Chapter Nineteen

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Bakugou's POV

I'm really glad Kiri's memories are back, but maybe for the wrong reasons. Since he didn't remember the three idiots, he was hanging out with Meitu a lot, a lot. And I know that it's good for him, I mean they have the same problems, so I'm sure they have plenty to talk about. But he's getting really close to her, and yes I'll admit, I'm jealous.
But since his memories came back, he's back to hanging out with the squad. Yes, I know that's super selfish of me, but I was missing him.
He's been so sad lately, and it hurts. It hurts to see someone you care about feel so alone.
But now his memories are back, and he's happier.

Kirishima's POV

While sitting in class, the back of my hand kept itching, it felt like pin pricks. At first I just ignored it, but after a while I looked at my hand to see scales. CRAP! CRAP CRAP CRAP!!! THIS IS REALLY BAD! WHY AM I TRANSFORMING?! GAAAHHHHH! I started to panic, I hide my hand, hoping no one had saw it. I quietly raised my other hand (after making sure there were no scales) and asked to be excused to the bathroom. Luckily, Aizawa let me leave. I calmly walked to the door, but the second I was in the hallway I booked it. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me, which is surprisingly a lot faster then I thought. I got to the bathroom and locked the door.

You know that feeling, when you're super tired and can barley keep your eyes open? It's like you're fighting to stay conscious. That's how it's been feeling lately with my whole dragon problem. I haven't transformed in such a long time, that it's starting to get hard staying in this form.
I quickly pulled my shirt off so that I wouldn't rip it, and let myself change. It felt relaxing to finally have my wings and tail out. But as I looked up and saw myself in the mirror, I was reminded why I hate this form so much. I'm a monster, there's no way to have a dragon quirk, but somehow I'm able to change into a dragon.
Why? Why did I have to be like this? I hate it. I hate being this thing.
I tried to change back but it didn't work, so instead I just walked around the bathroom for a while. Taking time to stretch out my wings and tail.
Whenever I would go to Kazuma's he would have me transform, he wants me to accept what I am and be happy with it. But I can't. I don't want to accept what I am. Kazuma keeps telling me that I could be the greatest hero ever, if I just allowed people to know who I am. But my parents have drilled the thought into my head, the thought that people would only see me as a villain. I don't want people to be afraid of me, and I know if I change in front of anyone, they will be scared. And I'm not even in my full transformation! I've only completely transformed three times, and the last time I did was almost a year ago. When I'm full dragon I'm huge, and terrifying. How could I be a hero looking like that? So I stick to my real quirk, it may be simple, but I like it.

After a while I was able to change back, I put my shirt back on and went back to class. They were just finishing up when I got in there, so I packed my books up.
"Hey man, I really need help with this homework. Do you think you could talk Bakugou into tutoring me." Denki begged.
"Why don't you ask him?" I questioned, as he shook his hands in a pleading way.
"Cuz, if I ask him he'll say no! Buuuttttt, if you ask him there's like 89 percent chance he'll agree!"
"Fine. Only because I need help too. Hey Bakugou!" I called walking over to him.
"What." He answered, grumpily.
"My dude, my mans, my broski."
"Ugh, what!"
"My compadre. Help a dude out?"
"What do you need." He growled.
"Kaminari and I need some serious help with the homework."
"Could you please help us?" I asked. I clasped my hands in front of me, stuck out my bottom lip, and batted my eyes. I knew doing all this would annoy him, but I did it anyway.
"Urrgghhh. Fine." Bakugou snarled.
"Thanks so much man!"
"Be at my dorm at seven." He mumbled as he walked away. I spun around and gave Kaminari, who was watching from the other side of the room, an enthusiastic thumbs up.  He smiled and gave an OK back.
At seven I went over to Bakugou's room, not even bothering to knock.
"Wow, ever heard of knocking idiot?" He grumbled at me, as I sat down on his bed.
"Knocking? Nope, never heard of it." I answered, sarcastically. He turned around to roll his eyes at me.
"Woah!" I exclaimed.
"You're wearing glasses!" And he was in fact, wearing glasses. He helps me study all the time and I've never seen him with glasses on.
"What? Oh uh, yeah." He answered, somewhat shyly.
"I didn't know you need glasses, you never wear them when we're hanging out or studying."
"I don't wear them much around other people." He said. I swear, he sounds kind of embarrassed.
"Well I think they look really good on you! They suit you well!" I said. And I'm not kidding. You know how people usually look kinda goofy with glasses, especially if they don't wear them often. Not Bakugou. He looks so freakin hot! I thought he was at the peak of his hotness, but boy was I wrong! I have no idea how I'm keeping my cool, I've never been gayer in my life!
"Whatever. Where's Pikachu?"
"Um, he should be here soon." I said. Right then Kaminari came bursting into the room, books spilling out of his arms.
"Hey! Sorry I'm late, my book back ripped as I was walking here." Kaminari apologized.
"Oh really? Here let me look at it I might be able to fix it." I said, reaching over and grabbing the bag to inspect the damage.
"Woah! You wear glasses?" Kaminari said, as he looked over to Bakugou. Bakugou just huffed angrily in response.
"Dude, I can totally repair this. It ripped right along the seam, easy fix." I announced.
"Are you seriously telling us you can sew? Is there anything you can't do?" Bakugou said.
Now, anyone else would say he sounds extremely annoyed by it. But, I've been around him so much that I can detect the slightest hints of other emotions. So if you're me, you'd know that Bakugou sounded impressed.
"Trust me. There's plenty." I answered laughing.

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