Chapter 5 [Edited]

Start from the beginning

'I was just wondering what you said about my car.' I started off. 

'Oh yeah, since I heard you'll be going with one direction, just ask one of those boys to call up Paul. And Paul will tell you where to pick up your car.' She instructed. 

'Oh, alright. Thanks, Kellie.' I said. 

'All good. Sorry, I can't be there with you. The majority of my clients are here, so sorry. Enjoy London and nail that movie. ' I can hear her smiling. 

'No, that's fine and I most definitely will.' I giggled. 'Bye, Kel.' 

'Bye, Clara.' And we both hung up. 

'Hey, Louis. Can you call Paul and ask him where my car is?' I turned to Louis. He just nodded and dialed his number. 

'Hey Paul! I have this chick with me and she asked if you know where her car is.' I raised my eyebrow at him. 

‘The chick’s got a name.’ I stated.

‘Her name’s Clara.’ He spoke on the phone and rolled his eyes at me. i just glared at him.

‘Yep.’ ‘Hahaha, I will.’ ‘No, don’t.’ ‘I’ll tell them.’ ‘Bye Pauly!’ He hung up while chuckling. Then he kept walking.

‘Well?’ I spoke up, causing him to turn around.

‘Oh, right. He said to just walk out of the door and look for a blue Mini Cooper. Apparently you have the keys in your bag?’ Louis said. My brows furrowed and I looked into my bag. And there were car keys.

‘Since when were these in here?’ I asked no one in particular.

‘Magic? Apparation? Flying?’ Louis suggested.

‘Shut up.’ I muttered and walked out the door.

 I looked around the lot until I found a blue Mini Cooper. I clicked the unlock button to make sure it’s mine and the car beeped. I hopped into the drivers’ seat and put the car in the ignition. The passenger door opened and Louis hopped in.

‘What are you doing?’ I asked him.

‘You’re my ride. Everyone ditched me.’ He shrugged his shoulders and I rolled my eyes.

‘Where do I drop you off?’ I asked him as I pulled out of the lot.

‘Can I stay at yours?’ He asked. I groaned inside.

‘Why?’ I ask a bit too harshly.

‘Because I love you, Rose.’ He answered dramatically.

‘Sorry, Jack. I don’t love you.’ I answer back. And he cracked up laughing at my Titanic reference. Well, I guess movie references will be our thing... If I put up with him.

‘Dude, seriously. Why?’ I asked seriously when he finished laughing.

‘Becausei’msupposedtotakecareofyouwhileeveryonemakesasurpriseforyou.’ He said so fast.

‘What?’ I ask, totally confused.

‘Because I’m supposed to take care of you.’ He muttered, avoiding eye contact by looking out the window.

‘Okay, so 1, that was only half of what you said. And 2, why do you need to take care of me?’ I asked.

‘No, that was everything I said.’ He lied. Louis is by far the worst liar I've ever come across.

‘Louis. What are you not telling me?’ I asked, pulling up at the flat.

‘Nothing. I’ve told you everything.’ He muttered, not getting out of the car nor looking my way. 

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