Chapter Twelve

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Third Person POV

Bakugou started pacing again, after that phone call he was just getting worse and worse. He felt like he couldn't breathe, his hands were sweaty (more then usual) his heart was racing, and he felt like if he stomped moving Kirishima would die. So he just paced faster, and faster, until he was practically running around the hospital.
Kazuma watched as this poor boy panicked, he wanted to try to calm him down but he had a feeling that things would end badly if he did. Ten minutes later three people burst through the door, a girl who's completely pink, a boy with bright yellow hair, a boy with black hair, and all of them wearing the same terrified look on their face.

Mina's POV

We raced to the hospital, none of us daring to say a word we were all so worried we didn't know how to act. Denki had his hand clamped over his mouth trying not to throw up from fear. Sero was trying to comfort him but he was just too shocked to be of any help. I parked and we piled out of the car, Denki threw up into the bushes. He just wiped his mouth and bolted to the door we ran in and were met with a terrible sight. Bakugou was pacing around the waiting room, pulling at his hair. His face was so pale he almost looked translucent, he had dark circles around his eyes, his eyes were blood shot from crying. And he was covered in blood. It was all over his clothes, his arms, hands, even his face. He had some dry blood in his hair as well. He noticed us and ran over.
"I-I d-don't k-know w-what to d-do" he was stuttering so hard I couldn't even understand him. I pulled him into a hug and he just collapsed into my arms sobbing, I wasn't expecting the sudden weight so I stumbled a bit but quickly regained my balance. You would never have guessed that the person falling apart in my arms was Bakugou. Bakugou the heartless jerk from class 1A, the self centered brat who only cared about becoming number one hero, the guy who didn't care if he hurt anyone, the person who took pride in making others feel worthless. And here he was, broken. I lost it and started crying, Kaminari and Sero too. Someone walked over to us, I didn't recognize him but he gave me a small sweet smile.
"Hey guys, come on and sit down. I'm sure you want to know what happened." He said gesturing to the chairs. I lead Bakugou over to a seat and he fell into it, we sat down next to him and the man sat across from us.
"I'm Kazuma, Eijiro's uncle." He said.
"Uncle, where are his parents?" Sero asked.
"They couldn't make it."
"Don't lie. They didn't think Kiri dying was worth their time." Bakugou said, startling us.
"Sigh, well yes. Anyway, Eiji saved the life of a girl today, but he might not make it. His arms and legs are broken and he hit his head. The doctors say he's in a coma, and if he does wake up it won't be for a long time." As he said this Kaminari covered his face, silently sobbing. Bakugou stood up abruptly and went into a nearby bathroom, Sero went after him.
"Who did he save?" Kaminari said, his voice a raspy whisper.
"A girl who tried to take her own life by jumping off a bridge. He jumped after her and activated his quirk while hugging her in mid air, he was first to hit the ground. She was able to go home a couple of hours ago."
"That idiot, why is he always trying to save everyone?" I said, with a sad chuckle. Sero came back, but Bakugou was still in the bathroom.
"He's throwing up, he told me to leave him alone." He said as he sat down next to Kami.
"Again? He's just going to start throwing up his stomach if he's not careful." Kazuma said.
"Do you know if he's eaten anything?" Sero asked.
"He hasn't, I tried to get him to go home but he refused. I gotta say, Ei tends to believe that he's alone. He needs to realize how lucky he is to have such good friends, he doesn't know how much this kid loves him."
"See you say that and you don't even know his personality. Bakugou is explosive, and I'm not just talking about his quirk. I mean I love the guy, but he's a real jerk. He hates pretty much everyone in class, he's constantly trying to kill Midoriya, and he can barely stand the three of us. I guess he's been hiding how much he cares for Kiri, cuz I've never seen him act like this." I said.
And boom, just like that. Holy crap! Bakugou's in love with Kirishima! Oh ho ho ho! How did I not realize earlier, it's so obvious! He's strangely calm around Kiri, almost even nice. Oh. My. Gosh. This is the greatest thing ever! Kiri better wake up cuz I need to turn him gay ASAP, he and Bakugou would look so cute together! I don't care if he's straight, I will change his mind.
"Well, even though Eiji doesn't love himself he sure knows how to love others." Kazuma said, giving a light chuckle.
"Wait, we found out Kiri has been skipping meals. But you're making it sound a lot worse then that." Kaminari said carefully, like he was scared of what the answer might be.
"Oh, well this is really something that Eijiro should tell you himself, but... he's pretty depressed you guys. I know it doesn't show, he does a great job hiding it. I'm not going to give details because that's up to him if he wants to share, but he's tried to take his life a lot in the past. He's hurt himself a lot. But I can promise you, he's been way happier since he started at UA. He talks about you guys like crazy!"
"I had no idea he felt so alone." Sero said weakly. Bakugou came back into the room and sat down, he really looks awful. He's sweaty and sick looking, covered in blood, just an absolute mess.
"Bakugou, you really should go home and clean up. Eat something and get some rest." Kaminari said, sweetly.
"Not a chance, dunce face."
We stayed there and waited for about an hour. The doctor came and gave us an update, and it wasn not good. He really doesn't think Kiri will live, none of the doctors do. It was late so we decided we should go back to the dorms, Kazuma said he got a hotel room nearby. Bakugou said he was going to go to his house, stay with his parents. So we all left, none of us wanting to.
So now I'm sitting here in my dorm room, unsure of what to do with myself. The thoughts from earlier conversations flooded back into my brain. Never in a million years would I have guessed that Eijiro Kirishima, the kid with he brightest smile in UA, the kid who everyone can't help but love, the kid who was able to tame the wild Bakugou, felt alone and hurt. I never would have known he was depressed. And when he wakes up, because I know he will, I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure he never feels alone again. I love Kiri with all my heart, everyone in 1A does. And he better live, because if he doesn't I'm scared at what Bakugou might do, to himself.


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