Chapter Five

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Three week time skip
Kirishima's POV

Everything has been pretty boring, life is life. Nothing really special has happened, school is the same, life in the dorms is the same. But I do have friends, real friends. We call ourselves The Bakusquad, the members include me, Mina, Denki, Sero, Jiro (sometimes), and of course Bakugou. I've been a lot happier lately, I haven't spoken to my parents in a couple of weeks and that really helps my mood.
I decided to start a journal, I need to get these secrets off my chest. They're weighing me down, and I can't tell anyone so writing them will have to do.

Eijiro Kirishima
First Journal Entry

Hello, I'm Eijiro Kirishima. I have two very important things I need to tell you.
First, I'm gay. No one knows this, not a single soul. My parents are extremely homophobic and my father hates me, so if they ever found out he would probably kill me. I'm surprised Mina Ashido (one of my best friends) hasn't figured me out yet. Mina swears on her life that she can sniff out gays, and most of the time she can. I think I would die of embarrassment if people found out I'm gay. Most of the people in are class are LGBT but I just feel like everyone would hate me if they found out.
I have gotten myself into a sticky situation, I've fallen in love with the baddest of bad boys. Katsuki Bakugou. And I know there is no way he likes me back, I've been friends with him for about a month now and I am certain he is not gay. And I don't want to ruin our friendship by confessing, that would make things so awkward!
And my second secret. Only a few people know about this, my mom, my dad, and a couple of scientists. I am a dragon. Well not completely, I can transform into a dragon. I've been this way ever since I was born and no one knows why. It's not my quirk because you can't have a dragon related quirk. Dragons are really rare, there are only a couple dozen left on earth, so a lot of people think they don't exist but they do.

Anyway, there are three different stages of my transformation; the first stage, I grow wings, a tail, fangs, slight claws, and little horns. The second stage, my wings get bigger along with my tail, fangs, claws, and horns. Scales cover almost my whole body and my eyes turn reptilian. Also my strength is increased like crazy. And the third and final stage, full dragon. When I'm fully transformed I'm huge!
But I am a wonder. No one understands how I am able to do this and how I still have a  regular quirk. My parents are terrified of what I am so I've never been allowed to transform, as soon as I could control it my parents made me pretend like I was completely normal. I spent so long pretending I eventually forgot that I'm powerful, but as think about it all this time i've allowed myself to be abused and bullied when I could easily

I stopped myself before I finished that sentence, I can't believe I almost wrote that. I grabbed my journal and hid it in one of my draws where no one would find it. I laid down and tried to go to sleep but I couldn't, the thought of everything that went through my head while I was writing kept me up all night.

I'm a Monster.

Monster Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora