Chapter Nine

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Mrs. Bakugou's POV

It was really late when Katsuki came through the front door, I was supersized he didn't tell us he was going to be coming today.
"Katsuki, what are you doing here? And what time is it." I asked, he shushed me and I realized he wasn't alone, he was carrying a boy bridal style. The boy was asleep and his face was extremely red, almost as red as his hair which was unnaturally bright. Besides the fact that he looked absolutely wasted he was cute, and I couldn't help but notice the fact that Katsuki was holding him very carefully.
"Who is this?" I ask.
"This is my friend, butt out you old hag." He snapped at me. Expected.
"Excuse me, you don't walk into my home with a passed out drunk and tell me to butt out."
"He just drank too much it's fine. I didn't think it was a good idea to take him back to the dorms like this."
"Were you drinking?"
"No you idiot." He started walking up the stairs, gosh that kid.
"BRAT!" I yelled as he shut his bedroom door.
I woke up and made some breakfast, I then went upstairs and knocked on his door. I opened it and saw them both awake.
"Hey there you two, breakfast is ready."
"Yeah yeah, we know you old hag." He replied, his friend gave him a look and smacked his hand lightly. I just scoffed and closed the door, as I was walking down the stairs I hear a loud thump followed by laughter. They came into the kitchen giggling like two year olds, Katsuki practically carrying his friend who looked like he was going to collapse.
"You two are in a happy mood this morning." I said as I placed two plates of food in front of them.
"Thank you Mrs. Bakugou." Said the red head as I put his plate down.
"Now, Katsuki refused to tell me anything last night. Who might you be?" I asked, politely.
"I'm Eijiro Kirishima."
"Oooh, so you're Kirishima." I said teasing. His face instantly turns bright red and Katsuki even had a little pink on his ears.
"SHUT UP YOU STUBBORN OLD MULE!!!" My bratty kid screeched, making Kirishima wince and place his hand to his head. I just chuckled and left the kitchen, from the other room I could hear them talking I couldn't make out what they were saying but they sure were laughing a lot. Well dang, I didn't think that kid would ever be able to make a friend, and definitely not this good of one. I haven't heard Katsuki laugh like that in a while. I peeked my head around the corner to watch them, and while my son didn't notice I certainly did. Kirishima wasn't eating. And I know it's not because of my cooking, my cooking is fabulous. Katsuki finished his food and carried his plate to the sink, while his back was turned Kirishima quickly scrapped the food off into the trash can. As he did so I noticed scars all over his forearms, and not just any scars, small perfectly straight cuts that could only have been caused by a blade. Ah great. Leave it to Katsuki to become friends with the depressed broken kid, he's probably just going to make things worse. I wonder if he even realizes what this poor boy is going through.
They went back up into Katsuki's room and stayed there all day which was probably for the best, I'm sure Kirishima had the hangover of his life. They came down for lunch and dinner but Kirishima just skipped both those meals as well. I hope Katsuki realizes what he's gotten himself into.

Sorry for the short chapter! Thanks for reading this crappy book, I hope you're enjoying it at least a little. I know there hasn't been very much dragon in this story so far but please be a little patient because in a few chapters some stuff is about to go down.  Alrighty byeeee


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