Chapter 32 Church bells are ringing!!

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HEY GUYS!!! you forgive me yet?? if you haven't, please shout at me with the boxes provided below hehe!! :)) ON TO THE STORY!! :))


"Emm... I don't know?"I shrugged

Sophie Pov

"Ish!! pull yourself together women!!" i screamed at Corella.

"yes mom!!" she said then started chuckling like a mad women.

I looked at her like.... okay then nevermind. I have no idea how to describe how she looked when she was chuckling.. all i can say is that she looked like a hyena. 

Corella Pov

'OKAY.. CALM DOWN! CALM THE HECK DOWN!' i thought to myself.

"ding! ding! ding!" the church bell rang.

I might have looked very horrified to Sophie and my dad because they were laughing at me. I can't belive that i am actually going to get married to Damien in a few seconds..

The Damien that rejected me in the first place and when he knew that i was actually going to be the next princess of all werewolves and queen of all supernaturals, he wanted me back... with that i felt very insecure like i was going to breakdown anytime.

~Few seconds later~ 

I walked down the aisle holding my father arm, shaking slightly but was able to fake a smile at least to reassure everyone that everything was fine. As the priest was saying" Do you Damien take Corella as your lawful wife and to stay with her through sickness, health and whatsoever problems you guys have?" Damien replied with a yes.

When it was my turn to answer the exact same question. i hesitated. I did not know whether i was marrying Damien because i really love him or because of the mate bond. Damien shook me lightly on my shoulders and called "Corella? are you okay?"

The only logical thing i could do at that time is to run. So i did just that. I picked up the hem of my wedidng dress and ran out of the church. I ran until i could run no more and sat down on a bench that was nearby.

I started sobbing, causing my mascara to run down my face in black streaks. A while later, someone sat down beside me, and stroked my hair. It was Damien.

"Why did you run away Corella?" Damien asked me, hurt evident in his voice.

"Because i did not know whether you truly love me for who i am or because i am going to be the next princess of all werewolves and queen of all supernaturals." I replied, my voice shaking.

"Damn Corella! Don't you believe that i truly love you with all of my heart?" Damien asked angrily.

"I'm sorry!! okay?" i whispered to him.

Damien did not reply. He just lifted my head up to meet his eyes and kissed me on my forehead. 

"Now do you believe me?" He asked me.

I smiled at him and said "Lets get this wedding on the road! Shall we?"

He laughed at me gleefully and said "Lets go little bride!!"

We laughed while running to the church together. I bet that we were a sight to see for people. They would probably think we were a bunch of loony's!

We entered the church with my wedding hems trailing behind me. As we were about to continue with our wedding, Sophie fainted..

"Sophie!!" I screamed.

 I ran towards Sophie and shook her. Suddenly, another werewolf that i did not know of, burst into the church and glared at me before saying "GET.. THE.. HELL.... AWAY...FROM... MY... MATE!!! "

'Mate??" i thought Sophie did not find her mate yet?

HEHE!!!!CLIFFY!! :)sorry for not uploading like when i usually upload! :( Forgive me?? there is only a few more chapters left before this book is finish! There is a sequel though :) read please?? thank you!! 



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 its okay if you think i am asking for too much! :) i just want to try it out!! :)next update in a couple of days!!

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