothing. Doctors know nothing, that kid is some mutant. The first time he changed into that thing, he nearly killed his mother! So we told him to never tell anyone, and never let anyone see. He couldn't even do that!"
"He didn't have much of a choice."
"He should've obeyed me."
"I don't think you understand the situation. We were outmatched, and out powered."
"He was supposed to keep himself a secret!"

"He saved our lives!" Aizawa snapped back at him. "You should show him some respect."
"Respect? Respect for what, that thing?"
"He is your son!" Aizawa said, infuriated.
"No. He is not my son. He is a monster. I don't care what happens to him!" Mr. Kirishima yelled, getting to his feet, and slamming his hands onto the table in front of him.
"No! And you know what, if you ever find him, I don't want that thing back in my home!"
"Honey!" Mrs Kirishima tried to interject.
"We're leaving. Don't bother us again!"

And with that Mr. Kirishima grabbed Mrs. Kirishimas hand and stomped out of the office, slamming the door behind them.

Words: 665

Me? Updating? Wow.
I'm so sorry it's been so long. T^T
School started, and I have been so incredibly stressed that I totally stopped working on this story. I know this chapter is pretty short, but I thought it's better than nothing, right? I'm going to try and post more often, they're going to be kind of short chapters. The goal is going to be an update maybe every other week?? Idk, but that's what I'm going to try to do. So please bare with me guys.

Also, as some of you probably know, Wattpad was glitching so bad that I couldn't open the app anymore. But I got a new phone and things are working smoothly :)

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