Kusuo x OC

954 20 3

With a very detailed request from @Ilikesushiandimalive


Saiki was wasting another lovely weekend with the idiots he knows and hates. This time they said that they'll stop by Mami's Cafe, so he still begrudgingly came along but now impatient to leave the ramen shop and go to the cafe.

"Hey, do you think we can bring someone along?" Kaidou pauses for a moment as he points to a house behind him, labeled Collin. "Oh, sure!" Nendou agrees, "You know the saying 'the more the better for ramen'!"

Kaidou shakes his head, "It's the more the merrier, when was their ever ramen in that sentence?" he walks and rings the doorbell, no one was home, not just from the lack of thoughts but also all the lights were off and not a sound was made inside.

But when Kaidou was about to turn away and shrug off that no one was home, a stampeding sound came from behind the door, then the door slammed open with a disheveled looking girl opening the door, out of breath.

"Oh," she gasped out, "...hey" she panted a few times, "Shun," she let out a final breath of air. The blue-haired boy seemed to glow, "Hey Alexandra, wanna get ramen and coffee with us?" he asked as things began to crash from inside the house, Kaidou winced at the sounds, but Collins was less than fazed at the events.

"Sure! I'll be back," she left the door open as she rushed up a flight of stairs, where more crashing came. Then it all stopped as Kaidou found him staring at his friend who made a back-entrance by sliding down the stairs.

"Let's now go!" she smiled, as she pulled up her "Wait..." she paused, "Sushi?" she questioned. Kaidou sighed, he in a way saw this coming as he pulled out store-bought sushi and chopsticks. "Now you're speaking my language," as he pulled up her blue hair and let her pink bangs sit on her face.

"Am I forgetting something...?" she pressed, "Your glasses," Kaidou sighed, a light bulb went off. "Oh, yes! My glasses," she dashed up the stairs and came back down laughing, "No wonder the numbers looked all wacky, that 6 kilograms of sugar was supposed to be 5!" she continued to laugh brightly.

The blue-haired boy sighed, "What are you doing with five kilograms of sugar anyways," though Collins ignored him as she looked behind Kaidou to see his friends. "Who are these...are you in a three-way gay relationship? Never saw you like that type of guy, but I guess you do like K--"

"Shut up!" his voice cracked, then coughed, "I mean...they shouldn't know my soon to be second-in-command," he tried to brush off, pathetically. Collins looked down at him and chewed the side of her lip. "Alright!" she put the sushi and her wallet in a bag on a stand and slung it around her shoulders.

Saiki looked towards the girl, so this was the Collin girl that Kaidou always talked about, though he never really like her outside of friendship, though to Saiki it was obvious that he liked Kuboyasu. "Anyway, this fat gorilla here is Nendou, and this is my current and most powerful friend--"

"Saiki," he introduced himself, "Yes" Kaidou coughed, "Who are you calling a fat gorilla pipsqueak?" Nendou got real close to his face. "Anywho!" clapped Collin, "I got sushi, and I'll need to eat it soon." she walked out of the door, closing it behind her.

"Let's move," she said, and skipped to the gate, Saiki could feel himself getting annoyed at her, soon placing her at nuisance number nine.

"So why is your name so...eh?" Nendou asked, as he soon got into a fight on how you shouldn't be calling people's names 'eh', ut to a surprise Collin only laughed, "I'm American and Polish," she laughed on at the two bickerings like children.

"Moved here a while back with my dad," she smiled, but the two who were bickering only stopped when Kaidou got a huge slap across his head. "Oh, that's so cool!" Nendou gasped in awe.

Wrong-way, the wind seemed to whisper, as Kaidou stopped at a crosswalk. "Oh, we turn left here," as all four turned left. Saiki paused his head for a moment, that wasn't him whispering that they were going in the wrong direction, Saiki looked ahead at the three who were laughing.

Saiki would figure this out later, as they walked into a ramen shop. Where they all got a bowl of ramen.

Everything to Saiki was normal until he heard pure silence, no one was moving, frozen solid. Saiki also paused in thought as his eyes darted toward Collin, a cup of water spilled, but before it spilled she was pushing back the cup almost knocked down by Nendou.

Though before he could put her hands down to start time again, Saiki taps her from under the table with her foot instantly teleporting them both to an ally found only a block away from where they ate.

"What did you do?" he asked as he saw the people outside of the ally not move an inch.

She only smiled, "Answer," Saiki pressed as he cornered her into a brick wall. She smiled, softly. "Oh nothing," she laughed her hands still up, she hadn't moved time yet. She stared off for a while, Saiki snapped in front of her face.

"This is kinkier than what I like," she stated truthfully, "I'm more for other people romance than the romance of my own," she shrugged.

"But if you wanted a date you could have asked," she kissed his nose and skipped away to ramen, Saiki just stood there as people began moving again.

He followed her out of the ally way, and back to the ramen shop. A face with a bit of color that he wasn't able to cool down from.

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