Chapter One

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Kirishma's POV

I woke up early Monday morning, today is going to be day one at UA.
Trembling, I walked around my room one last time to make sure I didn't forget anything. I'm glad that I will be staying in dorms, I can finally get away from my disgusting parents.
"Eijiro!" My father called, I rushed to the kitchen. 
"Yes sir." I replied.
"Do you have everything packed?"
"Yes sir." I replied, again.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" He snapped. "Do you expect someone else to load it into the car for you?"
"No sir." I quickly grabbed my bags and took them to the car, when I went back inside my parents were waiting to lecture me.
"Remember everything we've said" he warned me.
"Yes sir."
"Repeat what you have been told."
"Don't fight. Keep good grades. Don't disappoint you. Do what I'm told. Don't call unless it's an emergency. And don't let anyone find out what I am." I droned on, it was the tenth time they've made me recite that.
"Good" my Mother responded.
"Get in the car" my father ordered me.
The drive to UA was agonizing my parents stayed quiet the whole way there. They went in, signed a few papers, and left without a single glance. Honestly I was relieved they were finally gone. I walked down the hall and took the elevator to the second floor. I found my room 106, unlocked it and placed my stuff on the bed.

"This is going to be a nightmare" I said aloud to the empty room.

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