Dead! Kusuo x Dead O.C.

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Kusuo's P.O.V

One final blow is all it look. One final hit. One final look at the world I once walked upon with everyone I loved. One. Is what saved the world from more pain and misery. One is all it look to stop any further more injuries to my self or the ones I should have considered family, but now it's all over, that's all it took, just to take me out of this world to make peace. For the rest. Was it a risk? Well, yes. Did I want too? Well no.

Bang! Exploded something near by. People where running, crying and hiding, from the incoming attacks. No one knew what the war was about. It had no cause. The only hypothesis I concluded was for no reason. I couldn't sense any fight or any problem to cause this. It was a war for no reason. Unfortunately sad, though I wasn't sad. This needed to end and it needed to end now! Something was heading towards my school, people sheltered their until they had money or someone could help us. All of the townsfolk where their, I was the only one to help.

This was my job. I made an energy ball. Larger and larger I was loosing energy from lack of sleep and food. I didn't care if anyone sees me with my powers, they would be lucky to see the end. I aimed. I fired I hit the target. Everything exploded. People where hiding for cover and shelter, trying to gather their family. Everything exploded, though no one was hurt except for me, everything felt numb and turned black. I felt my self falling, barley feeling the wind in the sky or the sun that for some reason just started to show, with dark gray clouds around it.

I hit the floor, pain was barley shot through my back, I couldn't move my arms, or anything. Last thing I heard was "K-k-kusuo? Are you okay?" I used all my effort to see who it was. I saw Mari holding her shoulder as red blood came running down from it also making her hand red her eye patch was still on from a unknown source that shot her, she then collapsed to the ground. That was the last thing I heard or saw. Though I felt my body getting warm with liquid that was thick and watery at the same time. I tasted a foul sour bump in my mouth like a brick of salt with lemon.

Though unfortunately my time had came up, sooner than I expected. Death. was taking over me, slowly put in a painfully painless way. I'm not proud of myself for dying so early in my supposed to be long life, but at least other younger children will live longer than me. I feel my self start to float like a light bird. I could hear again, and when I tried to open my eyes I could see too! I didn't feel sticky or dirty, I felt like new.

Well, maybe because I was. I didn't see in the eyes I wanted to see in I was in the sky floating, though no one could see me. I looked down to see what the people where looking at. Only to see Mari and I on the ground surrounded by blood. No. No no no no no no that's not how it was suppose to end! Me and Mari where suppose to live together alive, happily, not with sorrow or with pain. The concrete was red and so was my once pink bubble gum hair was now red. Mari's once white hair was also a Scarlet and crimson red as well as her eye patch. Fires seemed to stop burning. And everything slowed down at abnormal paces.

I cried. Not for me, but for Mari too. Though my tears didn't go down my face or into my hands. It just drip. Hit the street floor, like rain, not because it wasn't because it was rain. My once salty tears turned into water droplets to feed the trees and the flowers, to make the children have messy fun. For new couples to have fun and find shelter together. My ripped school clothes where now red and a tint of green my skin was pale and it was obvious that I was dead and everyone else knew it.

I look around me. I see my mom crying over my dead body hoping it was a nightmare seeing her son risk all of Japan for a trade of his life. My dad was rubbing her back his hands covering his face, though his hand didn't block the tears. He was kneeling next to her.Finally my brother standing behind my parents crying more than both of them combined. I guess I never really showed my respect to him.

I sealed my lips into a straight line across my mouth. I cried even more, causing a storm around Tokyo Japan. Everyone I ever knew the people I hated to call my friends, the street performers, my teachers even Amp sat around in a circle. All circled around me sobbing to them selves or hugging each other. Even Makoto was their holding onto Kokomi's head as she was crying into his chest. Amp was their sitting on the ground crying. I really never took my life that seriously thinking that I'll be able to live as long, when I want, how I want. But that's not how it tured out in the end to be. The saying is true 'you don't know what you have until it's all taken away'

I look around once more, then back to my body, though I'm not the only one their. I was holding onto Mari's hand blood also surrounded her. Now I couldn't even stop my cry. I sobbed, I screamed, I yelled only causing a lightning strike and more raining. I lived for her, I died for her, I risked my life so she could stay alive. Why did god hate me so much! God took the only person who understood me the only one I really loved who wasn't in my family. I yelled so hard and cried. Did anything to make Mari come back to life.

Though my tantrum did nothing but start an earthquake, though no one moved though. Feet or knees planted to the ground, like a large old willow tree. I look back at Mari still on the ground lifeless. My mission was failed. I promised my life to her, now she's gone. Then some light came from her body, though it was clear that I was the only one seeing it. Up rose Mari from her own previous body. Her eye still missing from an attack a few days previous to today when pistols where going off in the streets hitting Mari in her right eye. She looked at me and then the crowd. Tears running to the ground. One this about Toritsuka that I learned is that spirits are physical to other spirits.

I floated over to her and gave her a hug. That was the straw to her, she cried and sobbed begging to go back to the human walking world. Though we both know, not even the most talented did that.

Me and Mari had our funeral together. By the end everyone I knew had bought a piece of grassy green land, planting above our tomb stone, one baby willow tree under me and one cherry blossom under Mari.

Even after years had gone by, we where remembered for saving Japan. Our trees grew together, to large beautiful willow and cherry trees. Years of looking over my family and friends, they all came to join us, so we could finally be the large family that we always wanted.

I'm so sorry for the really sad chapter, I got to caught up into it. I even shed a few tears while making this. I do not own the The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. nor do I own the characters. (Except for the O.Cs) I also don't own any of the images I used.

Word count - 1380

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