| Chapter 37 : Dreams |

Start from the beginning

It wasn't a small room and jongin had even once suggested we would take it as a bedroom so I could sleep without having others around but I didnt want to .. I liked sharing the living room with the others and jongin... I wasn't comfortable sleeping in this dark empty room of an old mans house that murdered ?

,, I dont know ... " he said while walking back toward me pulling his fresh shirt down. ,, what do you Think "

I thought for a moment already having assumed it since a few days but never realy admitting to it because I didnt want to think of it.

Unaware of it, I glanced onto my lap having these horrible images replay in front of my eyes.
,, nugget .. "

He helped me pull off my pullover and I grunted holding my belly when the little one kicked again at it realizing his daddy is close.

He smiled putting his hand gently onto my belly stretching his fingers out to slowly rub circles over.
I sighed in content laying my hand as always onto his, causing him to look into my eyes again.

,, you know.. it's tradition ti honor our close ones when they fall ..." I started knowing I didnt realy need to explain the way we humans and hunters added lived. ,, even when one dies we aren't suppose to leave the bodies behind and if it got lost it's the close ones job to find it no matter how long it takes and bury them... "

,, you think he went to burry your father "
My eyes saddened as he said it out loud. Hearing it was so much more painful than just thinking of it.

He pulled me close when I looked away biting my bottom lip not wanting to start crying again but it was pretty much inevitable ,, it's ok " he mutterd kissing the side of my head as he stroke over my back gently.

,, I should be the one to burry him " I cried in a whisper before burying my face in his shoulder.

He pulled back gently to cup my face and make me look at him through my tears.
,, you did what you had to... everyone is proud of you, it's not your fault.. you saved us all and so many more lives dont forget that, it's time to think of yourself "

I looked down.. even tho I learned to slowly believe his words, the horrible feeling of thinking back to it wont go away and I know it wont not this soon after it happened. It's still too fresh.

I looked onto my belly when the little one kicked again but in a soft way which even drew jongins attention.
,, I know little one, I keep telling him to not be sad anymore but he doesn't listen" jongin shrugged his shoulders and I cracked a smile when I looked at him and he smiled back at me.

,, dont stress ok.. its gonna be alright" he gave a soft peek on my lips and I nodded biting onto both my lips.
,, in time it will be.. I'm here for you, you know that... you can talk to me-"
,, anytime and everywhere " i imitated him and he swallowed wearing a small smile when he looked back down taking both my hands in his again, he rose them to cup his face.

,, I'm not gonna be offended now " this time a giggled and he dropped his hands from mine smiling softly at me as I kept my hands on his cheeks to look into his eyes, moving closer to give him more than just a lazy peak like he had earlier.
Moving mine against his which he gladly did aswell enjoying the moment with me.

Whenever I had an issue i knew wi could come to him and would feel better after it. I knew that and I always got reminded of it at times like these.. and I also hoped he would feel the same about his problems.

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