Chapter Eight

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I couldn't find a picture that relates to this chapter and it's three in the morning so here have this instead

Kirishima's POV

I woke up with a huge headache, I haven't been so hungover in a while. I looked around and realized I had absolutely no idea where I was, I'm tucked into someone's bed in a room I've never seen before. Ah crap, what did I do last night? I don't remember anything.
Just then I heard rustling on the ground, I look down and see Bakugou asleep on the floor next to the bed, he looked so peaceful and cute. Oh, I must be at his house. Wait, holy crap I'm in Bakugou's bed! I couldn't help smiling when I came to that realization. I heard Bakugou moving around a lot so I decided to pretend to still be asleep, I didn't want to risk him figuring out I was watching him. I heard him stand up and stumble a bit, so I slowly opened my eyes.
"Oh, um hey, I don't know where your house is and you were really really drunk so I thought it best to not take you back to the dorms."
"That's alright." I said wincing a little as he spoke, everything is so loud. I sit up and notice that I'm wearing a soft blank tank top and loose blank sweatpants.
"Oh, uh yeah I gave you some clothes to sleep in. Don't worry you changed yourself." He said awkwardly.
"What happened last night?" I asked, slowly scooting over so Bakugou could sit next to me.
"You got wasted man."
"Ugh, what did I do?" I asked, just waiting for the bad news.
"Well you told everyone about how you lost your virginity."
"Okay, yeah I kinda remember that."
"And you drank a whole lot, and laughed like you would die if you stopped."
"You sang"
"What?!" I said louder then I was planning to, my head throbbed.
"Yeah, you played the guitar and sang part of a song you're writing."
"Oh gosh. I'm sorry."
"What do you mean? It sounded amazing! You're going to have to sing it to me when you're finished with it."
"Okay. C'mon I had to have done something really embarrassing, what was it?"
"Well that Invisible idiot asked me if I was gay, and you know I answered, and you were really upset that she kinda pushed coming out like that onto me. And..." my heart stopped. He's gay? Oh. My. Gosh. That means I might have a chance with him! "...well I guess you were trying to make me feel better or something, even though I was fine, and you told me about how you had a secret abusive boyfriend." I felt the color draining from my face, I felt sick I'm going to throw up. And the look on Bakugou face told me that it was obvious how sick I looked.
"But it was just you and me! And I don't judge you or anything, I swear! From what you told me it was a manipulative situation and there wasn't much you could do. The fact that you were able to stay strong while this guy was raping you, or at least trying to, says a lot about you. And I really look up to you a whole lot more after finding all that out!" He said all of this very quickly to reassure me, and although he was being loud and my head was still hurting like crazy I didn't want him to stop talking. He was being super kind and he seemed really worried.
"Yeah. I'm sorry, I'm making you uncomfortable."
"No! No, you're fine. I don't really remember telling you that but I can see why I did. You're really easy to talk to, you're understanding." I gave him a sweet smile, and he smiled back. Seeing him smile is about as rare as seeing a mouse riding an elephant in the middle of Japan. I smiled even bigger, I couldn't help it, he's so hot and cute at the same time! I was about to say something when there was a loud pounding at the door, it probably wasn't very loud but to me it sounded like there was a rhino outside the door. The door opened and who I'm assuming to be Bakugou's mom opened the door.
"Hey there you two, breakfast is ready!" She said smiling.
"Yeah yeah, we know you old hag." Bakugou replied, annoyed. I was a little surprised at how he responded but at the same time it kinda made sense. He stood up and started to walk to the door, I stood up to follow after him but my legs wobbled and I just feel back onto the bed. Bakugou spun around to see what had happened and I just started laughing, which hurt like crazy! I stood up again this time slowly and carefully and stumbled over to Bakugou, laughing as a fell onto him.
"Gosh, why does walking have to be so hard!" I said still giggling even though my head felt like it was going to explode. Bakugou helped me regain the little balance I had and we walked out of his room. I was still laughing because Bakugou was practically carrying me, and he started laughing too. It was my first time seeing him genuinely laughing and it was amazing. We eventually made down stairs to the kitchen and sat down at the table, still laughing. His mom walked over and saw how happy Bakugou looked and her face lit up.
"Good morning you two, you're in a happy mood this morning." She said setting two plates down on he table in front of us.
"Thank you, Mrs. Bakugou." I said smiling.
"So, Katsuki refused to say anything last night. Who might you be?" She asked.
"I'm Eijiro Kirishima"
"Oooh, so you're Kirishima." She said smirking. I could feel my face heating up, what does she mean by that?
"SHUT UP YOU STUBBORN OLD MULE!!!" Bakugou screeched. That hurt my head more then you can imagine. Mrs. Bakugou just chuckled and left the room, Bakugou calmed down once she was gone. Bakugou ate while I tried my hardest to hide the fact that I wasn't, I ate a tiny bit and felt awful about it. When he finished I threw away my food (sorry Mrs. Bakugou) and we went up to Bakugou's room.
"Hey, thank you." I said as we sat on his bed.
"For what weird hair?"
"For taking care of me last night. I can't even imagine how much of a mess I was, I'm sorry you had to deal with that."
"I didn't mind. Uh, last night after you had changed and stuff you said that you were drinking because you wanted to feel numb. You fell asleep before you said anything else, you don't have to saw anything but, why were you so hurt yesterday?" He said all of this very carefully trying not to scare me off.
"I can't really say exactly why, I was just feeling pretty crapy. Hating myself, what I am." As much as I wanted to tell him everything, I couldn't just say 'hey I'm gay and a disgusting monster that's why I got so drunk'.
"That's okay, you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to. And you definitely shouldn't hate yourself." Bakugou said. He's being so kind and gentle, gosh I love him.
"Thanks Bakugou." I gave him a small smile and wiped my eyes, I just realized that I was crying.

We decided to just hang out at Bakugou's house for the rest of the day. We mainly just played video games the whole time, keeping the volume very low.
"Hey it's pretty late do you wanna just stay here another night?" Bakugou asked me.
"Uh sure, we can wake up early and go back to the dorms to get changed before school."
"Alright." He says as he gets up and turns off the TV. He grabs a spare blanket and lays down on the ground.
"No! I'm not going to let you sleep on the ground again."
"It doesn't matter, Kirishima. I don't care."
"Well I do! I'm sleeping on he ground this time!" I protest.
"Seriously Kiri, I don't care."
"I'm not going to take your bed again!" I get off his bed and stand next to him, he just stares at me and stays laying on the floor. "Fine, you wanna be like that." I say, I bend down and scoop Bakugou up bridal style.
"The heck!? Put me down hair for brains!!" He screams. I give him a huge smile and walk over to the bed, I drop him down on the bed and lay down on the floor.
"There, now everything is how it should be." I said giggling.
"I swear to all might..." I hear him mutter. I laugh a little and then we're quiet, it wasn't awkward though it was a calming quiet. And in a few minutes Bakugou was asleep, it was past his bedtime after all. I stand up and look over to the bed, Bakugou and fallen asleep sprawled on top of his covers with his feet on the pillow, the exact same position he landed in when I dropped him on the bed. I scoffed and stepped over to him, I carefully spun him around so his head was on the pillow and pulled the blankets up over him. Gosh he's just so dang cute! I turn off the light and lay down on the floor, I check my phone. 12:52, yeah definitely past 8:32.


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