Chapter Twenty Two

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Bakugou's POV




Everything moved so fast. The Nomu appeared, Kiri ran forward, a dragon. And now he's gone.

Have you ever felt so incredibly numb that everything around you is just a blur, and all you can hear is white noise? Well, that's what's happening right now. I don't know what to do, all I can do is stare at the spot where Kirishima was just laying five seconds ago.

"Btzzzzz" I hear what sounds like someone talking, but all I hear is ringing.
"Btzzzzz" They're talking to me, I know.
"Bakugou!" I strong hand shook my shoulder, and I was awakened from my haze. I slowly turned my head, my eyes met with Aizawa's.

"Where'd he go?" Was the only thing I managed to say, it came out in such a soft whisper even I barley heard it. Aizawa looked at me with pained eyes, opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, and then finally answered.
"Everyone is loading on the bus back to UA, go join them."
"What? But what ab-about Kiri I, I c-can't just leave him!" I stammered, starting to panic.
"Bakugou, please just go back to UA."
"But I.....what about....." I didn't know what to do. My legs wouldn't move. I just stood there, staring intensely at the ground, hoping that Kiri would suddenly reappear. Aizawa called a police officer over and she lead me to the bus. I didn't fight against her, I didn't protest, I didn't yell. I just got onto the bus.

Almost everyone was as quiet as me. The grape was crying, and a few people were questioning where the dragon came from. But beside that everyone was still.

Sero came and sat by me, but he didn't say anything. He just sat. We looked at each other for a moment, and he gave me a soft, sad smile.

Sero is a weird dude at first glance, he's not very smart, he's loud, and he looks like a crackhead. But in serious situations, he knows what to say, or what not to say. And in this case he knows not to say anything at all, and I'm grateful for that.

Kirishima's POV

"Let me just go take a little peak, please! He looked soooo bloody! I promise just a peak, I won't touch him!"
"Oh please! He's covered in blood! No one is as pretty as when they're all bloody!" Distant voices argued.

I struggled to open my eyes, I looked around to see blurred nothingness. I blinked the blood and sweat out of my eyes and my vision cleared. I saw only four blank walls, and a closed door.

I turned my attention to my hands, which were chained tightly together. The chains from my hands lead to my ankles, and were anchored to the cold stone floor.

I heard voices from the other side of the door, and focused to hear what they were saying.

"I'm pretty impressed, I thought that guy was lying when he told us the boy was a dragon."
"It's his own luck he was telling the truth. I would've killed him if he was just stringing us along."
"Of course you would. Should we go wake him up?"

The door knob starting rattling, and I heard the loud click of a lock. I slumped back down and closed my eyes, pretending to still be unconscious. The door creaked open and the sound of footsteps echoed through the room, getting louder and louder until stopping right in front of me.

A hand wrapped around my arm, gripping tightly. It suddenly started to get hotter, and hotter, until it was burning. The pain made me gasp and sit up quickly, eyes wide open. A man, with scars covering half his face, and jet black hair was crouched over me. He pulled his hand away, and I saw blue flames flicker out.

"Well good morning sunshine! Go back to sleep and die." A masked man shouted from the corner of the room.
A school girl, Toga I think, was giggling and swinging her arms cheerfully as she stared at me. The man who had burned me backed away, and another man took his place. Bending over so his face was directly aligned with mine.
"Hello Kirishima Eijirou. Welcome to the League of Villains." Shigaraki said, smiling.

Midoriya's POV

Once back in the dorms, Kacchan went crazy. Aizawa took him into the other room, but we could still hear him yelling.

Everyone was in shock, no one could explain what had happened. Ashido was crying, Sero was trying to calm her, but he was crying as well. And Kaminari looked lost, he had no emotion on his face. He just sat, staring at the wall.

Bakugou's POV

"You're supposed to be a hero! You're supposed to save people!" I screamed at Aizawa. I know he couldn't have done anything, and I know he feels awful. But I needed someone to blame.

"And now you won't let me go after him?! When I was captured, Kiri stopped at nothing to save me! Why can't I do the same!?"
"You know why Bakugou." He answered. He sounded pained, and I felt slightly bad, but I wasn't done.
"He just saved all of our lives! Does that mean nothing to you?!"
"Of course it means something-"
"Then let's go! Right now, let's get him back before he gets hurt anymore!" I interrupted.
"We can't. Even if we knew where they were, The League is too strong for you students. It would be suicide."
"We can't just!" My voice cracked and I felt tears building up. "We can't just leave him there. Please..."

I suddenly felt weak, the adrenaline had worked itself out of my blood, and now I was left with nothing but the heartbreaking truth. The truth that my best friend was taken by the league, and I could do nothing about it. He was gone, and all I could do was stand here, helpless.

Monster Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora