Kusuo x Drunk O.C.

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Title: Drink Night
No Ones P.O.V

Who thought it would be a good idea to give Mai alcohol we all knew she couldn't handle it. Just a little bit of low fruity alcohol would be fine, but no. That was the last thing it was.

"Ku~" Mai his girlfriend of 2 years called "Where are you~" she called again in the club trying to go against all the loud music and people dancing stepping over a few pieces of broken glass. "There you are!" she yelled as she found him sitting on the bar stools seats, she walked faster to Kusuo trying not to drop her drink. "Yes Mai?" Kusuo said turning around on the chair eating an alcohol-ed filled Coffee Jello.

Still at age 20 he loves Coffee Jello just like he did in high school 3 years back (I'm pretty sure in Japan students are graduated from high school at age 17 or so). "Look at me~" Mai said twirling around in her spaghetti strapped dress with red-ish pink flowers with and bright green leafs. "You look very nice." He said smiling lightly at her. "Aw~ aren't you just adorable" Mai told him then taking a seat right next to him. Though when Saiki saw her glass he saw it empty he frowned.

"How much did you drink." he asked

"Well since you asked nicely I would give you a very nice reply though when I was buying one and the sales bartender real nice of him gave me another one, I'm not sure if he put it on my tab or not bu-" She was cut off

"How many did you drink?" he asked again a little annoyed on how his girlfriend acts drunk. He was looking at her straight in her eyes, she looked down at her fingers and put a finger up... then another... then another... and another. After a while she put out 8 fingers. "This many!" she laughed like a child who was just having a kiddie birthday party for the first time. Though he was beyond surprised. Eight? Eight drinks? Why would she drink that many, and oh gosh, the drinks here where expensive.

When Kusuo tried reading her thoughts he only was welcomed into her mind by foggy images and words. 'Jeez' he thought 'Why was she drinking so much' he asked himself. "Kusuo~" he looked back at Mai. She continued.

"Am I gonna have a hang over?" '...Oh shit. This isn't going to end well' Kusuo thought again Mai's hangovers where the worst she would vomit and wouldn't be able to move a muscle for the entire day. Though considering how many drinks she had the hang over might last for 2 days or so. "Most likely" he said continuing to eat his coffee jelly.

"WHA!" Mai yelled. Though no one else heard her for the music was still loudly playing in the background with purple, green, blue and yellow lights shining all over the place. "Why! Do something." She yelled at him. "No you have to face your own consequences." He scolded her like a child. "But Bu-" she started "No buts" he said cutting her off again. Mai was actually one of the few people who knew about his powers, and Mai being drunk she could accidentally tell people about her boyfriend being a psychic and all.

Though I doubt anyone would believe her. The bartenders here have seen many crazy people here. "Can we go now?" Kusuo asked. "Yes please." she said looking down and getting off the red stool. "Can I drive?" She asked

"Do you want yourself in prison?" he asked


"Then there's your answer." he said smiling at her. "Your so mean." She said as she crossed her arms and looked away. "Her I'm just trying to help you, ya know" he said hugging her from behind and giving her a kiss on the cheek. She giggled and looked behind her. "I know, let's go." she said getting out of the hug Kusuo payed the large bill and walked to the car that wasn't parked so far away. They walked to the car, it was a grey car that Kusuke built for her and Kusuo for their first anniversary it was a 'Kusuke Original Motor' he called it, it was most likely chipped so Saiki searched the car and he was found right. He found a total of 10 chips in the frond seats of the car, eight in the back and a grand total of 25 in the exterior all around the car.

'Those where all of them' Kusuke said, though he would microchip the car and his little brother's limiter he isn't the type to lie. Kusuo turned on the car and headed toward their shared home. Some where in the drive home Mai fell asleep peacefully. When they got to their house he picked up Mai from her seat taking her to their room.

"Wake up, Mai wake up" he said poking her gently so she can out on some night wear. Though she wasn't. 'What do I do? Should I just let her sleep in her clothes, though she would wake up with a hang over and uncomfortable' where just the few things in his head that where coming up in his head. Though in the end he took the chance of having a huge nose bleed moment he thought it was the better idea. Grabbing a pair of blue pajamas he slowly zipping down her dress so she doesn't wake up. he took off the skinny straps genitally and took the rest of the dress off below her waist. Now she was just laying in bed with a bra on and underwear. He grabbed her pants and put them on her.

Then when he was going to put Mai's shirt on he remembered that her back starts to hurt when she sleeps with a bra. 'Well now what? Choice one she can deal with the miserable back pain and hangover or just the hang over?' He didn't want to make his girlfriend feel worse for something he did. He clipped off her bra taking it off of her gently. He puts on her shirt though faced with another problem the shirt had to be buttoned from the front. With a sigh he gently flipped her over, her chest fully exposed. He's nose started to lightly bleed, he buttoned from the bottom of the shirt to the top more nose bleeds and more nose bleeds until he finished buttoning her white buttons together.

Falling on the floor with nose bleeds all over the ground he fell asleep on the floor tired of the night and embarrassed on what just happened. He fell asleep quickly for just having a pillow on his head.

~Time Skip to the next morning~

Saiki woke up to the sounds of vomiting from the washroom around 7 A.M. He went over there to see Mai over the toilet. She was very pretty though it really was ruined to the smell of vomit and her pinkish pale skin as white as a ghost. Being a good boyfriend he held her pink hair back before any vomit could get to it first. After 10 or so minutes Mai stopped vomiting...for now. Saiki told her to take a bath and brush her teeth which she agreed. Though Saiki was afraid that she was going to pass out. He would stay in the bathroom with her. He turned on a bath with bubbles. She finished brushing her teeth then took off her now dirty pajamas having them now in the laundry basket to be cleaned, then she got in it the tub having her knees pressed with her face.

"Hey Kusuo." She said quietly. He 'Hmm-ed' show he was listening. "Can you come take a bath with me?" she asked. Kusuo was speechless Mai asked for much lots of things but this was out of her zone by a long shot. "Please Ku~ I'm not feeling well." She begged and Kusuo could never go against her begging. He nodded and undressed from his pajamas and boxers and got into the bubbled filled bath tub.

Though he remembered last night- he cut that thought off short not wanting to remember that again. He got in then Mai sat on his lap. "I love you..." She said quietly laying her head on his shoulder closing her eyes "Love you too" Her boyfriend said playing with her long hair.

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