Kusuo x Seven Deadly Sins Crossover

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I have made a full book of Saiki K and Seven Deadly Sins Crossover
Title: Saiki's Sin

No ones P.O.V


then silence. Even though it was only two loud sounds it was able to wake up everyone inside the Boar Hat. . . well outside including Diane. Elizabeth shot out of bed looking around. "No worries we'll go look on whats up." Meliodas said getting out of Elizabeth's bed. He grabbed a dagger and waited for everyone else to come down. "What's the problem?" Ban said stretching out his limbs in his red leather shirt and pants. "Ya what seems to be the problem?" King said floating in the air holding his pillow. (I don't know what it's called)

After everyone gets down they all go outside looking to see what happened, they look into the distance only to see a large gap of trees missing. Meliodas jumps off Hawks Mom same as Ban and King (He floated down) as Merlin Elizabeth and Gowther climbed down, and they went to the direction of the sound and gap.

After 5 minutes of walking and being prepared for an attack, they finally reach their destination. They see a teenager with dark pink hair, laying in the middle of the hole in the ground with cuts, bruises and burns. Though he was turning in a girl and then back into a boy. . . then a girl again, and finally a boy for the final time. "Well what do we do?" Meliodas asked turning to the group. "Well he's gonna die out here Sir Meliodas we have to do something!" Exclaimed Elizabeth.

He nodded. The King of Fairies levitated him and took him to the Boar's Hat while the others followed behind not noticing the hair pin that dropped at the middle of the large pit. The group agreed to put him in Elizabeth's room until he's better. They predicted what could happen best and worst case scenarios. Though after having the pink haired teen for a few hours Gowther finds out he can't read his mind or go into his thoughts. After explaining to the troop of sins and Elizabeth they all end up agreeing to keep a keen eye on him until he wakes up or showing a threat to them or the Boar's Hat.

~Two Day Time~

After two days Saiki wakes up quickly noticing his antenna missing though he's weak from getting knocked out days ago. He tries to stand up but falls to the ground face first. Saiki hears talking and noises coming up a flight of stairs going towards him. "Look you're finally awake!" Saiki quickly turned to see a short blond guy, a tall girl with minty green hair, a woman with a very showy jacket if you could even call it that, a man with blue hair and a small boy floating in the air while sitting on a green pillow.

He slightly nodded and tried to get up without breaking anything. He finds it best to float is the air avoiding anything that he could touch. They all looked at him surprised. . . 'I thought there were no fairies left' thought the floating redhead. "I'm not a fairy," he said plainly while making the bed behind him with levitation. "He didn't say that out loud though." said the person with pink hair and a tattoo of a goat near his chest.

"I know, but just answering some questions right now," Saiki replied mono-tone voiced. "Here's a question, why can't I read your mind and if you're not a fairy how are you floating" the boy with hair almost as pink as Saiki said.

"I don't know, I can read your's just fine. How should I know fairies don't even exist." this infuriated both the small redhead and the tall man with blue hair. "What do you mean fairies aren't real? Huh?!? What do you mean!?! Then what was Elaine!" the tall man, Ban yelled. "Okay, okay, sorry. Let me rephrase that fairies, where I'm from, aren't real, myths only have them" Saiki said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Now I would like to thank you, but I am missing something very important so I don't blow up the world because of a bug." Saiki exits through the window but is stopped by a hand around his entire body. Saiki looks over to see a giant with pink tails and a very showy Orange suit.
"Captain?" she asked the small blonde. "We'll follow him," he said not caring that Saiki heard him it not. She lets him go, "Before you all follow me around like stalkers who are you anyway?"

"I'm Meliodas"






"Elizabeth and you are. . ." Elizabeth asked sweetly.

"Saiki Kusuo, just call me Saiki." then it was silent but a minute later Ban and Meliodas where rolling on the floor laughing. "Who would name a person Kusuo!" they laughed together. Saiki shook his head and set off floating away, though both of them were still laughing they followed behind him, as well as everyone else.

When he got to the ditch he created he looked around for his limiter. After a while of searching, he sees a flash of pink and green. Taking a closer look it's really his limiter. "Is that what you were looking for?" Gowther says coming up behind him, peering over his back. He nods, "Sir. Saiki found it!" Elizabeth called out from a few meters away.

Though when Elizabeth said 'Sir' he gave her a weird look. "O-oh. . . did I say something wrong?" she said looking at him. "What's with the 'sir'? Just Saiki" he told Elizabeth. "I'm sorry! A-h" she yelped. Saiki looking behind her say Meliodas pinching her. . . um. . . butt.

Saiki was done dealing with perverts. Toritsuka was the biggest pervert he'd ever met. Though when Meliodas just straight up touched her butt. Saiki was not going to deal with perverts, not now anyway. Saiki walked up to him and threw him against the nearby tree. "Pervert," he says under his breath, picking up Elizabeth by her right hand making her also levitate next to Saiki then they both were setting off back to the Boar's Hat leaving the others behind.

"Um. . . Si- Saiki?" she asked, Saiki looked over and raised his eyebrow. "Um. . . why did you do that? I mean taking me away from the group and all." she asked. "Well easy. . ." though why did he do it, he doesn't care much for people. Though Saiki just thought it was a show of gratitude after saving his life. Though he had to come up with something to tell her, that would make him seem weak.

"You were uncomfortable in the position you were in. So as my gratitude and respect for saving me, I helped you out," he says looking back to the direction of the Boar Hat. "Oh ya um. . . thank you" she says 'When I look at him he is actually quite attractive' Elizabeth thought. Saiki frowned. "I know, I've been told" Saiki replied.

Elizabeth looked confused. Then it set in, he could read minds. She turned bright red and looked away. Saiki still with a plain face looked away from Elizabeth and towards the Boar's Hat, still longing to go home.

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