Chapter Twenty

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Kirishima's POV

I stared at the blood pooling on my dorm room floor. The dim moonlight streaming in through my window, illuminating the bright red liquid. I crossed my room and stepped out into the hall. My brain seemed fogged, like I wasn't truly there. I looked to Bakugou's room, considering if I should talk to him.

No, he's probably asleep. I shouldn't bother him.

I walked through the daunting hallway, my bare feet making soft taping sounds that seemed to ring through the quiet air. I found myself in the lounge, the silence pounding in my ears. A part of me didn't want to go through with what I was doing, but I know I have no choice. I headed for the front door before pausing.

Chatting on the other side of the lounge were a few girls from 1A, my friends. I longed to go join them, to continue to pretend everything's okay. But my legs moved without me telling them to. I walked out the front door and waited on the porch.

The early sun started to rise in the distance, but there was no warm orange light. Instead the cloudy grey skies glowed depressingly. There were no birds chirping, or sounds of other life.

I waited until I saw a dark hooded figure emerge from the trees ahead of me. I took a deep breath and walked a bit closer to him, still keeping my distance.

"You're early." The hooded man said.
"Yeah, I guess I am." I answered, my voice weak. He stretched his hand out to me, and I carefully stepped toward him.
I then hear a yell from the building behind me, a pained cry for help. It was the voice of Bakugou. I stopped and turned my head, looking back at the place I call home.
"It's too late now Eijirou. It's time to go." The dark figure said to me.
"But what about them?"
"They'll be fine, they don't need you. They never did."
"What if I need them?" I asked, tears in my eyes.
"You don't have much of a choice, do you?" He answered. The hooded figure took my hand and lead me back into the trees. I paused to look behind me one last time before turning away, and walking into the darkness, hand in hand with death.


I woke up with a jolt. My covers were thrown across the room and my sheets were ripped of my bed. My shirt was soaked with sweat, and my hair was plastered to my forehead. I got out of bed and opened my balcony, allowing the cold, crisp night air to fill my lungs. I was hyperventilating, and shaking so badly I could barley stand. I leaned against my balcony rail, trying to calm myself. My mind was swirling and I felt like I was gonna pass out.

"What the heck happened to you?" Someone asked from beside me. I jumped so hard that I though I was going to fall off my balcony. I whipped my head around to see Bakugou standing on his balcony next to me, eyebrows raised.
"Bakugou! Geez. What are you doing out here?" I asked, my voice quivering.
"I was on the phone with my parents. Why are you out here? You look like crap." He said, taking notice to how awful I looked.
"Really? Then why do you look like you've just seen death?"
"It's nothing. I'm fine."
"Yeah right."
"Just shove off Bakugou!" I exclaimed. He gave me a surprised look before scoffing and going back into his room. I sighed and fell to the floor. Laying down on my balcony I stared at the stars, focusing on my breathing.

The cold night air really helped to cool me down, and after a while I was able to go back into my room. I didn't sleep though, there was no way I would be able to after that. I glanced at my clock, 5:02am. Might as well go down stairs. I changed my shirt, and pulled my hair back into a ponytail.

For the next hour I was training, trying to keep my mind off of what happened. It was around 6:30 when people started coming down stairs. But, I knew I was in trouble when I saw Bakugou's scowling face headed straight for me.

"The heck was that, huh!? Telling me to 'shove off', you don't get to tell me to shove off. Only I'm allowed to say that!" He yelled, clearly pissed.
"Yeah, man I'm really sorry about that. I shouldn't have said that." I apologized. Bakugou just raised an eyebrow at me and continued to glare.
"Well, are you gonna tell me what was up with you last night?" He asked, impatiently.
"Nothing. I'm fine."
"Yeah whatever! You looked like a flaming pile of crap. And after you went back into your dorm I could hear you pacing."
"Just a stupid nightmare. Don't worry about it." I answered. Bakugou sighed dramatically and sat down next to me, he looked at me for a about five seconds before yelling again.
"Are you gonna start talking?!"
"Geez, you don't need to be so loud. I told you, don't worry about it. It's just a lousy dream."
"I am getting extremely annoyed, so you better start talking or I'm gonna explode everything and everyone in this room"

"Okay! Fine. So starts with me in my dorm, staring at a puddle of my blood. I eventually leave and go down to the lounge, where I see some of the girls. I want to go over to them but like, my feet won't let me. I walk outside and wait for the sun the start rising. Once it does, I see someone coming to me from the woods. He says something like 'you're early' and holds his hand out for me to take it. As I reach out, I hear you start crying for help from my dorm. I try to go back inside but the guy tells me I can't, that I'm too late. He tells me that you guys don't need me and that you never did. So I go with him into the woods, and once I'm up close that's when I realize the man is death. And then, I just wake up." I finished explaining me dream and look at Bakugou, he has a really weird look on his face.
"That's dark."
"The creepiest part is that I've had this dream before. The night before I jumped off the bridge. A couple times during my coma. And the night before I tried to take my life. And the dream is always exactly the same."
"Woah, okay. That is creepy. I can see why you woke up so freaked out, that's a pretty intense nightmare." Bakugou said. And the weird thing was, he sounded genuinely concerned.
"Yeah, well I'm sure it's nothing. Why were you on the phone with your parents in the middle of the night?" I asked, wanting to change the subject.
"My aunt fell down the stairs and broke he back." He answered, a little too calmly.
"Geez! Is she alright? You don't sound too worried."
"Yeah she's fine. I was never really close to her, I met her like twice so."
"Oh. Alright."
Talk about an awkward end to a conversation, geez.


Hello to the few people who, for some weird reason, read this book.
I'm sorry it took me so long to update, the holidays were really busy 😓
My big brother moved all the way to Utah, I went and saw my aunt for possibly the last time, our neighbor murdered his dad and then hid the evidence in our trash can. You know, the usual.
Also, Wattpad hasn't been letting me update. Idk why, it just says there's an Error every time I try to publish.
But anywho, I've got some big ideas for what's coming up, so hold on to your butts cuz it's gonna get dramatic.

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