Chapter Eleven

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Bakugou's POV

They wouldn't let me stay with Kirishima once we got to the hospital, not until he was stable. So I had to sit in a stupid waiting room while he was dying. After an hour a doctor came to speak to me.
"We know Kirishima, but not the girl. Do you know her name."
"Um, her name is Meitu."
"That all you know?"
"Okay, can you tell me what happened." I took about two minutes to explain everything, but my patience was being worn very thin. "So this time it wasn't Kirishima who was jumping." He mumbled, as he wrote stuff down.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Kirishima has paid many visits." He said carelessly, as if what he was saying wasn't awful. "And who are you and what's your connection to Kirishima?" He asked me.
"I'm Katsuki Bakugou, I'm Kiri's best friend."
Gosh this doctor sounds so bored, I'm sorry is my best friend barely hanging on to life not exciting enough for you? He walked over to one of the secretaries and told her to call Kirishima's parents, I moved closer to them so that I could hear the conversation.
"Hello, this is the Main Street Hospital calling, your son Eijiro Kirishima is here."
"What did he do this time?" A mans voice said, on the other side of the line.
"He was in an accident, he fell of a bridge. We don't know if he'll make it through."
"Hahaha, that selfish brat tried to kill himself again didn't he." He was laughing. This sick man was just told that his son might die, and he is laughing. Kirishima's complained about his parents before, claimed they didn't love him but I just thought it was the depression talking. Poor Kiri has had to live with this sick people, and I didn't take him seriously when he said they're awful. His father was still laughing, the look on the secretary's face was terrifying on its own. *click* his father hung up the phone.
"Every time they just get worse and worse." She sighed, I stood up and started pacing again. The secretary was on the phone with someone else but I couldn't hear her. I'm not really sure how long I was pacing, I think maybe two hours, but I eventually sat down. I didn't know what to do with myself. Eijiro Kirishima is dying. The only person who has made me truly happy is dying, and there is nothing I can do about it. After a while a nurse came over to me and tried to get me to go home and clean up, but I refused to leave.

Kazuma's POV

I walked inside and took my shoes off in the mud room, same as everyday. I look over to the clock 4:22pm, not too bad. I finished my work pretty early today, which is nice now I have a lot of free time. I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, but as soon as I did the phone rang.
"Hello, this is the Main Street Hospital calling. Are you Kazuma Kirishima?"
"I am. Is everything alright?"
"Your nephew Eijiro Kirishima is here, we tried calling his parents but they wouldn't come. We don't think he'll make it."
"What!? What happened?!"
"He was in an accident and fell off a bridge."
"I'll be right there." I hung up the phone and ran to the front door. Main Street Hospital, it's going to take me a while to get there. Gosh, I can't believe he might actually die this time. He seemed pretty happy last time I saw him.

An hour later I arrived at the hospital, usually it would take me a lot longer to get there but today I may have broken a law or two. I parked ran into the hospital, and hurriedly walked over to the secretary.
"What room is he in? What room is Eijiro in?" I asked, hopping she would allow me to see my nephew.
"I'm sorry sir, but he is still in critical condition. We can't allow you to see him yet." She answered. I slammed my hand down on the counter angrily, causing the secretary to jump. I looked around and realized that there was only one other person in the room with us. A boy with ash blonde hair was sitting and bouncing his legs in a nervous manner. He was covered, and I mean absolutely covered, with blood.
"Who's that?" I asked, trying to take my mind off of Eijiro.
"Huh? Oh, he's been here for hours, he's the one who was with Kirishima." I looked at him again and realized that that was probably Eijiro's blood. I walked over to him and sat down startling him as he snapped out of a sort of trance.
"You alright there pal?" I asked as he looked at me. His eyes shone bright with fear.
"The heck kind of question is that? Do I look alright?" He shot at me. Sheesh, this kids got problems. Well, I guess he does of an excuse. "Who are you?" He asked.
"I'm Kazuma Kirishima, Eijiro's uncle."
"So you bothered to show, guess I can cross you off my list of Kiri's relatives to kill."
"I assume you're talking about my brother."
"If your brother is the psychopath who laughed when he was told his son was dying, then yeah I am."
This kid is kind of a jerk, but I can't help liking his spunk.
"Wanna tell me what happened?" I asked. I always feel so bad for Eijiro, he's the most depressed person I've ever met. The poor kid hates himself, he hates himself so much that he's blinded. He's tried to end his life a lot, only a couple times has he been hospitalized for a while. He usually makes it out alright, maybe a couple scars. But this time he might actually die, and it's killing me.
"Why did he try to take his life this time? He seemed to be getting better."
"He didn't try to kill himself." The kid responded.
"He wasn't trying to kill himself."
"But on the phone the lady said he jumped off a bridge." I'm confused, is this kid just in denial?
"We were walking, and when we were crossing a bridge there was a girl about to jump. Kiri got her to come down but as we started to try and take her to the school she ran and jumped. Kiri jumped after her and used his quirk to brake her fall. He saved her life." As he explained everything tears were threatening to spill. "And now that idiot might die." He turned away from me and started shaking.
"It seems like you've been here a long time, maybe you should go home and clean up. Get some rest."
"I'm not leaving." He answered turning to me, with a stern look on his face.
"How long have you been here?"
"Five hours, maybe? I don't know, but the point is Kiri is still in there with doctors swarming him. I. Am. Not. Leaving." Well dang, Eiji has made himself a true friend.
"Well then, I guess you and I will just have to get to know each other." We sat and chatted about how Eiji has been doing, he told me how he stopped cutting but was just starving himself, he said that he was willing to start eating again. He told me about Eijiro's friends, about how he lights up when he sees anything related to a shark, about his singing voice. And the more and more he talked I started to realize. This kids in love with Ei.

After about forty minutes a doctor came over to us with a girl, the girl had bandages on her arm and head and legs.
"Hello Kazuma, this is Meitu, the girl your nephew saved." He turned to the boy next to me. "She's fine, she just has some cuts from Kirishima's quirk and she passed out from the fall. Her family is coming to pick her up." The doctor led the girl to a seat and then came back over to us, the smile on his face gone. "Kirishima is not doing well. His arms and legs badly broken and his head was hit really hard. We're lucky his back stayed hardened. But his body is really weak right now, we can tell he hasn't been eating and that is going to make it extra hard to heal him. He's in a coma right now and we're afraid he won't woke up for a long time, if he even wakes up at all." The boy next to me was sobbing. And I could tell after the short amount of time I spent with him, he's not one to cry. The doctor left again and we sat there in shock, after a little while Meitu came over to us.
"Here's my number, please keep me updated. I want to be able to thank him in person, so make sure he gets better, alright?" She reached her shaking hand out and handed the boy a piece of paper, then she walked over to a different boy who hugged her tight. They left and it was quiet again.

We sat there for another hour in complete silence, neither of us daring to move. It was late I'm not entirely sure how late, but I knew it was late. The boy eventually pulled out his phone and walked down a hallway.

Bakugou's POV

Gosh I'm such a mess right now, but that doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that Kiri gets better. Ugh it's late, I should check my phone I'm sure people are worried about where Kirishima is and he left his phone in the dorms. So people have probably been texting me. I opened my phone and sure enough tons of messages and missed calls from the Bakusquad.
Pikachu: hey where u guys at?
Scotch Tape: yeah you two disappeared, and Kiri's not answering his phone
Alien Queen: are you two hiding together 😏
Alien Queen: things must be pretty heated if neither of you are responding
Pikachu: butt legit tho. Where the heck u guys?
Scotch Tape: great grammar Denki.
Alien Queen: oh snap, since when have you two been on first name basis?
Alien Queen: do I smell a new ship?
Alien Queen: k well I'm coming to your dorm Bakugou, so make sure you put some pants on.
Alien Queen: dang where are you guys? We already checked Kiri's dorm.
Scotch Tape: dudes respond, it's been a couple hours I'm getting worried.
Missed group call
Scotch Tape: pick up
Missed group call
Alien Queen: guys seriously I'm really scared

Well, here goes nothing. All these texts are from a couple hours ago so they're probably going to freak out.

Blasty McSplode: Hey sorry
Pikachu: WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU!!!!!!!
Scotch Tape: dude you can't just drop off the map like that. Do you know what time it is?
Alien Queen: WHERE ARE YOU!?!

The texts were coming in so fast I couldn't reply.

Blasty McSplode: we're at the hospital
Blasty McSplode: Eijiro's dying
Pikachu: haha, very funny. Where r u?
Alien Queen: you two are on first name basis too? Dang.
Scotch Tape: dude it's not going to work.

Of course they don't believe me.

Blasty McSplode calling.

Third Person POV

Bakugou called the group and everyone picked up.
"Dude stop joking around and tell us where you are. Is Kiri with you?" Kaminari asked.
"Okay calm down Bakugou, we're on our way. Where are you?" Mina said, fear rising in her chest.
"Main Street Hospital." Bakugou replied. Mina ended the call and found Sero and Kaminari, the got in her car and raced down to the hospital. Bakugou was sobbing, so everyone was now terrified. Because if Bakugou was crying that means this is serious.

Words: 2127

Heyo Kermit the frog here.
So apparently my story is legible for the 2019 Wattys, whatever the heck that means. I honestly don't know, but thank you? So if you know what the 2019 Wattys is please tell me lol.

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