Lost! Kokomi x Male! Reader

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Title: A Boy Like You

No One's P.O.V

Being lost is never fun. Though being lost is a good way to learn your way across cities, roads and other unknown areas throughout the day. Day. As for Kokomi, she was throwing a fit since she didn't get Saiki to look at her. So the dramatic one she is, she ran into town losing track of the trip she planned out with a few of her friends on summer break. She walked relentlessly as she tried to call her friends that never answered.

Ending up with a dead phone with no charger. That's how she felt, trying so hard to get to someone who never acknowledges them and it gets tiring. Trying so hard to make it with just a little energy left to get them then pow... it's all gone. Her love for Saiki shredded into 1 million and a half pieces. Why did she even like him? He ignores her, annoyed by her, and pretty much hates her. In that busy town, she thought she only saw a hallucination of the teen, though it may have all been fake and Saiki was just trying to avoid her.

Kokomi sighed trying to push past the feeling of truth as she continued to try and find her hotel path, that was only lit by her dying silver aura that faded to the feeling that she couldn't get ahold of the guy's heart she always wanted. A tear that was unknown to her fell on the concrete as she slung her head low in shame. Every boy liked her except for him and she's the one that was thought to be perfect.

Ignoring the advice from the locals trying to help was the worst antic made, she was sure Saiki would find her, or one of her friends, but no one came to the rescue. She gave up as she sat on a dull bench on the side of the path with a few empty liquor scented boxes and barrels were around as the bench was near a dark alleyway as if waiting for something to go wrong.

She sobbed in her hands for some time. Her nose was runny her eyes were swollen red and tears were stained on her cheek. She then heard a car, she could finally ask directions. The driver pulled down his windows of the (C/t) car (Car type). "Miss, you need help?" he asked as he stuck his head out the window to get a better look at her. "Yes please." her voice cracked at the moment.

"What do you need?" the unknown man asked. Teruhashi suddenly remembered a poster that was read on a plane safety guild when they landed 'Never to trust an unknown person when alone and at night' she remembered. "I need to get to Sun Sky Hotel and Restaurant," she said "can you show me the way?" she asked. The man nodded and pulled out his phone to see the direction. His eyes widen "Miss, it's a 3-hour walk and across to the high way. You may want to get a driver." he said as he showed her the map.

"I don't have my phone and I don't have any money!" she exclaimed as panic raised to her voice. He sighed "Would you like to come with me it's a one hour drive." he said as he seemed guilty to ask. "No thank you I'll manage, I'm sure I will," she said as tears came waterfalling out. "Come on you'll get hurt," he said still in his car. "here you can sit behind me so you know that I can hurt you," he said.

It took Teruhashi a moment to realize it was best to do so, even with a large risk at her life. Though she had no money, no phone and was hungry, it would hurt if she turned it down. She nodded as she went into the car back. Though it had a noisy cat that kept hissing the moment the car started to drive. "The Sun Sky Hotel, right?" he asked as an 'mhmm.' was all that she said.

"So Miss, what's your name?" he asked to break the silence. "Teruhashi," she said. "Teruhashi...Teruhashi...it's so familiar." he mumbled "Oh yes! My once co-worker Saiko quit his agreement with me so he could be with you." he said as he laughed "How did that turn out." he chuckled as if knowing the answer. "Well anyway I'm (L/n) (Y/n)," he said as he turned the corner. The cat hissing even louder. "Teruhashi would you like to move, up here? The cat doesn't seem to like you," he said.

"Um..okay..." she said as she moved up front with of the driving car. She fell to her seat with a sigh. (Y/n) looked over to her his hair flipping at the motion. He pulled to the side. As he frightened Teruhashi. "W-why did you s-stop?" she asked terrified. "Open the glove compartment." he instructed "W-why?" she stuttered "Just do so," he said. She agreed, knowing it might be the end of her life. As she opened the compartment it fell down only to see registration and licenses plus a box with a red cross.

He reached over her and took out the box "your arm is bleeding." he said. Teruhashi looked at her left arm nothing closest to him. He smiled "Your other arm, silly." he reasoned with her. She looked over to see the cat had scratched her and she hadn't even noticed. "How did you know?" she asked. "I could smell the blood, plus you're a little pale." he said "Turn with your arm facing me," he said. She nodded as she faced the back of the seat, (L/n) started to work away.

He wiped disinfectant wipes and got some gauze and bandages wrapping it around her arm to stop the bleeding. "There!" he congratulated himself as she went back to the seat. Teruhashi turned over as she said 'Thank you' with a smile and a nod returned. Her face pink with how close their faces where while (Y/n) didn't notice.

At one point Teruhashi fell asleep through the rest of the ride. When he got to the hotel he tried to wake her up but to no avail. After 5 minutes he thought best to carry her as so he did. He left his car and walked to the other side, he opened the doors and pulled her out. As he carried her with her legs only dangling from his arms.

He walked through the front door "Hello, may I ask where is the room for Miss. Teruhashi?" he asked the lady at the front. He looked around the nice hotel from his response while waiting for an answer. Waterfalls on the walls with real and fake plants it looked nice. As the desk was made from beads and marbles.

"Sorry, I can't give out that information," she said not looking up once. He walked away as she laid the sleeping Teruhashi on the couches. "But miss, please," he asked with hope in his voice. The lady looked up "I said n-" she cut off her sentence as she looked at the 16-year-old. He had beautiful spikey (H/c) hair with large beautiful (e/c) eyes and a sharp jawline, making him look like a model. "Room 203 on the left take the 3rd elevator and here's the key." she quickly said passing the card.

He smiled "Why thank you." he said lavishly internally bubbling with excitement as his inner 'host' was perfectly done as his step-brother Tamaki showed him. He picked Teruhashi up and walked into the elevator. Getting to room 203.

He exited the elevator quickly finding the room. He thought best to knock as it was only 10:30. He knocked as Teruhashi slept on the nearby couch that was luckily placed. No answer he knocked again harder. There was finally an answer. The rooms were connected as he saw inside one section for the boys and one for the girls. "Can I help you?" a girl with a bright pink bow in her hair asked as 3 boys came in from the attached room door.

"I have your friend, she was alone in the city," he said a little aggravated that they were all here just as Teruhashi explained them all in a former conversation. "Uh...yes please," she said as she looked for her. "I'll get her," he said as he picked up Teruhashi and walked into the room uninvited as he set her on the bed with no harm. "What happened to her arm?" a boy with blue hair asked "Scratched by my cat," he said though he could feel that they thought it was a lie.

"Good night," he said though continuing his small speech. "hopefully one day you'll be better friends with her," he said walking away as the door shut. How could I miss a girl like her she was special. Like I'd ever hopefully she sees it. he smiled as he walked to his car.


The next morning Teruhashi woke up, she was in her hotel room. Everyone else was asleep. She thought it was best to take a shower since last night. She walked into the restroom and undid the bandage. Though before she could throw it away she saw some markings. Looking closer it read 'It's not everyday I meet a girl like you, call me if you need a friend' it read as the numbers below was his phone number.

She smiled 'It's not everyday I meet a boy like you'

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