Chapter Fifteen

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I gave up on trying to find a picture that matched this chapter, so have this instead.

Kirishima's POV

It's weird I remember everything about Katsuki, everything. But I can't remember Mina, Denki, and Sero. After the doctor was done talking to me everyone came back in the room, those three had to reintroduce themselves. I felt awful, I tried to remember. They told me all about the Bakusquad and all the stuff we do together, but I just don't remember. I cried, a lot. They kept telling me that it was okay and that I don't have to worry about it right know, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm supposedly their best friend. Everyone keeps telling me that I'm the most well liked person in 1A, but I don't remember. Do you know how frustrating it is to not remember huge parts of your life? And no matter how hard I try I just can't. After a while Mina, Denki, and Sero left. Kazuma had Katsuki leave the room for a little while so he could talk to me.
"Okay Ei, please tell me you remember your, uh, scaly situation." He said, looking absolutely terrified.
"Yeah I do, don't worry." I responded, watching the color return to his face.
"Oh thank goodness, that would have been really hard to try and explain."
He told me about how I had transformed and asked if I had any idea why. Which I don't, I don't know a thing about any of this dragon crap. After about five minutes Katsuki came back in the room.
"K, that's long enough."
"Aw, did someone miss me?" I asked, teasingly. He just responded with an annoyed 'tch' and sat down. Kazuma left to go sign some papers or something and Katsuki turned to me.
"So, I know your brain probably hurts, but do you remember anyone else from class?" He asked me. I sat and thought for a while.
"Well, I remember Midoriya because you're constantly trying to kill him. Uhh, I remember Asui, and Shoji. And um, Tokoyami. And I remember a girl, um, black hair, something about objects. She shows way too much skin." I looked up at him as I described her, his face was scrunched up as he was trying to figure out who I was talking about. When I said that last thing his face softened as he realized who it was.
"Oh uh, what's her name. She can create things. Um, Yaoyorozu, right?"
"Yeah her! Although I'm not sure why I remember her, it's not like we talked much. I also remember Mineta, sadly." I made a gross face as I said his name and Katsuki chuckled.
"I'm sure all of us would love to forget him." He laughed and I felt my heart just squeeze.
Katsuki stayed with me for a long time, just talking. He told me about a lot of things a couldn't remember. Sometimes he would be talking and suddenly it would flood back to my brain, but for the most part I didn't remember much of anything new. He told me how my mother came to visit, but I don't remember. Kazuma stayed with me for a long time too, we talked and I remember pretty much everything about him, eventually Kazuma went back to his hotel room.
I'm not sure when I fell asleep last night but I guess I did. I woke up next to Katsuki in my hospital bed, I guess last night he crawled in next to me. Oh my, I can't handle the cuteness. I can't believe he's sleeping next to me. Even though it's a small hospital bed, we weren't uncomfortable. We were squished together but it was more like cuddling. Well I definitely remember how much I love him. I would give anything to stop time and just stay here next to him forever.

Time skip, bc I can.

I get to leave today, It's been almost two weeks since I woke up. I'm healed for the most part, one of my legs is still in a cast and my arms are still in bandages, but that's the worst of it. I've got bad bruises and some cuts but I'm good to do back to the dorms. Some bits of my memory has slowly been coming back, but not a lot. The doctor thinks being around the people I've forgotten will help a lot, but there's still a chance I'll stay this way. Meitu had come over at one point to thank me, I remember her but I still don't really remember what happened that night.

"You ready to go?" Kazuma asked. We had finished signing the millions of papers the doctors gave us. I nodded and we headed out the door. When we got to the car I saw my reflection.
"Wow, this isn't right." I stated, confused.
"What?" Katsuki asked. In response I pointed to my head. "Oh, yeah, all the dye wore out."
"It's usually red, right?"
We got in the car and stayed quiet during the ride back to the dorms. Once we got there Kazuma said his goodbyes, he had to get back to his farm. He told me to continue to call him with updates or else he would drive back down here and break my legs again, himself.
It was the middle of the day, everyone was still in class. So we went up to my room, it feels like it's been ages since I was in here.
"So, are you gonna go to class tomorrow?" Katsuki asked me.
"Yeah, I don't see why not. Besides I've missed so much, I'll be surprised if I don't get expelled."
"Expelled?! They would have to be idiots to expel you. You missed class because you risked your life saving someone else, that's a hero in training." As he said that I felt my cheeks start to heat up. Nope, can't have that. I quickly turn away from him and pretend to be looking around the room, like I had forgotten what it looked like.
"It feels good to be back, although I don't remember my room looking like this."
"Huh, well I'm sure you'll get used to it."

Time skip again. They hung out in Kiri's room being gay, nothing special.

I woke up to the familiar sound of my alarm clock. I stared at my ceiling in my morning foggy haze for a couple of minutes. Eventually I pulled myself out of bed and got dressed, I skipped styling my hair, it would look kinda funny if I styled it while it's black.
I was ready pretty quickly, despite having trouble trying to pull my pant leg over my bulky cast. I went over to Bakugou's room and let myself in, to see him still asleep in bed.
"Katsuki wake up!" I yelled. He flew into the air and fell to the floor, wide eyed. I dropped onto his bed laughing like a maniac. He started spanking me with a pillow.
"Gonna give me a freakin heart attack Kiri." He said as he ditched the pillow and started smacking me with his hand.
"Be careful, my buttocks is very delicate." I said jokingly. "But seriously dude, we're gonna be late for school hurry up."
"Yeah yeah." He grabbed his uniform and walked over to his bathroom, sticking his tongue out at me before closing the door. A few moments later the door opened again and he was ready to go. We were already a couple minutes late so we didn't run into anyone when heading to class. When we got to class and opened the door, everyone started talking over the top of each other.
"Kirishima welcome back!"
"I'm so glad you're okay!"
"We missed you!"
"Welcome back, Kirishima." Aizawa called over everyone, silencing them.
"Hey, uh, Aizawa." I answered, only needing to pause for a moment to try to remember his name. "Hey everyone!" I smiled to the class and Bakugou went and sat down. "So I just need to say something real quick. Um, I'm really sorry about this you guys. But I hit my head, really hard, and I don't remember a lot of things. Including most of you. And it's really random too. Like, I remember you Tokoyami, and I don't think we've said a single word to each other. But I don't remember my three best friends. The doctors said that my memory should come back, it might take some time, but it should come back. So I just hope that you all can be patient with me while I recover." I smiled and went to my seat.
"Don't worry Kirishima, we will try our best to help you remember." Aizawa said.


Hey, so this chapter is pretty bad, sorry. School is starting, so I haven't had much time to write. Also this chapter is just kinda rushed, idk. Sorry.

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