Chapter 2

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Heyyyyy!! whats up cuties ;) Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Karla's Pov

We alighted from the plane two hours later to find ourselves surrounded by people in ROBES?!              

" Whaaat?" was all i could say while Sophia screamed "BLOODY HELL!!" 

Then they grabbed us and dragged us to a car which seems very familiar... That's when i noticed the scent in the air.... it was THEM!!! My brothers...They always play pranks with me, so i just kept on with the act and started shouting like Sophia except i was screaming "ROGUES ROGUES!" cause i know my brothers just hate that word. Immediately some people stood up and pulled off the hoodie and bared their teeth at me...shit they really are rogues. 

Realizing that i screamed " AHH THEY REALLY ARE ROFUES!" hearing my wrong pronunciation the remaining people stood up and doubled over in laughter while some was saying" rofues rofues!?" in between laughter. Then i recognized why the scent was so familiar... I've been tricked AGAIN!! and i thought i was keeping up a pretty good act...( note the sarcasm) " I hate you guys!!!" Sophia said. 

" Come on doofus, race you back to the pack house! " i said to my brothers.  Being the smallest and the youngest wolf among my siblings, i had the advantage of being more agile and fast, plus being the only girl, i have learned to know the land like the back of my hand so i know every shortcuts to the pack house.  I cut through a small alley and entered the clearing near the pack house and waited for my brothers to come. When i saw them nearing in sight, i called out to my twin. 

" HA  i reached first, have you even been working out for the few months i have been away Brandon, i can see your flab's. " i smirked at my twin, Brandon, while the other three of my brothers taunted him too. 

Brandon thinking that he was smart attempted to insult me, not knowing that for the past few months where i was in Australia i had learned to use sarcasm, the one and only human defense a person ever needs. 

" Says the fatter one " Brandon said while trying to cover his fats.

" If i'm the fatter one why does an earthquake happen every time you jump. " I jokingly said while my brothers, Ashton, Killian and Zylen all went " OHHH DAMN you just got burned!! "

We carried on scolding each other bad nicknames until we reached the Pack House. I personally thought that ' Bird Brained Brandon" was the best cause it rhymes.

Luna Shelei Pov

" Oh my darling girl is finally coming home!!" i said to my mate, the Alpha, Eric. He just nodded his head quietly. Sensing that something is wrong, i asked Eric,  " what's wrong?" He said that one of the rogues pack had sent him an edited picture of all his pack members dying in a fight with a title i'm coming for you but he did not know which pack it was.

Unknown's Pov

" Are you sure you sent it to Alpha's Eric Pack House this time? Because i sure do not want a repeat of what happen with Alpha's Haven Pack!"

 "Yes sir!" answered the rogues.

I sighed to myself, no one can know my identity yet and that accident with Alpha's Haven Pack was a close brush. 

Rogues Pov

" If he doesn't trust that we would do the job properly, why not deliver it himself?! " Vlad says. 

" It's because he doesn't want to expose himself. You see, we have been in this pack for such a long time and we still do not know what he looks like. All we know about him is that his name is Sylvester if that is even his real name.  "  Quinton being the beta of Sylvester's actual pack knows that this is not his actual pack and that this was a rogue pack, a pack to cover up what Sylvester is doing to his own family.  

Guys please give me your comments on cast!!

1)Karla- Nina dobrev                                                  
 2)Aisha- Cara Delevingne
3) Sophia- ?


So what did your think? give some comments on who you want to put on the cast and i'll think about it!! ;)           

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