Kaido x Sister O.C.

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(I don't own the picture)

No One's P.O.V

"So, we should have the house to ourselves this time, my siblings are out. Sorry about last time my sister was quite rude." Kaido apologized to his friends who joined him to his house for some video games and food or something like that, after school when he should be studying for entrance exams that are 'never far enough to not study for' his mother used to and still does say. As Kaido was unlocking the door in the front he heard mumbling noises from inside.

He turned to his two friends who heard nothing by their looks, but in the result, it was useless. The same boring face Saiki and idiotic Nendo. He turns the key still hearing mumbling, 'Maybe someone broke in?' Kaido thought as he started to shake a little. "What ya' shaking at runt, scared that your sister is home?" laughed Nendo, "I'm not a runt, and no my sister and brother are at cram school or at club meetings," said Kaido though he was more trying to persuade himself then Nendo. "Whatever." Nendo continued to laugh.

As Kaido opened the door he looks over to see the T.V playing, Kaido sighed as he went to turn it off, internally chuckling on what he was thinking, as he bent down to turn it off... "What do you think you're doing Shun?" a voice yells at him. Kaido not seeing the girl their jumps in the air. The blue haired teen looks at the young girl scared, as the girl looks unamused, "L-luna w-what are you doing here." He says as he straightens himself back, "You're supposed to be at the cram school, turn off the T.V."

Kaido commands the young Luna to do. She picks up the remote as if to turn it off, but at the end only changing the channel to a popular anime, she then pops a bubble gum balloon. "Why would I do that?" she asks her older brother scarily. He looks taken aback from her attitude, "You're supposed to be in cram school." Kaido says crossing his arms over his chest while looking down at Luna who takes her propped feet off the table. "You're supposed to be studying aren't you," she asked smiling, though she continued, "you told your mother that your self, oh just think how angry she would be if her oldest son wasn't following her b*tchy instructions."

Luna laughs at her brother. "W-what kind of lang-" though Kaido was shortly cut off by "Who is that," Nendo asks. "Oh, I forgot you were here." Kaido laughs. "Guys, this is my youngest sister Luna, we adopted her last month, Luna the one with pink hair and green glasses is Saiki, the other one is Nendo" Kaido explains to his sister and friends. "How the h*ll did you get a gorilla out of the zoo?" the black haired girl yells in surprise, Nendo looks around frantically, "Who, where?" he asked looking around him.

"And it can talk!" she continued to speak as he hid behind a wall, barely poking her head out. Nendo still stupidly looks around asking more questions. "She's talking about you, idiot," Shun explains to his hard-headed friend. Nendo stops and walks up to Luna, "You think that's funny huh?" he asks getting real close his face looking a little more scary than usual. Luna scared out of her witts kicks him where the sun doesn't shine, then a large piece of metallic string falls from the roof. Luna ties her waist around it pulls the string down as it sticks her to the ceiling of the house.

"What? How did you do that." the blue haired boy asks. "I got bored" was her only reply, as she started dialing the number to animal support to take away Nendo, still thinking he's a gorrila. the phone ends up slipping making it fall to the floor. Kaido looks at his friends "I think it's best if you go home." he told Saiki. Saiki got Nendos wrist and dragged him away. After they fully left Kaido was beyond angry. "What kind of sick joke was that! You made a fool out of me. Aren't you suppose to be at cram school."

"Me! You idiot, you have a mind of a fourth grader or less with your stupid 'Jet Black Wings' and sh*t like that!"

"When did you learn the vocabulary!"

"When did you learn to lie to your mother!"

"They where gonna help me study." Kaido lies and yells, though it didn't get through Luna.

"Study! Ha! That gorilla was an idiot I bet he can't even spell his own last name, the pink one wasn't going to say a word anyway! He looked like he was dragged along by your stupid antics."

"Their not stupid, Dark Reunion is real!"

"You really believe that cr*p! You're more idiotic than I imagined."

the teen and pre-teen yelled at each other for hours on end, surprisingly no one heard them. When things settled down they watched a movie with two overly large blankets and watch 'My Neighbor Totoro' together (Best movie ever) Even though Luna is new to the house and didn't fit right in. Shun loved her and was happy that unlike his other sister wouldn't yell about the noise. Actually, Luna would be a part of the noise at times.

Though before the Kaidos could watch a new movie they where both asleep. Peacefully sleeping, until their mother came home with a mouthful of yelling towards them either not studing or at school. Though they both knew it was worth it.

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