Kusuo x Famous! Reader

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Title: Adventure to be with You

Kusuo's P.O.V

"Did you hear (y/n) (l/n) is coming to our school she's in our class."

"Really like the singer, why do you think she's coming?"

"I don't know nor do I care, she's hot." the boys in my class talked amongst each other, spreading the word that a hot new solo singer came to our Acadamy.

"Oh, really she's coming here?"

"Ya, she is. God, I love her singing."

"Maybe I could be friends with her?" the girls in our class also talked with each other about the unexpected visitor.

Though as much as I don't like the class being like this, I myself, is quite excited. (L/n) (y/n), the top solo artist recognized, she became an overnight sensation around 2 1/2 years ago after a song went online of her singing Willow (I don't own the song) I'm a fan of hers and really like all the others I hope I do meet her.

"Okay students in your seats a student is joining us today." the teacher explained, "Come in, please," she called. Then the doors slid open and in came a girl with a rich (h/c) hair and shining (e/c) eyes. She wrote her name on the board "Hello," she turned and faced the classroom. "my name is (l/n) (y/n) good to meet you all, I'll be staying for this semester."

Everyone's heads shot up, "Very well then (l/n) go sit next to Saiki, Saiki lift your hand." the teacher asks, 'He seems normal enough, I hope no ones just friends with me since I'm well known.' Sorry to burst your bubble (l/n) but if you want to be friends with anyone here, they want you for your fame nothing else. I internally shake my head.

Now everyone around me is glaring at me for having her be next to me. Darn, I really regret saying I was hoping to meet her. She gave me a smile and looked up to the teacher who was starting a lesson. At the end of the school day, everyone surrounds her desk. "You look really pretty"

"Are you really a singer"

"I don't really like your music, but your hot so I'll let you pass" when she heard that she looked sharply at the green haired idiot also known as Takahashi, she grabbed him by the collar of his uniform "I don't care if you don't like my music," she started to get really angry people stepped back as I moved my chair "but you can't be that stupid you wormed mouth womanizer." she threw him on the floor.

"If I ever catch you being a sexist pig to anyone you better watch your back!" she snapped as he crawled away. 'Scary' then something unexpected happened, the whole class cheered for (l/n) who put him in his place 'Not what I expected but, okay' she thought.

By the end of the school day, (y/n) popularity ski rocketed people even started to ignore Teruhashi for that matter. (Y/n) quickly took off her shoes 'Shoot, he might be here soon damn it I'm waisting too much time,' though what I really wondered was who was (l/n) running away from though as much as I hate wasting my time, this would be a good moment to know her.

I tap her on the shoulder, she jumps. "Oh sorry you scared me." she said, "Are you okay, you seem to be nervous?" I ask her. She laughs a little bit "Um...their is some guy following me and he won't take 'leave me alone' as an answer. So I'm trying to avoid him." she explained.

I feel like this is Toritsuka she's talking about. "Oh ya and umm..." she digs through her pockets "have you seen this address," she asks showing me the house two away from mine, so Yuuta's neighbor. I nod, "sorry I don't know the way can you help me get them." I nod as to tell her to follow.

We didn't talk, she tried to start a conversation which I ended quickly since I don't really want people to think we're friends. Ya sure she's famous, but by the end of the year, she'll think she's high and mighty like Teruhashi or Saiko.

Though that never happened. When we would walk to school she'd invite me in here and there for tea and cake which I happily agreed to. Though she did start having a minor crush on me I didn't really care much. Since it doesn't affect our friendship in anyway and she would always give me sweets which were a one up.

But one day she never returned home after school, I thought she may have left without me home so when I knocked on her door only her mom answered and she said she wasn't home yet. I called her phone, no answer. I try to use clairvoyance to find her, but it was pitch dark. I started to get a little nervous about the first person I called my friend.

I went back to school, but no one has seen her. I use psychometry on her desk. I see her stand up and go outside. Then some guy in a hood had a cloth and put it across her face. After a minute she went limp and he dragged her in a van and drove away. Though right before it ended I could see the plate of the van.

I use clairvoyance to see the car driving right out of Tokyo Japan and into a neighboring city. I quickly teleport to see the van passing me, and I run and find a way to open the back. "Hey what the hell are you doing?" one of the members ask, though I end up punching him unconscious. "You have two options; one: you listen to my instructions and you'll be okay in 1-2 pieces or two: you don't do what I say and your limbs would be broken one by one, on top of that I'll give you a painful death," I say darkly.

He starts to shake, "I c-ch-choose o-one, p-please do-don't h-h-hurt m-me!" he cries. "Stop at the side of the road which was nicely near a forest that he could get lost in, I drag him out of the car and throw his out, hearing a thud and a grown from bellow, so he was alive and to be nice a sent a bottle of ice water which hit him, giving another groan.

I go back into the back which was open. I see (l/n) on her side, her eyes are covered with a black blindfold and her legs and wrists are cuffed together. I quickly rip the cuffs off, and take the blindfold off too, she looks up at me her eyes are (e/c) and red, puffy too from crying. "Saiki," she cried into my chest. "I don't know what happened, I was waiting for you at the gate but they took me!" she cried even harder.

I rubbed her back as she cried, then fell asleep again, it was around 9 o'clock at night. I took her to her house as I set her down. Though she was still grabbing onto my shirt, I didn't want to hurt her, so I played on her bed as she nestled onto my side, my eyes got heavy as I quickly found my way into a very peaceful sleep. I woke up again to see morning on a Saturday (y/n) still on my side.

Her parents have work from 8 p.m. - 5 a.m. but they left yesterday for a trip so it was only us. I lean against the wall as (l/n) woke up groggily. She rubbed her eyes which weren't puffy anymore. "Thanks, Saiki!" she smiled at me as I ruffled her hair. "Just Kusuo would be fine." I smile "Just (y/n) for me then." she laughed. "Let's eat," she said as she left her room to go downstairs.


"So yesterday...again thank you," she said as she looked down in her bowl of cereal. I nod as she continues to look at me. "and thank you for being my friend, not for what I am but for who I am." she finishes. I laugh a little as she gives me a surprised look. "It's an adventure being with you." she smiles at mean nods

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