Aren x Delinquent O.C.

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(P.K. Acadamy takes place in Tokyo Japan in this fanfiction)

Title: A Delinquent Isn't being a Bad Person

After a full school year of staying at P.K Acadamy Aren thought best to visit his home town, of Yokohama. The thought stuck with him for a while, and when summer break rolled around he didn't make any summer plans and went back to see how his once feared gang was doing now.

On the first Monday school was out Aren got on his new motorcycle and drove 40 minutes into Yokohama. He memorized the streets through the large city when living here when was the best places to come out at night, where the police searched the most. As he looks around he sees his gang sign being taken off, that was the last gang sign he ever promised to do.

He drove his motorcycle into the ally that was once part of the 'Kubuyasu Gang' he had lots of memories here when all of his 'friends' and him drank till the following dark, then would ruin the streets with spray paint of a large 'K' standing for the 'K' in Kubuyasu. Now the once terrifying ally was empty with ruined boxes and silver flasks that could be seen in the dark moonlight.

He looked to his right where many boxes stand that's where a large 'K' was saying that they 'owned' the ally, but it was covered with a 'K.Y'. Aren face paled into a ghost white, he couldn't believe it they let her take over the once Kubuyasu Gang, Aren found out how dangerous coming back could mean, he stepped back slowly, taking a sharp pocket knife if anyone shows up. "Aww~ leaving so soon," he heard someone say.

I sharply looked around to see if anyone was there. He looks upon the wall to see a blond haired girl with white stained jeans and a black shirt standing on the roof of a low building. "you finally came back!" she smirked, they let Katsu Yami take over his family's gang. "Aren, I wish it was nice to see you back." she laughed as she jumped down from the building onto the ground a few feet away from him.

"What happened Katsu?" he said sharply, "Oh, we're on last name bases now? Very well then." she shrugged to the moon though now something felt odd. "Do you know what my name means?" she asked, though one special thing about Katsu is that she was great into leading people into a trap. "Victory," he said trying not to fall for her traps which he's done many times.

She tapped her finger on her chin, "I guess you could say that," but it wasn't her finger it was a knife, she took the knife off her chin and let it rest on her side. "It means 'wins', so what I'm saying is my full name can be translated into English by 'Darkness Wins' or for you 'Darkness Victory'" Aren was confused, "What does this have to do with anything?" he asked.

"Well," she explained, "ever since you left us 60 had to find a way to survive, you gave us food, a place to live, and meaning to our life." Aren eyes widen seeing where this was going "Ever since you left 'us' 60 turned into 'us 50' than 'us 40' now we're at 'us 30'. My parents got jailed ever since you left with your family, I have nothing! Nothing left! No family no friends, so as the leader I am. I took over your gang. I run in the darkness and me, I always. Win. It was a victorious moment for me."

Aren stepped back. He ruined half of his gang's life because he wanted a better life for himself, not anyone else. "So?" she said tears streaming down her face with a complete change in attitude"What ya' gonna' do?" she smiled through the rainfall of tears. She dropped her knife and fell to her knees "You always hated this gang, you hated me. Said anytime I was vulnerable you will kill me," she looked at him, "You can change your looks, cut and dye your hair, change the way you speak, talk act, but you can't change the things you said to me. So what are you waiting for, kill me? Kill me god danmit!"

She cursed him, Aren really never thought of how everyone else was affected by his sudden leave, and he'll have to pay the price. Sure he said some crap to Yami but really it was in good intentions, he was hiding his feelings for her in anger. He walked up to her as she bowed her head down waiting for death, though she didn't notice he put his knife away. He got on his knees and...hugged her? "I'm sorry," he said as years worth of tears, sadness, and anger came pouring out of her eyes.

They stayed like that for hours until she fell asleep crying. "I'm sorry" he whispered as he carried her into his apartment that he had bought when living here, he actually almost forgot this place existed. As he opened the door with the key that was always under the potted plant which was now dead he was lead into a cleaned home, that Yami would always clean up if the Kubuyasu's ever came back.

Aren placed her on what was once his bed as he placed the dark blue covers over her body. Aren stared at her for a moment, a teen, no older than 16 taking after a gang that was once someone she'd look up too, tear stains down her face; on the corners of her eyes, and down her cheek. Aren went into the kitchen to see what was left, and in surprise, the pantry was filled with small microwaveable ramen cups and frozen pizza. He looked at the picture on the walls, he saw the last 30 people in a martial arts class Yami at the front with a black belt while the others who were all men went throughout the colors big buff men standing behind a small girl with a big grin on her face.

He continued, he saw each of them with a sign each in a place where they got a job in different places throughout Japan, then one last photo, and it hurt like the living devil, it was him and Yami when 13 years old, he remembered when they where 13 is when they painted graffiti on the walls together, but it was also the year when Yami's little sister went missing and considered dead, that was really the last picture when Yami smile reached her eyes, she'd refuse to lose in fights so it was like an 'Avengement' for little sister Kori.

"Going through my stuff now." she laughed behind him, "really there isn't really 30 of us left, at first we were a part of the gang but I shaped their lives. I was too young to get a job and they all went away, but there is actually 30 of us left alive, the last 30 are in prison or died of murder or suicide." She explained "Wanna go to Tokyo?" he asked though she only scoffed "And do what? cut and dye my hair, act like nothing ever happened before getting to Tokyo? Y'know what you did, I've been to Tokyo to see how you were holding up,"

She frowned "you lived your life with your friends normally like you didn't remember us. You used the word 'Delinquent' like a bad thing. I'm not sure who put that crap into your brain but... a delinquent is a young person who had done shin scraping, stupid things around the city." Aren was about to cut her off "Being a delinquent isn't being a bad person." she scoffed again "Like you would know, your stupid butt chinned gorilla friend is as dense as you are." Aren laughed, as she smiled. Later that day Aren got her to come to Tokyo and got back home around 7 at night.


At the end of the summer, Yami Katsu lived with the Kubuyasu's though she and Rean would usually get into fist fights nothing ever terrible happened (If you didn't read the Manga Rean is Aren's dad) she even joined P.K Acadamy to get a decent education and found some of her own members of the Katsu Yami working as an engineer or at stores throughout town. Aren was happy, Yami was happy and fortunate enough to be together for years to pass.

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